摘要:22. He found it increasingly difficult to read, his eyesight was beginning to fail. A. though B. for C. but D. so



       The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for  21  a roll of gold wrapping paper.Money was  22  and he became very angry when the child tried to decorate a   23  to put under the Christmas tree.

24  , the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”He felt  25  by his earlier over reaction, but his  26  flared again when he found the box was  27  .He  28  at her, “don’t you know that when you give someone a  29  , there’s supposed to be  30  inside it ?” The little girl looked  31  at him with tears in her eyes and said, “Oh, Daddy, it is not empty.I blew kisses into the box.All for you, Daddy.”The father’s face became  32  .He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her  33 

It is told that the man  34  that gold box by his bed for years and  35  he was discouraged, he would take out a(an)  36  kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real  37  ,each of us as humans have been given a gold container  38  with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, family and God.There is no  39  precious possession anyone could  40 

A.buying   B.lending     C.wasting     D.damaging

A.tight      B.enough     C.short D.cheap

A.box       B.doll   C.book D.vase

A.Instead   B.However   C.Therefore  D.Meanwhile

A.disappointedB.excited       C.uncomfortable  D.glad

A.joke       B.anger C.joy    D.wonder

A.empty    B.full   C.decorated  D.broken

A.looked   B.shouted     C.called       D.pulled

A.hand      B.flower      C.lesson       D.present

A.somethingB.everything    C.anything   D.nothing

A.down   B.up     C.away D.round

A.blue     B.yellow      C.green D.red

A.understandingB.forgiveness    C.encouragement D.agreement

A.kept     B.put   C.locked      D.had

A.whatever     B.however   C.wherever  D.whenever

A.practical      B.imaginary C.valuable    D.important

A.world   B.society      C.sense D.family

A.given   B.filled C.covered    D.made

A.more    B.less   C.any   D.much

A.win     B.hold  C.buy   D.share


A poor boy Howard Kelly was trying to make some money for school by selling goods. He found that he had only one coin left. He was so  16  that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his courage when a lovely young  17 opened the door. Instead of asking for a meal, he asked for a drink of  18 . She smiled understandingly and brought him a  19  glass of milk. He drank it slowly and then asked, “How much is it?”

“You need pay nothing.” she replied. “Mother has  20 me never to accept pay for a  21 .” As Howard  22  that house, he not only felt stronger 23  , but it also made him believe in God and the human beings more. He was about to give up before this.

24  later, the young woman became very ill. She was sent to the big city,  25  Dr Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in for the treatment. When he heard the name of the  26  she came from, a  27  light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room. He  28  her at once. From that day on, he gave   29  attention to her case and  30   to do his best to save her life.

After a long time, she recovered. The bill was sent to her room. She was  31  to open it because she knew it would  32  the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked at the bill and saw these words on one side of it,

"Paid in full with  33 ."

                    Dr Howard Kelly

Tears of  34  ran out of her eyes as she cried, "Thank you,  35  . Your love has got around through human hearts and hands. "

