摘要: A. team B. class C. group D. family



  American medical researchers have just reported the first scientific   proof that a small amount of exercise will help us live longerThe __1__ was carried out only by __2__ at Harvard and Stanford __3__It involved(涉及)about   17,00 __4__ who entered Harvard University __5__ 1956 and 1960The   scientists began their __6__ in 1960They studied   the medical __7__ of every one in the study __8__ of those living and dead.__9__ of the study group reported __10__ much they walked, how many   steps they __11__ and what kinds of __12__ they had each weekThe   scientists checked __13__ about height, weight, __14__ pressure and family history of heart   diseaseTheir __15__ showed exercise helped __16__   the chance of death from a number of __17__

  They found that two thirds of __18__ attack victims(受害者)were people who __19__ exercised.__20__ of the scientists said the most important __21__   was that people who do not exercise __22__ more heart diseaseAnd he said that __23__ might be easier now to __24__ people to   exercise when he said doctors __25__ them to


[  ]

A.work   B.plan   C.study   D.project


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.teachers    D.doctors


[  ]

A.counties    B.states   C.universities   D.provinces


[  ]

A.scientists    B.students   C.professors   D.workers


[  ]

A.from    B.among   C.since   D.between


[  ]

A.experiment    B.tests   C.research       D.works 


[  ]

A.book    B.history   C.team   D.operation


[  ]

A.group    B.class   C.team    D.university 


[  ]

A.One    B.Scientists   C.Doctors    D.Members 


[  ]

A.so    B.how   C.too    D.very


[  ]

A.climbed    B.went   C.jumped   D.ran


[  ]

A.food    B.drinks   C.sports   D.medicine


[  ]

A.information    B.news   C.message        D.knowledge


[  ]

A.air    B.liquid   C.blood   D.flesh


[  ]

A.illnesses    B.exams   C.success   D.researches


[  ]

A.increase    B.give   C.reduce    D.bring 


[  ]

A.reports    B.teachers   C.students   D.diseases


[  ]

A.disease    B.heart   C.sudden   D.accident


[  ]

A.never    B.were   C.weren’t    D.had


[  ]

A.One    B.Two   C.Three   D.Some


[  ]

A.invention    B.discovery   C.sport     D.game


[  ]

A.causes    B.cause   C.has   D.have


[  ]

A.they    B.doctor   C.it    D.he


[  ]

A.teach    B.tell   C.organize   D.get


[  ]

A.advise    B.agree   C.invite    D.drive


完形填空(Cloze Test)


  The Canadian people are made up of different national races. The first known settlers of the country were the Indians.

  It is believed that the Indians entered this continent ___1___ the Berlin Strait from eastern Asia at ___2___ 10,000 years ago. When Europeans first ___3___ the country, Indians were living in ___4___ of the forested areas. There were only a few Indians in the provinces ___5___ the Atlantic Ocean.

  The second ___6___ of people to enter Canada were the Eskimos. They ___7___ the Berlin Strait from Asia less than 3,000 years ago. There are few ___8___ of their early movements.

  The first white settlers in Canada were the French. They came in greatest ___9___ to Quebec, but also to Nova Scotia, where they cleared(清除)farms ___10___ the southern side of the Bay of Fundy(芬迪湾,位于加拿大和美国之间).

  The French built their citadel(城堡)at Quebec City, and cleared farms out of the forests in the area. By the ___11___ of the British conquest(征服)in 1763, there were about 60,000 Frenchmen in Canada, living chiefly ___12___ Quebec and Montreal.

  There were not many British people in Canada until American Revolution ___13___ large numbers northward.

  Throughout the 19th century, thousands of British people came to Canada. The descendants(后代)of these peoples from England, Scotland and Ireland now ___14___ up about half of the population. Around the turn of the century, people came ___15___ increasing numbers from Europe and the largest numbers came from Central and Eastern--Germans, Czechs, Poles, Romanians and Ukrainians.


It’s just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past 10 years or so.

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas — oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it — overspending... the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma — the gifts given in desperation because you couldn’t think of anything else.

Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way.

Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was wrestling at the junior level at the school he attended; and shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church. These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.

As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler’s ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford. Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his tatters with false bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn’t acknowledge defeat.

Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, “I wish just one of them could have won,” he said. “They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them.”

Mike loved kids — all kids — and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball and lacrosse. That’s when the idea for his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent the anonymously to the inner-city church.

