摘要: A. speaking B. talking C. taking D. getting





W:Oh, Michael…I didn’t tell you.My sister phoned yesterday.She wants to get married.

M:Married! She’s only seventeen.

1.What does Michael think of the woman’s sister?

A.She is not old enough to get married.

B.She is too old to get married.

C.She is married.

M:Waitress! I’d like the menu, please.

W:Here you are, sir.

2.Where is the man?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a train station.

C.In a restaurant.

M:Has the TV been repaired?

W:Yes.We’d expected the repairs to cost us about      dollars, but they charged us twice as much.

3.How much did the lady pay?




M:Hello, Jane.How lucky to run into you.Can you and Tom come to dinner tomorrow evening?

W:I think so.I don’t think we’re going out.

4.How does the woman respond?

A.She refuses to go to dinner.

B.She agrees to go to dinner.

C.She is angry.

M:I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could, I’d go with you to the cinema.

W:That’s too bad.I wish that you could come along.

5.Where is the man going?

A.To class.

B.To the cinema.

C.To the doctor’s office.




M:Hello, Mrs Smith.How are you?

W:Fine, thanks, Mr Downs.How’s your boy, Jack?

M:He is a bit tired.You know, he goes to school at eight o’clock every morning.He doesn’t get home till after four.Then he does his homework after ten.It often takes him a couple of hours to finish it.

W:Poor boy.Children work hard at school nowadays, don’t they? Does he like it?

M:School, you mean? Yes, he does.He likes his teachers, and that always makes a difference.

W:Yes, it does.Does he go to school by bus?

M:No, he walks.He likes walking.He meets some of his friends at the corner and they go together.

W:What does he do when it rains?

M:His uncle takes him in the car.He passes the school on the way to the office.

6.What are the two talking about?

A.Mrs Smith.

B.Mr Downs.

C.Mr Downs’ son.

7.How long does a school day last?

A.At least 8 hours.

B.About 6 hours.

C.Nearly 7 hours.

8.How does Jack usually go to school?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By car.


M:Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?

W:Speaking.Is that you, Tom?

M:Yes, it is.I am going to New Zealand in two weeks’ time, and my wife is going with me.

W:Oh, how lucky you are! How long are you going for?

M:For a couple of months, maybe half a year.My boss wants me to help set up a branch company there.Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times.Can you give us some suggestions, or just tell us about that country?

W:I’d love to.We can have a talk sometime.

M:Why not come over to dinner in my house this weekend.My wife wants to meet you as well.

W:All right.What about Saturday?

M:OK.See you at 6∶00 p. m., this coming Saturday.Goodbye!

9.Who answered the phone?


B.Tom’s wife.


10.When are they going to New Zealand?

A.In half a year.

B.In a couple of months.

C.In two weeks.

11.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan’s.

B.At Tom’s.

C.In New Zealand.


M:As you can see, Maria, the railway station is very crowded during rush hours.

W:How many people do you suppose ride into New York every day to work?

M:I don’t know.Must be several hundred thousand at least.Maybe a million.

W:I’m glad they’re not all taking this train.

M:Oh, they come from all directions, and by many different means, by railroads, ferries and subways.Then of course, some people drive in.

W:I’m a little afraid I’ll get lost.

M:You’ll soon learn that New York is a very easy city to get around.

W:Let’s see, the “Avenues” run north and south and the “Streets” run east and west, don’t they?

M:That’s right.You won’t get lost when you travel alone.

W:I hope not.

12.What can Maria see?

A.Many trains.

B.Many planes.

C.Many people.

13.What’s the woman afraid of?

A.Driving in.

B.Taking ferries(摆渡).

C.Getting lost.

14.What kind of city is New York, according to the man?

A.An easy city to get around.

B.A city full of subways.

C.A city difficult to get around.


W:Good afternoon.

M:Good afternoon.My name’s William Turner.I want to make an appointment to see Dr Smith please.

W:Yes, of course, Mr Turner.May I have your address please?

M:108 Park Road, London.

W:Yes, we have you on our records.Can you manage this afternoon at 3:00?


W:Will 3:00 be all right?

M:Well, yes, but I prefer a later time so I can come along after work.

W:Then what about 5:30?

M:Well, that’s fine.Thank you.Goodbye.


15.Who is William Turner?

A.A close friend of Dr Smith’s.

B.A patient of Dr Smith’s.

C.Both A and B.

16.When will Mr Turner go to see Dr Smith?

A.At 4∶00 p. m.

B.At 5∶00 p. m.

