摘要:I hurt myself yesterday. My foot is still a bit p .


Making an apology is not the same as making amends. Sometimes we apologize just because it’s the easiest thing to do. What’s actually important is to identify where we go wrong, take full responsibility for our mistakes and , if possible, try to make up for them.

A recent case involving Hewlett-Packed, the US computer giant, shows the importance of presenting a sincere apology. The Chinese consumers who had bought notebook computers of certain models, which have been put on Chinese market since 2007, suffered a massive flash screen failures and overheating problems. Through investigation, Chinese AQSIQ (国家质检总局) identified these HP computers had quality problems and HP admitted this. HP made a proposal that they would extend the warranty (保修) period of such computers, but this could not satisfied the consumers. What they needed was a thorough description of the truth. HP has “sincerely” apologized. But the consumers remain angry, and say that only a product recall — as HP has done in the past — will prove that the apology is sincere.

Another apology that fell flat on its face was that of Thierry Henry, the famous French footballer. His deliberate handball in November 2009 created the goal which knocked Ireland out of the 2010 World Cup. The incident caused great anger in the football world, and eventually Henry issued an apology. Two days later, he wrote, “I’m not the referee…but if I hurt someone I’m sorry.” Better late than never, perhaps, but even then he passed the blame onto the referee!

Such high-profile cases, which attract a lot of publicity often under the spotlight, but similar incidents occur in our everyday lives. Stress caused by schoolwork and tiredness can sometimes result in outbursts of anger against friends and family. Have you ever lost your temper for minor reasons? After calming down, most people are quick to realize their mistake and apologize. But it’s just as important to identify what caused the error in the first place and take action to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

No one should hold a negative attitude to making a sincere apology. Empty words are easy to say, but they are as useless as they sound. A real show of remorse(痛悔;自责)demands hard work and commitment to put error right. 

1.What does the author intend to tell us in the case of HP?

A.A true apology needs sincere actions.

B.HP should recall all the faulty computers.

C.Good quality makes a good company.

D.A company should apologize and pay for their mistakes.

2. According to the author, when we do anything wrong we firstly _________.

A.make an apology face to face honestly

B.admit we were wrong and try to make the wrong right

C.take the responsibility for apologizing to others

D.choose the easiest thing to do

3.We can infer from the case of Thierry Henry that _________ .

A.it’s never too late to say “I’m sorry.”

B.writing an apology is not a good idea

C.Henry didn’t identify his fault.

D.the football fans were mad with Henry.

4.Which of the following can best explain the word “commitment” in the last paragraph?





5. What’s the best title of this passage?

A.What really puts things right

B.Don’t apologize easily

C.Making an apology — no one is out of exception

D.How to judge an apology — sincere enough?



阅读下列材料, 并从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。
The people below travel abroad. Read the following stories and decide what problem each traveler experienced while traveling.
【小题1】_______ David got lost in an isolated place. To make matters worse, he had an accident and couldn’t walk freely. So he was in great need of timely help.
【小题2】_______ Paul had to buy a hamburger and ate it in the park instead of eating his mother’s delicious chicken, with which he couldn’t go through the customs.
【小题3】_______ Ann was stopped at the customs because she was carrying drugs without a doctor’s prescription. How regretted she was not to have done that!
【小题4】_______ Sally offended some of the people in the town she was visiting by wearing inappropriate clothes. She should have found out about local customs and followed them.
【小题5】______ Jack didn’t obtain a transit card when he changed planes an airport, which made him very worried. There was no doubt that he was not allowed to get on board.

A.My mother was worried about me. She cooked me all my favorite dishes and put them into a box to take with me on my journey. But the customs officer inspected all the plant and animal products at the airport. Unfortunately it was illegal for me to bring into the country the kind of food my mother had given me and so it all had to be thrown away.
B.It was very hot so I put on some shorts and a T-shirt to go sightseeing. I hadn’t gone very far when I found everyone was looking at me, and they didn’t seem friendly to me. One woman even spat on me as I walked past. I decided to get off the crowded streets and so I turned down a small, quiet street.
C.During the four-day walking tour, I was amazed by mountain scenery and the ancient ruins we passed on our hike. On the last day, we arrived at the ruins of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise over the Andes. I spent the day visiting the ruins of that ancient Inca city before catching the train back to the capital city of the country.
D.When I got off the plane at the first airport. I saw someone handing out cards to some of the passengers, but I didn’t know what they were for, so I didn’t take one. When I tried to board the second plane they asked for my transit card, which I didn’t’ have. I was worried they were going to send me back to London.
E. I had been walking for about an hour when suddenly I slipped and fell down a riverbank. I hurt my ankle and couldn’t stand up. I didn’t know how I could get back to the village. I hadn’t told anyone what I was going, so no one would know where to look for me when they realized I was missing.
F. When I arrived at my destination, a customs officer at the airport looked in my bag and found the pills in a small box. He wanted to know what the pills were for and why they weren’t in their proper bottle with my name and the doctor’s name on it. I explained that the bottle had been too big and heavy. Then he wanted to know if I had a letter from my doctor explaining about the pills.


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