On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me. His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in succeeding years.

For each Christmas, I followed the tradition — one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.

The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning and our children, ignoring their new toys, would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal its contents.

As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn’t end there. You see, we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, and in the morning, it was joined by three more.

Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on the tree for their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope. Mike’s spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us.

55.  Why did Mike get so bored with Christmas at first?

A.  People would pour into stores to blindly purchase gifts over Christmas.

B.  He wasn’t satisfied with the Christmas presents he had ever received.

C.  People couldn’t come up with any fantastic ideas for Christmas gifts.

D.  The true meaning of Christmas remained unchanged in people’s minds.

56.The writer mentions what the two teams wore in Paragraph 4 in order to _______.

A.  show her pride in her children’s present living conditions

B.  explain the reason why her son’s team won the match

C.  reflect the financial difficulty of the inner-city church

D.  express the shock those lower-class teenagers brought her

57. What did Mike mean by saying “losing like this could take the heart right out of them”

(Paragraph 6)?

A.They didn’t care whether they could win the match or not.

B.They didn’t acknowledge the defeat because of the unfairness.

C.Being defeated in this way could make them lose confidence.

D.Being defeated in this way could inspire them to train harder.

58.Mike’s bright smile at the note suggests.
A.what his wife had done as against the Christmas spirit.
B.he thought the very Christmas gift had real significance
C.what was written on the note was easy to understand
D.he was amused by the Christmas tradition of his family.
59.What happened at the first Christmas after Mike’s death?
A.The writer asked her children to follow their family tradition.
B.All the children stood around the Christmas tree with expectation.
C.The writer removed the Christmas tree to avoid thinking of Mike.
D.The children each put an envelope on the Christmas tree for their dad.
60.In the writer’s eyes, the white envelope is a symbol of     .
A.Mike’s spirit      B.children’s love     C.unusual ideas      D.special gifts


Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large    41   .The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.

One day, the single brother said to himself, “It’s not    42    that we share all the rice. I’m   43    and I need less than my brother.” So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and    44   across the field    45    their houses, putting it into his brother’s store-room.

At the same time, the married brother thought, “It’s not fair to share all the rice. I’m married and I have my wife and children to   46   me when I am   47  . However, my brother has no one to take care of his   48    .” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother’s store-room.

Several months passed by. They found    49   strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears    50   their eyes at once.

1.A. group        B. family      C. class          D. team

2.A. right        B. popular         C. interesting     D. wrong

3.A. poor         B. happy        C. alone          D. rich

4.A. jumped       B. played       C. went           D. rode

5.A. from         B. through          C. off            D. between

6.A. look after   B. look for         C. look out       D. look at

7.A. worried           B. old              C. healthy        D. dead

8.A. hope          B. children      C. farm       D. future

9.A. them          B. this          C. it             D. that

10.A. appeared      B. filled           C. dropped       D. rose   



Betty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year, we had a costume party (化装舞会 )instead.

While we were writing the invitations, my mum came in and asked, “Why not invite John?” John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grades in science than anyone else in class. I wrinkled(皱起) my nose, “Mum, he wears the same pants to school every day. How could he even afford a costume?” Mum said nothing. The next day, mum gave me an envelope with a shopping certificate(凭证) in it. “I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John.” Mum said. But how? We didn’t want to make John embarrassed. We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.

On the day of our party, kids arrived, dressed differently. John arrived, in an old sheet(床单), but still in the same brown pants as usual. We danced, ate snacks and played games in groups. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, “Now it’s time for the great prize game. It’s the following riddle…” It was a science game. None of us was surprised when John came up with the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.

Everything went on well as we planned. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.

When we help others, we need to find a proper way, or we may hurt them in another way.

56. The two girls and John were in the same _________.

A. group                   B. class                      C. team                        D. family 

57. John’s family may be very _________ according to the passage.

A. poor                   B.  near                C. rich                         D. small

58. How did John get the prize during the party?

A. By helping others.                                   B. By asking for help.

C. By getting good grades in study.               D. By winning the science game.

59. John _________ with the shopping certificate after the party.

A. watched a basketball match                      B. saw a movie

C. bought something to wear                        D. made a phone call

60. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A. John wasn’t good at science.

B. The two girls felt angry when John won the great prize.

C. The two girls helped John in a proper way.

D. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt to the party.


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