C.At 5∶30 p. m.

17.What’s the main idea of this dialogue?

A.Mr Turner wants to make an appointment with Dr Smith.

B.Mr Turner will go to see Dr Smith at 5∶30 p. m.

C.Mr Turner is a patient of Dr Smith’s.


If a Chinese comes to England and wants to drive his car there, he must know the English rules of the road and the English traffic signs.One rule is that he must always drive on the left.Another rule is that he mustn’t drive faster than thirty mph through town and villages.If he does not pay attention to this speed limit, the police will soon be after him.The third rule is that cars on the main road have right of way.It is not easy to drive in London, because the traffic is so busy and buses and trucks sometimes block the roads.It is much less difficult to find your way if you go by one of the red buses or the underground.There are bus stops at every street corner.And if you cannot find one, ask a policeman.He will help you at once.

18.On which side of the road are cars driven in England?

A.On the left.

B.On the right.

C.The passage doesn’t tell about that.

19.What can we know from the passage?

A.We know police in England are often after you.

B.We know police in England are often helpful.

C.We know police in England are often impolite.

20.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.English Traffic

B.Come to England

C.Traffic Rules





W:I expected you’d come to my birthday party yesterday.

M:I’m terribly sorry,Susan.I had to see off a friend of mine at the airport last night.

1.Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A.He had to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.

B.He didn’t go to the woman’s party last night.

C.He had to go to another city with his friend.

M:I must apologize for not meeting you at the airport this afternoon.You must have been unhappy.

W:Well,you should have let me know that you weren’t coming.

2.How does the woman feel?

A.Very glad.

B.Very painful.

C.A little angry.

W:I’m sorry to have kept both of you waiting.The car was held up in the traffic.

M:That’s all right.We just got here ourselves.

3.How many people are there in the dialogue?




W:You are going to New York today,aren’t you?

M:Yes.I had thought I would fly,but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.

4.How will the man get to New York?

A.By air.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

W:Daddy,have you decided what to do tomorrow?

M:We’ll go boating if it is fine.

W:Wonderful! I’m sure it will be fine.I’ve listened to the weather report.

5.What are they going to do tomorrow?

A.They are going to listen to the weather report.

B.They will go swimming.

C.They will go boating.




M:Excuse me,I’m trying to do some work.I’m afraid your children are making a lot of noise.Don’t they ever go to sleep?

W:I’m sorry.They are noisy.But you know it’s difficult to keep boys quiet.

M:I couldn’t work and I couldn’t sleep last night.And I was wakened by the noise they made early this morning.

W:I’m terribly sorry.You know they never listen to me.They are only afraid of their father.He’s away on business,but he’ll be back tomorrow.

M:I hope he can do something about it.

6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are parent and teacher.

B.They are close friends.

C.They are neighbors.

7.What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.The man is making complaint to the woman.

B.The man is making some suggestion to the woman.

C.The man is satisfied after talking to the woman.

8.What’s not the result of the children’s noise?

A.The man couldn’t work.

B.The man couldn’t sleep.

C.The man couldn’t eat.


M:Oh,come in.

W:I just dropped in to return these books.Are you getting dinner ready? Something smells good.

M:Oh,I’m just preparing some noodles.

W:I thought your wife did the cooking.

M:She did,but she said she would come home late today.

W:So you’re the cook.What are you having with the noodles?

M:Some cabbages and tomatoes.Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us?

W:Thanks,but not today.I have to hurry off.Maybe some other time.

9.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the man’s home.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a company.

10.Why does the woman come to the man’s home?

A.She wants to have dinner with him.

B.She comes to return some books.

C.She wants to learn how to cook.

11.Who does the cooking now?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.The man’s wife.


M:Don’t you just love this store? Every time I go through all the things here,I always find something interesting.

W:I know what you mean.Look at this box of clothes over here.Each piece costs only one dollar.

M:Look at what I got here!

W:What? So now you’re interested in wool coats all of a sudden.The weather is too warm for it,I think.

M:No,not that.I’m talking about this jacket from the 1950s.Isn’t it nice?

W:Yes,it is.It only costs five dollars,too.

M:I think if I clean it up a little and get the button fixed,it’ll look like it’s worth a million dollars!

W:I think I’m going to buy this little skirt and then I’ll be ready to go.How about you?

M:I’m ready anytime you are.

12.What are the speakers doing?

A.Trying on clothes.

B.Buying new clothes.

C.Buying old clothes.

13.What is the man interested in?

A.A coat.