1.A. worried                B. upset         C. ill          D. hungry

2.A. gentleman          B. lady             C. doctor           D. mother

3.A. soup               B. milk             C. water           D. wine

4.A. large              B. small                C. hot              D. cold

5.A. said               B. ordered          C. taught        D. allowed

6.A. kindness           B. happiness            C. food         D. milk

7.A. went in                B. left         C. stayed in            D. ran from

8.A. in health          B. in mind          C. in hand          D. in body

9.A. Days               B. Weeks                C. Months           D. Years

10.A. when              B. where                C. then             D. that

11.A. town              B. city             C. room             D. house

12.A. silent                B. angry       C. strange          D. familiar

13.A. treated               B. realized         C. recognized       D. saved

14.A. special               B. small                C. little      D. large

15.A. wished                B. ordered           C. made          D. decided

16.A. afraid                B. excited          C. unable           D. certain

17.A. pay               B. take             C. spend           D. cost

18.A. all her money     B. my pay         C.    love       D. a glass of milk

19.A. comfort               B. joy              C. surprise         D. sadness

20.A. Doctor                B. Mother           C. Boy              D. God



Ⅱ语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Basketball is a sport enjoyed by millions of people. It began in 1891.
Dr. James Naismith, the father of basketball, was a teacher of a YMCA training    21    . It trained the people to work in YMCAs. Officials at the school were     22    about the low attendance during the     23    months. They felt that people didn’t attend then because the school did not have a good sports    24   in the winter. So they asked Dr. Naismith for help. He came up with a new indoor game.
Naismith studied games being played at that    25    . he found that the most    26    game was a ball. So a ball would be part of his new game, he decided. But kicking the ball or hitting it would be too rough for indoors. So he put two     27    up on the poles. The players have to try to     28    a ball into them. Naismith then made thirteen    29    for the game. Twelve of them are still in use today. Just seven years after the game began professional basketball teams were    30    . and that’s how basketball was born.
21. A. school          B. game          C. team          D. club
22. A. interested       B. worried        C. eager         D. dangerous
23. A. summer        B. spring          C. autumn        D. winter
24. A. suit            B. team           C. progress       D. program
25. A. game          B. school          C. time          D. place
26. A. popular         B. practical        C. excellent      D. skilled
27. A. bags           B. baskets         C. flags          D. sings
28. A. push           B. throw          C. send          D. kick
29. A. persons         B. poles           C. rules         D. balls
30. A. formed         B. called         C. dismissed      D. stationed


I lay there buried alive under our house when the bomb hit our city. The great 21 started by the bomb came nearer and nearer to us as workers tried to 22 us. “Hurry!” they cried to one another as the flames (火焰) came nearer. At last they reached us and  23 me and my mother out from under everything  24 the flames reached us.
Later, as I thought of the pilot of the plane that 25 the bomb on our city, I cried, “I hate him. I hate him.” The people with marked faces from the  26 of the bomb made me cry, “I hate him.” I saw people suffering (遭受) a terrible,  27 death. Again and again I cried as I saw these people, “I hate him!”
Some time later, that man appeared in a meeting I  28 .As I looked at him, I  29  him very much. Then I listened to what he told us of his  30  the day when he dropped the bomb on our city. I heard him say, “When I flew over the city  31  we dropped the bomb, I cried, ‘Oh, God, what have I    32 ’.” I could see that he found it  33  to speak of that day.
As this happened I suddenly  34  my hatred (仇恨) of him was  35 . It only made me unhappy also. As I did this, it was as if a heavy load (负担)  36 my shoulders. Then I decided to  37 him. I did so and my life was  38 .
I now help those who suffer from  39 other people. I try to help them to  40  everyone, as I am now able to do.

A.took awayB.took offC.fell offD.fell on


I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as a happy wife and business woman. When Mum   21 in October 2007,I was a cook. In December that year, while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me      22     .I was distraught(忧心如焚的). Some days later, I was     23     that a guy who was working with us that day. “could probably have made a fortune     24   the necklace he found.”  25    .he returned it. Hearing how I’d     26   Mum for six months before her death, he said, “Christmas is going to be  27 —why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?”
I come to Morzaine ,a small ,friendly village in the Alps and___28_ fell in love with it .What was __29__to be a stopgap (权宜之计) trip turned into a new life .I kept travelling between London and here and felt _30__than I had in months .In December 2008 , I was __31_as a hotel manager and moved here full time .
A month later, I met Paul, who was traveling here. We fell in love. In the beginning , I didn’t want to discuss___32__, because the sadness of losing Mum__33__felt great. Paul understood that and never___34__me but, by summer, we got married. A year later, we used his saving, and the money from the sale of Mom’s house, to build our own ___35__.
We want to give our guests a ___36__ feel, so each room is themed(以……为题) around memories from our lives. There are also styles to remind me of Mom ---- a tiny chair which ___37___ be in her bedroom is set in one room.
We are having a wonderful life Mum ___38___ naturally part of it, _39___ there’s no way we would be here if it wasn’t for the __40__ she gave me. I know she’s here in spirit, keeping an eye on us .

A.ought toB.used toC.mightD.could


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