摘要:2. fire, all exits must be kept clear. A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of [答案]C 考查介词短语辨析. [点拨]此处句意:万一着火的话-----.C项符合



  From Stanford we turned our attention north and slightly west to San Francisco.We left at a quarter past eleven in the morning and before long a car traveling the 35 miles between the two places brought us the terrible news of a city in ruins, with fires beginning at various points, and the water supply interrupted.I was fortunate enough to board the only train that got up to the city; fortunate enough also to escape in the evening by the only train that left it.This gave me and my brave female companion four hours of observation.

  By midday, when we reached the city, the smoke was heavier and the explosion had begun, but the troops, the police, and the firemen seemed to have set up order, dangerous neighborhoods were roped off everywhere and stationed with policemen, bars were closed, trucks or cars were forced into service, and everyone was at work who could work.

  It was indeed a strange sight to see an entire population in the streets busy as ants in an uncovered ant hill hurrying to save their eggs.The sidewalks were covered with well–dressed men and women, carrying precious things, or dragging big boxes to spots of greater temporary(暂时)safety, soon to be dragged farther, as the fire kept spreading!


From the passage we know that ________.

[  ]


the terrible fire spread quickly


the writer spent 8 hours in the city in all


many drivers were ready to try to help put out the fire


all the citizens took care of the public facilities


What seemed strange to the author?

[  ]


To see big boxes in the street.


To see all the San Franciscans busy working.


To see the fire spreading.


To see ants in the street.


When did the writer and his companion probably leave San Francisco?

[  ]


At midday.


At 11∶15 A.m.


At 3∶00 p.m.


At 4∶00 p.m.


Which of the following shows the right order of what had happened?

a.They returned to Stanford by train.

b.They reaches San Francisco by midday.

c.They left Stanford for San Francisco

d.They saw the whole city busy carrying their belongings out of the fire.

e.During the journey they heard the news of San Francisco in ruins.

[  ]


b, c, e, a, d


c, e, d, a, b


c, e, b, d, a


b, c, d, e, a



     Founded two years ago, All Green Electronics Recycling is a full-service electronics recycler and
collector. It offers pick-up services as well as hundreds of convenient drop-off locations, nationwide.
Currently, it collects more than two million pounds of electronics per month. All Green Electronics
Recycling announces its new national headquarters' grand opening on January 13, 2011 from 5:30 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m. ---- a Green Carpet Event ---- followed by a free, three-day electronics recycling event
aimed at giving back to the local community in Orange County. Both are open to the public and are
located at: 15561 Del Amo Ave. in Tustin. 
     "We are particularly excited about the promising new job opportunities available for California
residents," says Arman Sadeghi, CEO, All Green Electronics Recycling. 
     All Green is growing at jaw-dropping rates. While many companies continue to cut back and lay
off valuable employees, All Green has hired a new person every 4.1 days since its incorporation and
is predicted to hire another 100 employees in the next six months.
     In addition to new jobs, many local non-profits and schools will also benefit. All Green is creating
community partnerships and setting up collection events while donating a percentage of the proceeds
from the recycled electronics.
     Rather than allowing old televisions or computers to end up at the dump, All Green provides
the public with a way of recycling their old working or non-working electronics safely and responsibly
for free. In fact, those with at least 10 computers, monitors and televisions can go to:
http://www.allgreenrecycling.com to schedule a free pick up in many areas.
     Unlike many of its competitors, the company sorts and separates all e-waste within their warehouse
and does not ship anything overseas for processing. It also ensures that any electronics placed in its
care will never find its way into a landfill.
     All Green already has a recycling facility in Sacramento and is set to expand its New York
operations within 60 days.
     For more information: to check out the Electronics Recycling Carbon Footprint Calculator; or to
locate a facility in your area, visit:

1. Which of the following is true of All Green Electronics Recycling?

A. It offers secondhand electronics for free.
B. It will open on January 13, 2011 in Tustin.
C. It provides drop-off locations nationwide.
D. It has no head quarter in he past two years.

2. What does the underlined sentence "All Green is growing at jaw-dropping rates" in the third paragraph mean?

A. All Green is developing at an amazing speed.
B. All Green is very popular with employees.
C. All Green will lay off some valuable employees.
D. All Green is growing into incorporation soon.

3. What can we know from the passage?

A. All Green won't fire any employees in the coming six months.
B. It is hard to remain employed in many companies.
C. Valuable employees won't be fired in many companies.
D. The residents benefit from All Green, but schools suffer.

4. What's the difference between All Green and its competitors?

A. It provides many new jobs to the residents.
B. It donates some percentage of the proceeds.
C. It offers a safe way of recycling old electronics.
D. It never sends e-waste abroad or put it in landfills.

5.What can be inferred from paragraph 5?

A. People may throw away their old televisions or computers.
B. People must visit http://www.allgreenrecycling.com
C. Only if you have over 10 wasted electronics, can All Green handle them.
D. Only after the electronics are out of use can All Green handle them.



People know the dangers of fires.It's good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire.Here are some suggestions:

Put a smoke alarm in the house.Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off.1.________

The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.

Make escape plans.You should know all the ways out of the house.If there is fire, everyone follows the plan to get out.Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.

Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器)in the house.2.________

Practice for a fire at home now and then because it can teach children about fire safety.Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:

★3.The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.

★Stay close to the floor! 4.________The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.

★What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! 5._______The fire burns faster because of more air.Drop! Fall to the floor.Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out.Put a blanket around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.

There are many possible causes for fires.A wise family is ready all the time.If there is a fire, don't forget to call 119 for help.

A.Don't run!

B.Everyone in the family should know how to use them.

C.Everyone should follow your plan.

D.Smoke can be more dangerous than fire.

E.The alarm makes a loud sound.

F.Open the windows!

G.Don't open a hot door!
