摘要:23.A 句意:无论什么季节.这位律师除了一套西装以外.很少穿其他的.whatever引导让步状语从句.whatever the season 即whatever the season is.wherever无论什么地方,whenever无论什么时候,however无论怎样.均不符合语境要求. 此题考查 whatever引导让步状语从句的用法.相当于 no matter what.



1.We were able to find her address with the help of ________(当地的)police.

2.The garden ________(延伸)down to the lake.

3.He ________(声称)that he hadn’t done it, but I didn’t believe him.

4.He doesn’t ________(恐惧)easily.

5.Any one who is ________(咬)by dogs must be injected vaccine.

6.They have many pets, ________(包括)three cats.

7.As he had nothing to tell, he refused to give any ________(采访)to the journalists.

8.He wanted to look at the tiger ________(靠近地).

9.We should live in ________(和谐)with all other creatures on the planet.

10.Laurel was a ________(完美的)girl in every way.

11.All the students are ________(盼望)the arrival of the summer holiday.

12.Climbing a mountain is a really ________(累人的)thing.

13.According to the traveling ________(日程表), we’ll be flying to Hainan on Tuesday.

14.She appears in her twenties, but ________(实际上)she is fifty-two.

15.Her many talents were the ________(羡慕)of all her friends.

16.She ran 100m in an ________(令人惊讶的)10. 9 seconds.

17.I can’t understand her ________(沉默)on this matter.

18.There were magnificent ________(景色)of the surrounding countryside.

19.The old sailor often tells us about his ________(冒险)in the Atlantic Ocean.

20.Whenever I am in trouble, they will ________(提供)ready help.

21.He’s not an officer, but a ________(普通的)soldier.

22.The room is ________(满是灰尘的).It seems that no one has lived here for a long time.

23.Keep calm, ________(无论什么事)happens.

24.The brain needs a continuous ________(供给)of blood.

25.It usually costs us two hundred thousand yuan in ________(总数)to buy an apartment of 100 square meters.

26.________(衣物), food are all our life necessities.

27.Mr Black doesn’t like pets, but he began to keep a cat ________(令人惊讶地).

28.The students ________(形成)a little group to help the old granny.

29.He’s the ________(最温和的)man you could wish to meet.

30.Diao Chan was said to be a legend ________(美人)in Chinese history.

31.We would like to move to a town ________(环绕)by mountains and forests.



1.The names are _________(排列)in alphabetical order.

2.The two leaders are _________(争夺)for power.

3._________(除了)other considerations, time is a factor.

4.More and more people are _________(相信)vegetarianism and diet for health.

5.She _________(贡献)her whole life to helping homeless children.

6.The hospital was quickly _________(改为)the special needs of the sick children.

7.Everyone _________(羡慕)him for his achievements.

8._________(如果)my not being there, ask my brother to help you.

9.He felt a little _________(困惑)about it.

10._________(在……之前)himself he places his career.

11._________(别气馁).Remember:it takes more than a hazy mist to veil the sunshine.

12.He felt that socialism was the most important cause to which he could _________(贡献)himself.

13.This task was _________(完成)by great effort.

14.We were in such an anxious _________(匆忙)when we found that we had left forgetting the airline tickets.

15.The teacher was amazed to find that a poor student had achieved the _________(最多的)marks in an important test.

16._________(回顾过去), I don’t suppose we are any worse now than people who were one hundred years ago.

17.The computers _________(帮助)us with the boring things.

18.They used carrier pigeons to _________(取得联系)with their headquarters.

19.His insurance _________(保证)him against money loss in case of fire.

20.I have received your letter of the 9th _________(当月的).

21.Her enthusiasm _________(鼓励)all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.

22.His crime will _________(使……付出)him his life.

23.Don’t just make criticism; give us some _________(实际的)help.

24.The country people are _________(以……自豪)of their houses and land.

25._________(无论什么)he did was right.

26.He tried his best to _________(引导)some young men into the right path.

27.How can you _________(保持)silent on this point?

28.I believe truth will _________(获得胜利).


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