摘要: needs many people including editors, photographers, journalists and designers.


Scholars and researchers have tried to discover what personality characteristics go along with success in intercultural experiences. Their findings have often been unclear or incomplete. But three characteristics stand out in their reports: patience, a sense of humor, and the awareness of being unclear.
Patience, of course, is the ability to keep calm even when things do not go as one wants them to, or hopes they will, or has even been sure they will. Impatience sometimes brings improvements in relations with other people, but usually it does not.
A person with a sense of humor is less likely to take things too seriously and more ready to see the humor in his own reactions than a humorless person. The value of a sense of humor really needs to be paid more attention to.
The awareness of being unclear is a more difficult concept than patience or a sense of humor. Foreigners often find themselves in situations that are unclear to the newcomers. That is, they do not know what is happening in the situation. Perhaps they do not understand the local language well enough, or they do not know how some system or organization works, or they can’t be sure of different people’s roles in what is going on. “It’s like I just got here from the moon,” a Chinese graduate student who newly arrived in the United States said, “things are just so different here.”
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us             .

A.that it’s not easy to travel abroad
B.that humor is very important in communication
C.of some characteristics in dealing with foreigners
D.of three main ways useful for communicating with foreigners
【小题2】According to the passage, what characteristic should be most focused on?
A.Patience.B.The awareness of being unclear.
C.The sense of humor.D.Understanding each other.
【小题3】“The awareness of being unclear” refers to           .
A.knowing the meaning of an exact situation
B.not stating clearly what happens
C.realizing the possible misunderstanding in a situation
D.being aware of the unclear situation
【小题4】According to the writer, the Chinese students is           .
A.a hard-working studentB.recently back from the moon
C.interested in the study of moonD.not used to the culture in America
【小题5】Which of the following can best sum up the passage?
A.It is necessary to learn the language before you go to the country.
B.Americans are used to the culture of other countries.
C.One needs many characteristics to live in a foreign country.
D.To live in a foreign land one should get fully prepared.[


Scholars and researchers have tried to discover what personality characteristics go along with success in intercultural(跨文化的)experiences. Their findings have often been unclear or incomplete. But three characteristics stand out in their reports: patience, a sense of humor, and the awareness (意识, 认识)of being unclear.

   Patience, of course, is the ability to keep calm even when things do not go as one wants them to, or hopes they will, or has even been sure they will. Impatience sometimes brings improvements in relations with other people, but usually it does not.

   A person with a sense of humor is less likely to take things too seriously and more ready to see the humor in his own reactions than a humorless person. The value of a sense of humor really needs to be paid more attention to.

   The awareness of being unclear is a more difficult concept than patience or a sense of humor. Foreigners often find themselves in situations that are unclear to the newcomers. That is, they do not know what is happening in the situation. Perhaps they do not understand the local language well enough, or they do not know how some system or organization works, or they can’t be sure of different people’s roles in what is going on. “It’s like I just got here from the moon,” a Chinese graduate student who newly arrived in the United States said, “things are just so different here.”

1.The passage mainly tells us        .

A. that it’s not easy to travel abroad

B. that humor is very important in communication

C. of some characteristics in dealing with foreigners

D. of three main ways useful for communicating with foreigners

2. According to the passage, what characteristic should be most focused on?

A. Patience.

B. The awareness of being unclear.

C. The sense of humor.

D. Understanding each other.

3.“The awareness of being unclear” refers to        .

A. knowing the meaning of an exact situation

B. not stating clearly what happens

C. realizing the possible misunderstanding in a situation

D. being aware of the unclear situation

4.According to the writer, the Chinese students are        .

A. a hard-working student

B. recently back from the moon

C. interested in the study of moon

D. not used to the culture in America

5.Which of the following can best sum up the passage?

