摘要:3.This area experienced heaviest rainfall in month of May. A.不填; a B.a ; the C.the ; the D.the ; a


          Ask Dr. Jeffers This month Dr. Jeffers is answering questions
about the human brain and how it works.
Dear Dr. Jeffers,  
     One of my colleagues, Felix Moeller, told me that scientists are learning to use computer to
'read minds'. Is there any truth to this story? -Jane Leon, New York, USA Dear Ms. Leon, Well,
a lot of research is being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and
corresponding computer programs haven't been able to actually read thoughts. In one ex  periment,
test subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen.
They were then asked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers. Using this
method, researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)
70 percent of the time. It's not quite mind reading, but it's certainly a first step. 
-Dr. J.
Dear Dr. Jeffers,  
     My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle(胳肢)him until he
laughs uncontrollably. The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn't do it.
Why not?
-Glenn Lewis, Vancouver, Canada
Dear Mr. Lewis,
     It's because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and
what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic
reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. For example, you don't notice how your shoulder feels
while you're walking down the street. But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on
the shoulder, you may jump in fear. It's that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.
-Dr. J.
1. What can we learn from the answer to the first question?    
A. Some equipment is able to read human minds.
B. Test subjects have been used to make decisions.
C. Some progress has been made in mind reading.
D. Computer programs can copy brain processes.
2. People laugh when tickled by others because the feeling is _____.    
A. expected          
B. unexpected        
C. comfortable        
D. uncomfortable
3. According to the text, Jeffers is probably _____.   
A. a computer programmer                
B. a medical doctor
C. a test subject                          
D. a human brain expert

The “Sepik Spirit”, constructed in 1989, is built specially to suit the demands of a shallow riverboat for guiding inland waterways. Its shallow draft allows passengers into distant corners of the Sepik Region and areas not otherwise accessible to larger boats. It was refurbished(装修) in early 2006 to ensure that the Sepik Spirit meets the expectations of the modern travellers. The refurbishment includes new interior and improved noise resistance.

The Sepik Spirit holds 18 passengers in 9 twin bedrooms each with private bathroom. Onboard facilities include a dining room, living room, bar, video and covered upper observatory deck(甲板). The entire boat is air-conditioned. Because the Sepik Spirit is designed to operate in this unique environment, she is the ideal size for exploration. This, combined with small passenger numbers, allows the travellers an excellent experience to little visited areas.

Day trips from the Sepik Spirit are done in an 18-seater riverboat, also designed for the operation. Their open-air design gives the travellers a sense of place, a feeling for the river and its people.

Areas that the Sepik Spirit and her guests may visit are the Karawari River, Blackwater Lakes, Chambri Lakes, the Middle Sepik and the Upper Sepik. The river banks where the boat operates are dotted with many large traditional villages each with its own unique “Haus Tambaran” or spirit house decorated with ancestral figures. Mix with the friendly people and experience a culture that meets very few outsiders.

Please E-Mail if you want to know more about us.

Please note that private touring and transfers are not available on the Sepik Spirit.

Please note that Sepik Spirit departure and termination(终结,终点) points sometimes change without notice.

AIR TRANSFER COST: US$375.00 one way

1.The “Sepik Spirit” is a riverboat ________.

A. specially designed and built for the local transportation

B. built and refurbished in 1989

C. providing good conditions for a small number of tourists

D. traveling in the day only

2.The Sepik Spirit boat is most possibly named after ________.

A. a person

B. an animal

C. a building

D. a river

3.A passenger chooses to travel on the Sepik Spirit most possibly because he is interested in ________.

A. boat making

B. river traveling

C. the unique scenery and culture in this area

D. the excellent conditions and service of the boat

4.Which of the following factors about taking the Sepik Spirit is right?

A. You can send an E-mail for further information.

B. You can rent the boat for yourself if you please.

C. The schedule of the boat trip will be strictly followed.

D. A Sepik Spirit trip will cost you US$375.00 one way.



Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. Inuit(因纽特人)families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud. There are also reports of sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. Climate change may still be a rather abstract(抽象的)idea to most of us, but in the Arctic it is already having great effect—if summertime ice continues to shrink at its present rate, the Arctic Ocean could soon become almost ice-free in summer. The knock-on effects(连锁反应)are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies and higher sea levels. Scientists are increasingly eager to find out what’s going on in the Arctic.

     For the Inuit the problem is urgent. They live in unsteady balance with one of the toughest environments on earth. Climate change, whatever its causes, is a direct danger to their way of life. Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outsider experts tell them what’s happening. In Canada, where the Inuit people are trying hard to guard their hard-won autonomy(自治权)in the country’s newest land, Nunavut, they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral (祖先的) knowledge with the best of modern science. This is a challenge in itself.

     The Canadian Arctic is a vast, treeless polar desert that’s covered with snow for most of the year. Adventure into this area and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home. Farming is out of the question and nature offers few pickings. Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by taking advantage of sea first. The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the settlers were successful; sometimes they failed and disappeared. But around a thousand years ago, one group appeared that was uniquely well adapted to deal with the Arctic environment. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing dogs, iron tools and the like. They are the ancestors of today’s Inuit people.

Which of the following is likely to be the effect of climate change?

  A. Shorter and shorter summertime.     B. Ice-free summer around the Arctic.

  C. Lower sea levels.                  D. More rainy skies.

The Inuit people believe the solution to the climate change problem is ________.

  A. to change their way of life

  B. to do as their ancestors

  C. to try to protect the environment from now on

  D. to use their ancestral knowledge and modern science

It can be concluded from the last paragraph that ________.

  A. the first settlers in the Arctic survived there quite easily

  B. it’s hard to farm in the Arctic due to climate change

  C. the ancestors of Inuit people stood out among the settlers

  D. the Thule people from Alaska invented iron tools

Which of the following is the best title for this text?

A. Climate Change and the Inuit       

B. Climate Change around the Arctic

C. Global Warming around the World   

D. The Inuit and Their Ancestors around the World


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