摘要:重点词汇 考点一 betray [基础过关]1)背叛给- betray -to- He shouldn’t betray his country to the enemy. 他不该出卖国家给敌人 2)泄露秘密 The officer betrayed the secret to his friends. 那军官把秘密向朋友泄露了 3)无意中透漏出来,显示 betray + n./ that/ what The expression on his face betrays his anger.=The expression on his face betrays that he is angry. betray oneself 无意中露出本性 Many people will betray themselves when temped by money. [拓展延伸] betrayer n.背叛者,告密者 betrayal n. 背叛,卖国 an act of betrayal背叛行为 [典型例题] When I asked the news, he his happiness. A. expressed B. betrayed C. showed D. said [答案]B 考查动词词义辨析. [点拨]此处句意:当我问他这个消息时.他显露出高兴地样子.Express表达,show表明均不合句意,betray显示.显露符合 考点二 condemn [基础过关]责难,责备,谴责某人;判处-有罪 condemn sb/sth. as 谴责/指责某人/某事为------ condemn sb to sth 判处某人某种刑罚 condemn sb. to do sth 把-逼入某状态,使某人注定- As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone. [拓展延伸] be condemned/sentenced to death 被判处死刑 condemnation n. 责难,判罪 [典型例题] The Setember11 Attack has been by the entire international community. A. condemned B. scolded C. criticized D. blamed [答案]A 考查动词词义辨析 [点拨]condemn谴责符合句意.Scold 斥责,criticize批评, blame责怪 考点三 compromise [基础过关]1)vi. 作出妥协,让步 compromise with sb on sth 2)vt.损害名誉,危急,连累 Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 如此举动将会损害你的名誉 [拓展延伸]n. /U//C/妥协,和解,让步 The dispute between the two countries was solved by compromise. 两国之间的纷争由互相让步而解决了 reach/arrive at/work out a compromise 达成妥协 make a compromise with 与-妥协 compromise用作动词或名词常与介词on ,between搭配. [典型例题] If we all agree to make with each other---when we are in disputes, wars are forever gone and we are surely live in peace. A. adjustment B. compromise C. promise D. acquaintance [答案]B 考查名词词义辨析 [点拨]按照句意:前句意思“如果我们彼此之间做出妥协和让步------- ,make compromise with与-妥协符合句意 考点四 overlook [基础过关]vt. 忽略,没注意,漏看,俯瞰.俯视 You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work. 你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误 The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points. 秘书是个很细心的人她从不忽视细节 The house on the hill overlooks the village. 从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄 [点拨]辨析 overlook; neglect, ignore overlook 意思“忽略 .多指由于草率.放任或没有注意到而忽视某事, neglect 指没有给与或很少给与.后面接sb. sth.,还可以接to do sth. doing sth. ignore 指有意识的拒绝.不给与理睬.后面可接sb. sth.不跟不定式. He was so busy that he neglected his health. [典型例题] American women were the tight to vote until 1920 after years of hard struggle. A. ignored B. denied C. overlooked D. neglected [答案]B 考查动词词义辨析 [点拨]deny sb. sth.拒绝给与符合句意 考点五 acquaintance [基础过关]n. 1)/C/ 相识,熟人 He has many acquaintances in the business community. 2)/U/ 认识,相识,-的知识 I have an acquaintance with him. [拓展延伸]make sb’s acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人 on/upon acquaintance 经过更深入的了解后 gain acquaintance with 得以熟悉 acquaint oneself with 熟悉,通晓,精通 be/get/become acquainted with 与人相识,熟知,精通 acquaintanceship n./U/ 相识,交际,交际范围 [典型例题] Mary is not my ,just a(an) A. friend; acquaintances B. acquaintance;friend C. friend; acquaintance D. acquaintances; friend [答案]C 考查名词词义辨析 [点拨]按照句意:玛丽不是我的朋友.而是我的熟人可知答案C 考点六 pass -off as- [基础过关]冒充,自我吹嘘为- He passed his secretary off as his wife. 他让秘书冒充他的妻子 [拓展延伸]pass off 消失,进展顺利 pass away 死亡,断气,消失 pass by 时间经过,从旁边经过,避开,忽视 pass through 穿过,通过,经历 pass out 昏厥,醉倒 pass down/ on 传递,流传 [典型例题] Last night the old man . A. passed away B. had dead C. passed by D. passed down [答案]A 考查动词辨析 [点拨]按照句意此处为老人去世.pass away死亡,断气,消失符合;B项结构错误,pass by时间经过,从旁边经过,pass down传递,流传 考点七 in terms of [基础过关]就-来说,从-角度 In terms of resource, it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. [拓展延伸] terms 关系,情谊,条件,措辞,说法 be on good/friendly/bad terms 与-关系好/亲密/不好 be on speaking terms 与某人关系好;肯与某人说话 come to/make terms with sb 达成协议 come to/make terms with sth. 逆来顺受,屈服于- in no uncertain terms 清楚而有力的 on equal terms 平等相处,地位相等 on one’s own terms 按某人决定的条件 in the long/short term 长期/短期 At last they are on the speaking terms again! 最后他们终于说话了 [典型例题] I’m good terms Mary and she is my good friend. A. on; / B. /; with C. on; with D. with; on [答案]C 考查介词短语搭配. [点拨]be on good/friendly/bad terms 与-关系好/亲密/不好符合句意


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