摘要: I had lived there for over thirty years I wanted to return to my motherland again. A. until B. after C. while D. when


I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a freezing cold wet day in the winter of 1975. I remember the right moment, hiding behind a fragile mud wall, peeking (窥视)into the alley (胡同)near the frozen stream. That was a long time ago ,but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I,ve learned, about how you can bury it, because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I,ve been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.

One day in summer, my friend, Rahim Khan called from Pakistan. He asked me to come to see him. Standing in the kitchen with the receiver to my ear, I knew it wasn’t just Rahim Khan on the line. It was my past of unatoned sins (未能弥补的罪行) After I hung up, I went for a walk along Spreckels Lane on the northern edge of Golden Gate Park. The early afternoon sun sparkled on the water where dozens of small boats sailed, driven by a gentle breeze. Then I glanced up and saw a pair of kites with long blue tails, soaring in the sky. They danced high above the trees on the west end of the park, over the windmill, floating side by side like a pair of eyes looking down on San Francisco, the city I now call home.

And suddenly Hassan5S voice whispered in my head: For you, a thousand times over. Hassan the hare-lipped kite runner. I sat on a park bench near a willow tree. I thought about something Rahim Khan said just before he hung up, almost as an after thought. There is a way to be good again. I looked up at those twin kites. I thought about Hassan. Thought about Baba. AU. Kabul. I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came along and changed everything. And made me what I am today.

1.After 1975,the hero of the story spent his life_____.

A. with happiness      B. with regret

C. in peace        D. in danger

2.It can be inferred from the passage that_____.

A. Rahim Khan spoke ill of the hero

B. the hero had made up for his wrong-doings

C. San Francisco was the birthplace of the hero

D. something bad might have happened in the alley

3.The writer attracts the readers by using_____

a.an impressive opening   b.a lively description of inner thoughts

c.concrete and vivid language   d.a detailed plot of the story

A. abc        B. bcd        C. acd        D. abd

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A hide-and-seek game.       B.A forget-me-not event.

C.kite-flying competition.    D.A coming-of-age story.



When I came to Cincinnati as an au pair (家庭打工留学生),a lot of things there were different from what I knew.My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a  “castle”.In Germany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom.Soon I found out that the “castle” was actually rather small in our neighborhood.

Everybody there was very friendly and polite.They greeted you    when they were walking by at least 3 feet away from you.They must not have seen a German au pair before,for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany.I enjoyed answering their various strange questions.I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.

Of course,there were a numbor of new things,and it took me the whole year to find them all out.I never got homesick.Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative (负面的) experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.

However,I had undergone some painful experience back in Germany.I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say “Sorry.” Taking up my studies at the TU­Dresden I felt lonely.Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn  (离群的)  and I missed ewerything I had in Cincinnati.Germany was so “cold”.I found it so much harder to make new friends.After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends.I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods.I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.

Now I am over this German culture shock.It almost took me an entire year.I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.

46.In the opinion of the author,life in Cincinnati was________.

A.wonderful                                          B.hard   

C.painful                                              D.strange

47.The underlined word “undergone” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.

A.welcomed                                  B.accepted     

C.expected                                   D.suffered

48.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?

A.She lived with her mother in a big house in Germany.

B.She never went back to Cincinnati after she came back to Germany.

C.She seldom hung out with her American friends as she was too busy.

D.She did miss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU­Dresden.

49.What is the best title for this passage?

A.University life in Germany

B.My culture shock experience

C.Advantages of living in USA

D.How to be an au pair in USA


When I came to Cincinnati as an au pair (家庭打工留学生),a lot of things there were different from what I knew.My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a  “castle”.In Germany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom.Soon I found out that the “castle” was actually rather small in our neighborhood.

Everybody there was very friendly and polite.They greeted youwhen they were walking by at least 3 feet away from you.They must not have seen a German au pair before,for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany.I enjoyed answering their various strange questions.I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.

Of course,there were a number of new things,and it took me the whole year to find them all out.I never got homesick.Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative (负面的) experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.

However,I had undergone some painful experience back in Germany.I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say “Sorry.” Taking up my studies at the TU­Dresden I felt lonely.Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn  (离群的)  and I missed everything I had in Cincinnati.Germany was so “cold”.I found it so much harder to make new friends.After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends.I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods.I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.

Now I am over this German culture shock.It almost took me an entire year.I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.

56.In the opinion of the author,life in Cincinnati was________.

A.wonderful                                          B.hard   

C.painful                                              D.strange

57.The underlined word “undergone” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.

A.welcomed                                        B.accepted 

C.expected                                         D.suffered

58.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?

A.She lived with her mother in a big house in Germany.

B.She never went back to Cincinnati after she came back to Germany.

C.She seldom hung out with her American friends as she was too busy.

D.She did miss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU­Dresden.

59.What is the best title for this passage?

A.University life in Germany                     B.My culture shock experience

C.Advantages of living in USA                   D.How to be an au pair in USA


  Last month I went to visit my old neighborhood.As l walked along the street,my mind was  36 by memories of the past.I saw the 37 apartment building where I had lived and the playground where I had played.As I 38 these once familiar surroundings,39 of myself as a child there came to mind.40,what I saw and what I remembered were not the same.I sadly 4l that the best memories are those 42 untouched.

    My old apartment building,as I remember,was bright and 43.It was 44 just a place to live in. It was a movie house,a space station,or whatever my young mind could imagine.I would 45 away with my friends and play in the basement.This was always 46 because it was so cool and dark,and there were so many things there to hide among.There was a small 47 at the back of the building.We would go there to lie in the 48 of the trees and enjoy ourselves.

    But what I saw was 49 different.The apartment building was now in 50,which looked hardly worth living in, windows broken and once clean walls covered with dirty 51.The river was polluted,hardly 52.The trees and flowers were all dead.It was really heartbreaking to see all this.

    While I do not 53 having seen my old neighborhood, I do not think my 54 childhood  memories can ever be the same.I 55 it is true when they say.“You can never go home again.”

  36.A.drowned    B.flooded    C.interrupted    D.fixed

  37.A.bright    B.historic    C.modern    D.old

  38.A.viewed    B.spied    C.enjoyed    D.searched

  39.A.photos    B.slides    C.pictures    D.drawings

  40.A.Therefore    B.However    C.Moreover    D.Anyway

  41.A.realized    B.observed    C.reflected    D.obtained

  42.A.gone    B.forgotten    C.deserted    D.1eft

  43.A.alone    B.awake    C.alive    D.aware

  44.A.other than    B.more than    C.rather than    D.better than

  45.A.steal    B.jog    C.walk    D.move

  46.A.embarrassing   B.shocking    C.boring    D.exciting

  47.A.factory    B.river    C.school    D.1ake

  48.A.shadow    B.shelter    C.shade    D.structure

  49.A.completely    B.nearly    C.mostly    D.slightly

  50.A.disaster    B.disorder    C.discomfort    D.disrepair

  51.A.signs    B.marks    C.signals    D.notices

  52.A.changeable    B.visible    C.comfortable    D.recognizable

  53.A.regret    B.enjoy    C.remember    D.mind

  54.A.difficult    B.normal    C.innocent    D.lonely

  55.A.imagine    B.suppose    C.insist    D.suggest


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