摘要: Boxing may cause damage the brain. A. for B. on C. to D. with


Jack London had endured more hardships by the age of twenty-one than most people experience in a lifetime. His struggles developed in him sympathy for the working class and a lasting dislike of hard work and provided inspiration for his career as a writer.

London grew up in San Francisco in extreme poverty. At an early age, he left school and supported himself through a succession of un skilled jobs ----working as a paper boy, in bowling alleys, on ice wagons, and in canneries(罐头食品厂) and mills. Despite working long hours at these jobs, London was able to read constantly, borrowing travel and adventure books from the library.

The books London read inspired him to travel, and his job experiences led him to become active in fighting for the fights of workers. He sailed to Japan on a journey aiming at catching seals and joined a cross-country protest march with a group of unemployed workers. After being arrested for vagrancy near Buffalo, New York, London decided to educate himself and reshape his life. He quickly completed high school and entered the University of California.

After only one term, however, the appeal of fortune and adventure proved uncontrollable. London gave up his studies and traveled to the Alaskan Yukon in 1897 in search of gold. Jack London was among the first of these miners. He may have searched for more than gold, however. London once commented, “ True, the new region was mostly poor; but its several hundred thousand square miles of coldness at least gave breathing space to those who else would have choked at home.” Although he was unsuccessful as a miner, London’s experiences in Alaska taught him about the human desire for wealth and power and about humankind’s inability to control the forces of nature. While in Alaska, London also absorbed memories and stories that would make him known one hundred years later.

Once back in California, London became determined to earn a living as a writer. He rented a typewriter and worked up to fifteen hours a day, spinning his Alaskan adventures into short stories and novels.

According to legend, London’s piles of rejection slips from publishers grew to five feet in height!

    Even so, London preserved. In 1903, he earned national fame when he published the popular novel The Call of the Wild. He soon became the highest paid and most industrious writer in the country. During his career, he produced more than fifty books and earned more than a million dollars. Several of his novels, including The Call of the Wild(1903),the Sea-Wolf(1904),the White Fang(1906),have become American classics. In fact, he was a creative writer whose fiction explored several regions and their cultures: the Yukon, California, Hawaii, and the Solomon Islands. He experimented with many literary forms, from traditional love stories and dystopias(反面乌托邦小说)to science fantasy. His noted journalism included war communication, boxing stories, and the life of Molokai lepers(麻风病患者). He was among the most influential figures of his day, who understood how to create a public persona and use the media to market his self-created image of poor-boy-turned-success. London's great passion was agriculture, and he was well on the way of creating a new model for spreading through his Beauty Ranch when he died of kidney disease at age 40. He left over fifty books of novels, stories, journalism, and essays, many of which have been translated and continue to be read around the world. His best works describe a person’s struggle for survival against the powerful forces of nature. “To Build a Fire”, for example, tells the story of a man’s fight to survive the harsh cold of the Alaskan winter.

1._________made Jack London reconsider his life in the future.

    A. His job experience                       B. The books he read

    C. Being arrested                           D. Long-hour work

2.What is TRUE about Jack London?

    A. Jack London was poor all his life.

    B. Jack London got enough money while in the search of gold.

    C. The books Jack London read inspired him to travel and become active.

    D. The experience of gold searching made Jack London determined to write novels about Alaska adventures.

3.After the experience in Alaska, Jack London ________________.

    A. realized the nature of human beings.

    B. knew people could control the nature finally.

    C. regretted being there.

    D.thought highly of himself.

4.In paragraph 4, the sentence “True, the new region was mostly poor; but its several hundred thousand square miles of coldness at least gave breathing space to those who else would have choked at home.”  implies_______________________________.

    A. Jack London regarded Alaska a poor place as he never got any gold there.

    B. people would have been ill at home if they had never been Alaska.

    C. People searching for gold there still have chance to win.

    D. Alaska was a poor but large region.

5.Which one of following works doesn’t belong to Jack London according to the passage?

    A. love stories     B. poetry       C. journalism       D. essays

6.What can we learn from Jack London’s final success?

    A. Failure is the mother of success.

    B. Practice makes perfect.

    C. Knowledge is powerful.

    D. All of above.




第三部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)


Brazil sports are out of control! Brazil may be one of the most sport-crazy countries in the world. Whether you are into watching or playing, Brazil sports have a lot to offer everyone.

     Football in Brazil is more than a sport. It’s a way of life. Football is popular in Brazil for several reasons. One reason is that it is fast paced and fun to watch. This is the reason why the World Cup Soccer is the most watched sports event in the world aside from the Summer Olympics. Also, you don't need anything to play soccer except for something to kick, and a big area in which to play. Few will argue if you say that Brazil leads the world in football. No nation has won as many world cups as Brazil.

     Volleyball is a close second in Brazil sports. In the world of international volleyball, Brazil wins many championships of all kinds, including indoor and beach volleyball. Brazil has nearly 5,000 miles coastline. If you go to a beach in Brazil, there will always be a volleyball game going on somewhere, and usually two or three.

     Footvolley was created in Brazil in the 1960s. It is a mix of football and volleyball, where the players must use their feet and head to get the ball over the net and into the opponents’ courts, and is also played in sand. It is one of the most popular beach sports in Brazil.

     Swimming, tennis, rugby, boxing, judo, sailing, golf, surfing, and handball are all greatly popular in Brazil.

41. We can infer that this passage was written to _______________.

A. explain why football is so popular in Brazil

B. encourage us to do sports as people in Brazil do

C. tell us the history of several sports in Brazil

D. introduce several very popular sports in Brazil

42. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 suggest?