A. A. It is necessary to learn the language before you go to the country.

B. Americans are used to the culture of other countries.

C. One needs many characteristics to live in a foreign country.

D. To live in a foreign land one should get fully prepared.




Recently a man came to me, because he was told that there is fluid(积液) around his heart. After trying many drugs which were of no use to reduce the fluid, the doctor told him the only other choice was to have an operation. He refused because he knew that every illness has a mental cause and that if he had the operation but did not clear the mental cause, the fluid would return. At last, he searched the Internet to find a metaphysical healer(玄学治疗师), and he found me.
The mental cause of his disease was an experience of breaking up five years ago with several friends, whom he had known for over twenty years. This experience broke his heart. Not knowing how to “mend” his broken heart, his body created a “repair” by surrounding his heart with fluid to protect it from the sad feelings.
Our work focused on reminding him of the feelings of being loved and forgiving his friends. Months later, his hearts was mended and the fluid disappeared. He left my office after the final session with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
The key is: to create a healthy body, you must be healthy not only in body, but also in mind.
To be mentally healthy, you need to build up strong relationships. Creating strong relationships will insure that you are accompanied by a network of loving persons. It is important for building a support system that lifts your spirits. Even when you are alone, you will not feel lonely or upset. Strong relationships are not spaceships——they are not hard to build.
【小题1】In order to cure his illness, which of the following ways did the patient try?
? taking many medicines           ? having an operation
? seeing a metaphysical healer    ? visiting different doctors

【小题2】The underlined word “It” in Paragraph5 refers to “________”.
A.a mentally healthy bodyB.a repaired heart
C.a network of loving personsD.a support system
【小题3】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Loving others will keep you in good spirits.
B.Heart illness can be cured without operation.
C.Creating strong relationships will keep you healthy.
D.Spiritual health is necessary for physical health.
【小题4】 Which of the following views may the writer agree to?
A.Old friendship is easy to lose.B.A good friendship is a useful medicine
C.The best doctor is your own bodyD.It needs many efforts to build relationships
【小题5】If this passage is continued with another paragraph, what would it be probably about?
A.How to build strong relationshipsB.How to protect your heart
C.How to keep healthy mentallyD.How to live a healthy life


Scholars and researchers have tried to discover what personality characteristics go along with success in intercultural(跨文化的)experiences. Their findings have often been unclear or incomplete. But three characteristics stand out in their reports: patience, a sense of humor, and the awareness (意识, 认识)of being unclear.
Patience, of course, is the ability to keep calm even when things do not go as one wants them to, or hopes they will, or has even been sure they will. Impatience sometimes brings improvements in relations with other people, but usually it does not.
A person with a sense of humor is less likely to take things too seriously and more ready to see the humor in his own reactions than a humorless person. The value of a sense of humor really needs to be paid more attention to.
The awareness of being unclear is a more difficult concept than patience or a sense of humor. Foreigners often find themselves in situations that are unclear to the newcomers. That is, they do not know what is happening in the situation. Perhaps they do not understand the local language well enough, or they do not know how some system or organization works, or they can’t be sure of different people’s roles in what is going on. “It’s like I just got here from the moon,” a Chinese graduate student who newly arrived in the United States said, “things are just so different here.”
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us        .

A. that it’s not easy to travel abroad
B. that humor is very important in communication
C. of some characteristics in dealing with foreigners
D. of three main ways useful for communicating with foreigners
【小题2】 According to the passage, what characteristic should be most focused on?
A. Patience.
B. The awareness of being unclear.
C. The sense of humor.
D. Understanding each other.
【小题3】“The awareness of being unclear” refers to        .
A. knowing the meaning of an exact situation
B. not stating clearly what happens
C. realizing the possible misunderstanding in a situation
D. being aware of the unclear situation
【小题4】According to the writer, the Chinese students are        .
A. a hard-working student
B. recently back from the moon
C. interested in the study of moon
D. not used to the culture in America
【小题5】Which of the following can best sum up the passage?
A. A. It is necessary to learn the language before you go to the country.
B. Americans are used to the culture of other countries.
C. One needs many characteristics to live in a foreign country.
D. To live in a foreign land one should get fully prepared.


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