摘要:2.Mozart’s birthplace and the house he composed “The Magic Flute are both museums now. A.where B.when C.there D.which


Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students begin at an earlier age. Robby insisted that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him in as a student.
Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions (指导). But he just did not have any inborn ability.
I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in. Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.
I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part. I agreed but I made him perform last in the program, so I could always save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.
I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.
I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby!  How’d you do it?”
“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”  That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.
【小题1】Why did Robby stop coming to the piano lessons suddenly?

A.He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.
B.His mother was too sick to send him to the piano lessons.
C.He thought his teacher disliked him.
D.His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.
【小题2】 Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The writer thought playing the piano shouldn’t start too late.
B.The writer thought that Robby had given up the piano lesson.
C.The writer taught Robby carefully although he hadn’t a gift for music.
D.No one else could play the piece of Mozart’s well.
【小题3】From the underlined sentence we can infer that  _______.
A.the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him
B.the writer thought Robby a bad advertisement for his teaching
C.with Robby present, the other children couldn’t play well
D.the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time
【小题4】 What did the writer learn from Robby?
A.The meaning of true love.
B.The meaning of giving up necessarily.
C.The meaning of being kind to teachers.
D.The meaning of believing in teachers.


Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students to begin at an earlier age. Robby said that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so l took him on as a student.

Robby tried and tried while l listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions. But he just did not have any inborn(天生的)ability.

I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in. Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but l guessed he had decided to try something else.

I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital(演奏会) of my students, Robby came, telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part in it. I agreed, but l made him perform last in the program, so l could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.

I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had l heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.

I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby! How could you do it?”

“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember l told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf, so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”

That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.

Why might Robby have stopped coming to piano lessons suddenly?

A. He thought that his teacher disliked him.

B. His mother might have been seriously ill.

C. His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.

D. He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.

We can learn from the text that            .

A. the writer thought students shouldn’t begin playing the piano too early

B. no one else could play the piece of Mozart’s as well as Robby

C. the writer thought that Robby had given up his piano lessons

D. only by practicing at home did Robby learn to play well

From the underlined sentence, we can infer that            .

A. the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time

B. the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him

C. with Robby in the recital, the other children couldn’t play well

D. the writer thought Robby was a bad advertisement for her teaching

The author made Robby perform last because           .

A. she wanted to do something to save a poor performance

B. the one who performed last always performed very well

C. Robby thought his mother would come at last

D. Robby asked the writer to do so


Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students begin at an earlier age. Robby insisted that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him in as a student.

Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions (指导). But he just did not have any inborn ability.

I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in. Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.

I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part. I agreed but I made him perform last in the program, so I could always save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.

I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.

I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby!  How’d you do it?”

“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”  That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.

1.Why did Robby stop coming to the piano lessons suddenly?

A.He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.

B.His mother was too sick to send him to the piano lessons.

C.He thought his teacher disliked him.

D.His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.

2. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The writer thought playing the piano shouldn’t start too late.

B.The writer thought that Robby had given up the piano lesson.

C.The writer taught Robby carefully although he hadn’t a gift for music.

D.No one else could play the piece of Mozart’s well.

3. From the underline sentenced we can infer that __________.

A.the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him

B.the writer thought Robby a bad advertisement for his teaching

C.with Robby present, the other children couldn’t play well

D.the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time

4. What did the writer learn from Robby?

A.The meaning of true love.

B.The meaning of giving up necessarily.

C.The meaning of being kind to teachers.

D.The meaning of believing in teachers.



Mozart was one of the greatest composers who ever lived. He was born in Salzburg,
Austria, in 1756. Even when he was very young, Mozart loved music. His father, who was the leader of an orchestra, was very happy that his son was so interested in music. When Mozart was three years old, he learned to play the harpsichord, which is a kind of piano. Mozart began to compose music at the age of five, and his father took him to play in front of the kings and queens of Europe.
At one concert, one of the violinists was missing from the orchestra. Mozart picked up a violin and played the music without a mistake. Mozart’s father and the other players in the orchestra were surprised. Mozart had never been taught to play the violin! Mozart continued travelling around Europe with his father, who was his teacher in everything. He composed many pieces for the piano, the violin, and later for full orchestra.
Mozart could write down a piece of music even if he had heard it only once. One day, he went to hear a group of people singing in a big church in Rome. The song was very special. The church leader said that people could sing the song only once a year, and only in his church. No one else was allowed to have the music. Mozart listened to the song. Although it was very difficult and long, Mozart went back home and wrote down the whole piece from memory. The head of the church heard about this, and instead of being angry with Mozart, he gave him a prize.
When Mozart grew up, people were not so interested in him. He worked as a teacher and pianist, but he did not make much money. In 1791, at the age of 35, he died. He was so poor that there was not enough money for him to have a proper grave. No one knows where he is buried.
43. The story is mainly about ____.
A. Mozart and his music
B. a leader of an orchestra
C. the life of a great composer
D. the head of a church in Rome.
44. Mozart’s father helped Mozart a lot by ____.
A. teaching him about music
B. giving him a violin to play with
C. sending him to a music school
D. giving him a lot of money
45. When Mozart was only three years old, he ____.
A. went to Rome  B. began to sing  C. began to compose music  D. played the harpsichord.
46. Mozart had a very good _____.
A. violin   B. grave   C. memory   D. orchestra
47. Although Mozart was one of the world’s greatest composer, ____.
A. he died poor   B. he did not teach anyone.
C. he did not know many famous people
D. he couldn’t play the piano or violin


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