摘要: A. people B. records C. signs D. picture


More than forty thousand readers told us what they looked for in close friendship , what they expected   1  friends , what they were willing to give in   2  , and how satisfied they were   3  the quality of their friendships . The   4  give little comfort to social critics(评论家) .

Friendship   5  to be a different form of   6  relationships . Unlike marriage or the ties that  7  parents and children , it is not explained or regulated (制约) by   8  . Unlike other social roles that we are expected to   9  — as citizens , employees , members of professional societies and   10  organizations—it has its own rule , which is to develop  11  of warmth , trust and love   12  two people . The   13  on friendships appeared in Psychology Today in March . The findings   14  that topics of trust and betrayal are   15  to friendship . They also suggest that our readers do not   16  for friends only among those who are   17  like them , but find many   18  differ in race , religion , and background . Arguably the most important   19  that appears in the article ,   20  , is not something that we found—but what we did not .

1. A. on     B. of    C. to      D. for

2. A. addition  B. pay   C. turn     D. return

3. A. about   B. of    C. with     D. by

4. A. results   B. effects  C. expectations  D. ends

5. A. feels   B. leads   C. sounds   D. appears

6. A. human   B. mankind  C. their    D. civil

7. A. join   B. relate   C. control   D. attract

8. A. force   B. law   C. rule     D. order

9. A. keep   B. do    C. show    D. play

10.A.all    B. any    C. other    D. those

11.A.friendship  B. interests  C. feelings   D. relations

12.A.between  B. on    C. in     D. for

13.A.book   B. article   C. description  D. wish

14.A.warn   B. believe  C. prove    D. solve

15.A.true    B. main   C. false    D. central

16.A.ask    B. call    C. care    D. look

17.A.most   B. more    C. least   D. less

18.A.people  B. who    C. what   D. friends

19.A.conclusion B. summary  C. decision  D. demand

20.A. moreover B. however  C. still    D. yet





  The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.

   The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.

   The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 

1. The Taj Mahal was built for____ .

A. Mumtaz                      B. Shah

C. Either Mumtaz or Shah         D. Both Mumtaz and Shah

2. The passage mainly tells us____ .

A. why the Taj Mahal was built

B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz

C. some information about the Taj Mahal

D. the Taj Mahal—the pride of Indians

3. Form the passage we can learn that____ .

A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before.

B. the Taj Mahal doesn't exist now.

C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed.

D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest.


Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy waters. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club(冬泳爱好者协会)and it has more than 2 000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers, students…

Though it is now the coldest part of the season and the water temperature in the city’s lakes is around 0℃, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy waters, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes.

Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? Because winter-swimming can be good for one’s health.

Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once suffered from heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winter-swimming he is now in good health. Scientists are now studying the effects of winter-swimming on health.

4. What does the underlined sentence “The members are from all walks of life” mean?  

A. The members do different jobs at different places.

B. They come from all parts of Beijing.

C. They are persons of different ages.

  D. They are men and women, old and young.

5. The winter-swimmers are able to swim in the icy waters, even on snowy days because       .

  A. they are not afraid of coldness

  B. they often swim in the icy waters

  C. they know that they can benefit(得益)from it

  D. winter-swimming can make people healthy

6. Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing because       .

  A. more and more people like to swim in Beijing

  B. it is more interesting than swimming in summer

  C. winter-swimmers are brave men

  D. winter-swimming does a lot of good to one’s health

7. What’s the best title for this passage?

  A. People in Beijing Like Swimming in Winter

  B. Winter-swimming—A Craze(狂热)in Beijing

  C. People Benefit from Winter-swimming

  D. Winter-swimmers Are Brave Men


The Western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool. It is a  __36__  that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are  __37__  with the opposite sex. They are good?looking and people want to  __38__  their style. They can do their homework but they don't  __39__ a big effort. That would not be cool.

The uncool kids are in the  __40__  of the playground. They are very bright,but they don't have great  __41__skills and they are  __42__  at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows  __43__  the X Files. They are  __44__ as the geeks(怪人).

Here are the geeks. The geeks are taking over(占上风). Make friends with them now  __45__  they will put virus in your computer and  __46__  your math homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university,but  __47__  good degrees.

The most important  __48__  of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates  __49__  others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a   __50__  of their own to work and play in,making them a global force.  __51__, the effect of the geeks  __52__ popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be  __53__. Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than  __54__  you look like.

But there are also  __55__. Geeks were often bullied (欺侮)or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.

36.A.division   B.part C.class    D.habit

37.A.pleasant   B.popular C.crazy   D.particular

38.A.take B.act C.copy    D.advance

39.A.have B.suffer C.support D.make

40.A.corner    B.team  C.group  D.center

41.A.operating      B.speaking  C.social   D.experimental

42.A.good     B.active C.hopeless     D.sharp

43.A.like   B.for  C.such    D.as

44.A.admired  B.thought  C.known D.treated

45.A.and  B.so  C.or      D.that

46.A.put  B.place  C.bring    D.take

47.A.win B.take  C.wish    D.finish

48.A.industry   B.progress  C.discovery     D.improvement

49.A.excite    B.discourage  C.demand D.promise

50.A.room     B.world  C.chance D.heaven

51.A.Somehow    B.However  C.Though D.Besides

52.A.in    B.of C.on D.for

53.A.rich B.uncool C.attractive    D.handsome

54.A.how     B.that C.how much   D.what

55.A.risks B.questions  C.shortcomings     D.chances


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