B.A shirt.

C.A jacket.

14.What can we learn about the piece of clothes the man is interested in?

A.Some buttons are missing.

B.It’s worth millions of dollars.

C.It was made in 1950.


M:Hi,Jane.It’s nice to see you again.I heard you went to the US during your vacation.

W:Yes.I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.

M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?

W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.

M:How about the course?

W:The course was very good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class,and you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really liked this kind of class.

M:How interesting! Maybe our teacher should try that.

15.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to New York during the vacation?

A.To learn English.

B.To visit an American family.

C.To do business.

16.When did the woman come back from America?

A.On July 5th.

B.On July 6th.

C.On August 25th.

17.What in particular did the woman like about the American classes?

A.The teachers were kind.

B.The students were quite free.

C.There were too many activities in class.


  Mr.Grey was the manager of a small office in London.He lived in the country,and came to work by train.He liked walking from the train station to his office unless it was raining,because it gave him some exercise.

  One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him,“You may not remember me,sir,but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets.I stopped you in the street and asked you to lend me some money,and you lent me five pounds,because you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.”

  Mr.Grey thought for a few minutes and then said,“Yes,I remember you.Go on with your story.”

  “Well,” answered the stranger,“are you still willing to take a chance?”

18.Why did he walk from the station to his office?

A.To save money.

B.To buy something necessary.

C.To have more exercise.

19.Which of the following statements may be true?

A.The stranger once asked Mr.Grey for money.

B.The stranger and Mr.Grey knew each other very well.

C.The stranger was going to give Mr.Grey his money back.

20.What did the last sentence mean?

A.He wanted to give Mr.Grey a chance to help others.

B.He wanted to ask Mr.Grey for some more money.

C.He hoped Mr.Grey could help him to be successful in his work.

     Can you imagine what life would be like if there was no telephone? You could not   1   your friends on the
phone and talk to them. lf fire   2   out to your house, you   3   call the fire department. If somebody  4   sick,
you could not call a doctor.
     In our   5   life we need to communicate with   6   .We do this   7   by speaking to other people and listening
to what they have to say to us, and when we are  8   to them, we can do this very easily.   9   ,our voices will
not travel very far even when we  10   , and it is thanks to the   11   of the telephone that we are   12   able to
communicate with each other  13  hold talks when we are far apart. We can hear each other   14   clearly as if
we   15   in the same room.
      The man who made this 16  was Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847. Bell, a
teacher of visible speech (可视语言 ), who later moved to Canada,   17   all his time experimenting.  18   
enthusiastic(热情的) was he in his research for means for   19   speech by electricity that he left  20   time for
his day-to-day work and at one time was almost penniless (身无分文).
(     )1. A.get on     
(     )2. A.broke        
(     )3. A. should      
(     )4. A.is           
(     )5. A.daily      
(     )6. A. them        
(     )7. A. only        
(     )8. A. speaking    
(     )9. A. However     
(     )10. A. phone      
(     )11. A. experiment 
(     )12. A. not        
(     )13. A. to       
(     )14. A. as         
(     )15. A.are         
(     )16. A. machine  
(     )17. A.spent     
(     )18. A. Very       
(     )19. A. sending    
(     )20. A.some      
B. listen     
B. went       
B. could      
B. are        
B. family     
B. another    
B. mostly     
B. listening  
B. Of course  
B. laugh      
B. improvement
B. hardly     
B. nor        
B. so         
B. were       
B. possible   
B. spending   
B. So         
B. giving     
B. much       
C. see         
C. set         
C. shouldn't   
C. becomes     
C. school      
C. one another 
C. quickly     
C. close       
C. Therefore   
C. call in     
C. discovery   
C. yet         
C. and         
C. not so      
C. stay      
C. clear       
C. talking     
C. Much        
C. taking      
C. little    

D. call up    
D. put        
D. couldn't   
D. were       
D. modern     
D. the other  
D. well       
D. friendly   
D. For example
D. smile      
D. invention  
D. still      
D. but        
D. so much    
D. worked     
D. telephone  
D. took       
D. Never      
D. getting    
D. enough     


The United States is mainly an English-speaking country. The great number of population(人口) speaks English as their native language. Business, education and most publish aspects(方面) of  life are conducted in English. Across the country, people pronounce English sounds in several  different ways and some regional(地区) differences in word spelling exist, but for the most part,  Americans speak one common language. This language is sometimes called American English.

