摘要:e on. Your mother is you home. 2.I found him all night.



  We often focus on building relationships with others that we forget the essential first stepbeing friends of ourselves  1  How can we have good relationships with others if we don’t even have good relationships with ourselves?

  The problem might be worse than we expectMaybe we don’t like ourselves without realizing itHere is a simple checklistIs there anything you don’t like about yourself from these lists?

  Your pastMaybe you have made mistakes in the past which you feel bad about  2  Even if that happened in distant past, your subconscious mind still has a reason not to like yourself

  Your backgroundYou might wish that you were born in different family, or that you have different background  3  They seem to get whatever they want effortlessly because of their background

  Your personal traits(特点)You might have some personality traits that you don’t likeFor example, you may be an introvert(内向的人)and you don’t like it; you wish you were an extrovert

  Others might have better achievements than you, and no matter how hard you tried, it might seem impossible for you to match them  4  Is there anything that resonate(产生共鸣)with you? All these give reasons to you not to like yourselfThat in turn makes it difficult for you to be a good friend to yourself

    5  Here are some tips

  Forgive yourself

  Accept things you can’t change

  Focus on your strengths

  Write your success stories

  Stop comparing yourself with others

  Always be true to yourself

AThat is the crucial(关键的)first step if we are to have good relationships with others

BYou might then think that it’s because you are not smart enough or don’t have enough talents

CYou can do something to improve the relationships with others

DFortunately, there are always things you can do to fix the situation

EYou might be disappointed with yourself on why you make such mistakes

FSometimes you might not believe yourself

GMaybe you could not accept the fact that you are not as lucky as others



The right pair of exercise shoes can do a lot to prevent discomfort and injuries, personal trainers say. Here are some shopping tips:

?  71  Depending on your workout, shoes designed for walking, running, tennis, cross-training or another specialty will provide the best support for your feet.

Shop when you normally exercise. Feet actually get bigger throughout the day, sometimes swelling up as much as a half-size by nighttime.  72 

Try them on. Never grab a pair of exercise shoes based only on the size of footwear you normally buy. Bring the type of socks you’d wear to work out and go for a walk through the store.

  73  You should be able to spread your toes out comfortably. Make sure there’s about a half-inch of space between them and the front of the shoe. The back should fit snugly (warmly and comfortably) against your heel and not move up and down. If your feet are different sizes, buy based on the larger one.

Talk to an expert. Shoe salesmen and personal trainers can study your stride (步伐) and the shape of your feet.  74 

  75  Many trainers recommend switching footwear every three to five months, if possible, to maintain proper cushioning and support.

One tip: if you have to tie your shoes very tightly to feel a good amount of support, they may be ready to go.

A. Think about how much you can afford to buy the workout shoes.

B. Consider your type of exercise.

C. Focus on fit.

D. So don’t shop first thing in the morning if you often work out in the evening.

E. Pay more attention to new style shoes.

F. Replace worn shoes regularly.

G. Usually they can recommend the best shoes to guard against injuries.



food, environment and so on. After that are pieces of related information (A--E). Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions1---4 and mark your answer letter (A---E) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

______ 1. How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.

______ 2. More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.

______ 3. I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.

______ 4. Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.

A. “Organic produce is always better,” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides, and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.

B. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.[

C. Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.

D. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.

E. Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.




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