However, not everyone in the US is a native speaker of English. Most of the persons coming into the country are speakers of other languages. There are hundreds of communities around the US where English is not the most commonly used language. Chinese, Italian, German, American, Greek, Vietnamese and French are all spoken in a great number of communities in the United States. Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after English in the US. It is widely spoken in New York and across the southern part of the country.

For speakers of other languages, learning English is important, but traditionally(传统上),  teaching people to speak English as a second language was given little attention. Non-English  speakers were expected to “pick up” the language through getting in touch with people in public. Recently, this has changed. Today, most large public schools and community colleges have ESL,  English as a Second Language, programs. American English teachers feel that English students should learn the language the way they will be using it. Therefore, ESL programs teach different English lessons to different students.  Some programs teach students to communicate in English in public.

1. What language or languages do people in the United States speak?

A. English.

B. American English.

C. English and Spanish.

D. English and lots of other languages

2. ESL stands for ________.

A. English as a Special Language        

B. English as a Spoken Language

C. English and Spanish Languages        

D. English as a Second Language

3. Where is Spanish spoken in the United States?

A. In most part of New York and the southern states.

B. In New York and all the southern states.

C. In New York and across the southern part of the country.

D. In New York and many southern states.

4. “Non-English speakers were expected to ‘pick up’  the language through listening to and talking with people in public.” Here “pick up” means “________”.

A. master(without difficulty)    

B. do one's best to study

C. learn(without taking lessons)  

D. know only a little about

5. “American English teachers feel that English students should learn the language the way they will be using it.” Here “English students” means “________”.

A. the students who are English        

B. the students who know nothing about English

C. the students who wish to learn English

D. the students who come to the US from some other countries


Unhappy people glue(使粘牢) themselves to the television 30 percent more than happy people.

The finding, announced on Thursday,   1  from a survey of nearly 30,000 American adults conducted between 1975 and 2006 as part of the General Social Survey.

  2  happy people reported watching an   3   of 19 hours of television per week, unhappy people reported 25 hours a week. The results held even after   4  into account education, income, age and marital status.

In addition, happy individuals were more socially   5  , attended more religious services, voted more and    6  a newspaper more often than their less-chipper(没有精神的) counterparts.

The researchers are not sure, though, whether unhappiness   7  more television-watching or more viewing leads to unhappiness.

In fact, people say they like watching television: Past research has shown that when people watch television they   8   it. In these studies, participants reported that on a   9  from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV-watching was nearly an 8.

But perhaps the high from watching television doesn't   10  .

"These conflicting data  11  that TV may provide viewers with short-run   12  , but at the expense of long-term malaise(精神欠爽)," said researcher John Robinson, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.

In this case, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to   13  at the TV. The researchers suggest that over time, television-viewing  14   push out other activities that do have more lasting   15  . Exercise and sex come to mind, as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits.

Or, maybe television is simply a refuge(慰藉物) for people who are already   16  .

"TV is not judgmental 17  difficult, so people with   18  social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it," Robinson and UM colleague Steven Martin write in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research.

They add, "  19  , chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating(使人衰弱的) and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively   20  by a TV."

The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.

(    ) 1. A. comes                     B. arrives              C. differs              D. results

(    ) 2. A. When                      B. As                    C. While               D. Therefore

(    ) 3. A. average            B. amount             C. number            D. effort

(    ) 4. A. speaking           B. talking             C. taking              D. getting

(    ) 5. A. active                      B. positive            C. crazy                D. cozy

(    ) 6. A. look                 B. read                 C. see                   D. take

(    ) 7. A. builds up          B. cuts down         C. leads to            D. tends to

(    ) 8. A. hate                 B. enjoy                      C. adopt                      D. adapt

(    ) 9. A. fashion                    B. group               C. scale                D. rate

(    ) 10. A. last                B. decrease           C. widen               D. disappear

(    ) 11. A. report                    B. suggest             C. improve           D. admit

(    ) 12. A. excitement             B. pleasure            C. suffering          D. sadness

(    ) 13. A. glare                     B. look                 C. stare                 D. fix

(    ) 14. A. should            B. must                C. could                      D. need

(    ) 15. A. comforts         B. laughter          C. pressures          D. benefits

(    ) 16. A. tired                      B. lonely              C. bored                      D. unhappy

(    ) 17. A. and                B. neither             C. nor                  D. but

(    ) 18. A. few                B. little                 C. many                      D. quantity

(    ) 19. A. Therefore              B. Furthermore     C. However          D. Yet

(    ) 20. A. controlled              B. transformed      C. persuaded         D. entertained


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