   A. Sports are extremely popular in Brazil.

   B. All kinds of sports are played in Brazil.

   C. Brazil athletes are out of control.

   D. Brazil athlets are not well educated.

43. From Paragraph 2, we learn most people believe that______________.

   A. football is the most ppopular sport in every country

   B. people don’t need anything to play soccer

   C. Brazil has won every World Cup Soccer

   D. Brazil leads the world in football

44. According to the writer, what is the second most popular sport in Brazil?

   A.Football.     B.Volleyball   C. Footvolley   D. Tennis

45. Which of the following statements about footvolley in Brazil is WRONG?

   A. It has a history of more than 100 years.

   B. It is a mix of football and volleyball.

   C. It is a very popular beach sport in Brazil.

   D. Players can touch the ball with their feet.



“Humans have a code of ethics (行为规范) ,” says Marc Bekoff, an animal behavior expert at the University of Colorado. “If I don’t play in a certain way, you won’t play with me. Some animals have the same code”

Scientists recently discovered that animals which live in groups, such as elephants, foxes and wolves are especially likely to follow rules. If they don’t, and each does its own thing, the group might break apart. Group members would be forced to live alone. Then they’d have a harder time hunting and raising their young.

That’s probably why a traveling wolf pack stopped and waited to let its slowly moving leader catch up. Similar social ties may have caused a captive elephant to save her friend from drowning. Selfish reasons certainly motivated the male fox, who wanted to keep playing.

Sometimes, though, animals go out of their way to do what’s right, even when there’s nothing in it for them. Nobody knows why. “It might simply feel good to be kind, just as it does for humans,” says Bekoff.

If your friend wasn’t nice to you, what would you do? Maybe you would just walk away. That’s exactly what a wild red fox did when she was play-boxing with another fox. The larger fox, a male, began pushing too hard. The little female didn’t like fighting. She ran away quietly.

“He still wanted to play,” says Marc Bekoff. So the male fox ran after his playmate, bowed down, and rolled over. His body language meant, “Don’t leave. I’ll play nicely.” The female gave him another chance, and the male wrestled more gently this time.

71 How did the little female fox show her dissatisfaction with the larger male one? (no more than 5 words)


任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)


Unique Tradition from UK

Boxing Day

This holiday, which is observed on December 26, is a unique part of the Christmas season in Great Britain, as well as other Commonwealth nations. Boxing Day comes from a tradition that began in the Middle Ages more than 800 years ago. On this day, English churches would open their ‘alms box’ and distribute its contents to needy members of the community. It was also a day for servants to celebrate the holidays with their families, having usually worked the day before. Today, Boxing Day is one of the twenty-two paid holidays received by most working Brits. Most people now spend Christmas Day with their family and reserve Boxing Day for exchanging gifts with friends. Although the government shuts down for the day, cinemas and theatres are open.

Queen’s Telegram

In the United States, if you make it to the ripe old age of 101 or 102, Willard Scott will wish you happy birthday on national television. In England, the queen herself will send her congratulations. This fairly new custom is known as "the Queen’s Telegram" and assures centenarians (people at least 100 years old) that they will receive a birthday telegram from the queen on their one-hundredth birthday. The telegram is so longed for by some Brits that one 98-year-old woman was recently proven to have faked her age by two years just to receive the telegram.

High Tea

High tea was first enjoyed by the English working class during the 1700s. This ritual (仪式) began as a practical attempt to hold off hunger pains between breakfast and supper, as eating just two daily meals was common at the time. It was called “high” tea because it was usually taken sitting on top stools in a tea shop or standing at a counter or buffet table. Today, high tea has become a more elegant and popular tradition that is practiced in fine hotels and restaurants around the world.

Public Houses

Visiting a pub is one of Britain’s oldest forms of entertainment. The idea for the first public houses was brought to Britain thousands of years ago by conquering Roman army. The first pubs served only wine, but after the discovery of hops(啤酒花) in the fourteenth century, pubs began to serve mainly beer and ale(麦芽酒), as they do today.

British pubs operate between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day except Sunday, when they must close at 10:30 p.m. The drinking age in Britain is eighteen, but fourteen-year-olds may enter a pub unaccompanied if they order a meal.

Unique Tradition from UK



Main Activities

Boxing Day

Observed on Dc.26 during the (71)______ season.

In the past, churches would open their “alms box”, with its contents (72)_______ to needy people.

Today it is reserved to (73)_____gifts with friends.

Queen’s Telegram

(74)______by the Queen when one has his or her 100th birthday.

People over 100 years will receive a birthday telegram from the queen herself on her birthday, enjoying the Queen’s (75)_____ to them.

High Tea

Enjoyed and practiced between breakfast and supper.

It (76)______to be taken sitting in a tea shop, or standing at a corner. Today it’s becoming a tradition (77)_____ in the hotels and restaurants worldwide.

Public Houses

Visited between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day


At the (79)______, only wine was served, but today they mainly serve beer and ale, but people (80)_____than eighteen are not allowed to drink.



Are you a top student in your school, or at least a top one in your class? If not, you may learn something from my story.

Growing up in a poor family with uneducated parents, I was not good at my study. But a teacher changed my life. Without her, I couldnt have  36  so much in my later career. I can still remember the very important day that has  37 my whole life.

I did so  38  in math that you may not imagine that I even couldnt count from “ONE” to “TEN”, when I was in Grade Three.

Then the 39_ day came. My father was asked to come to school to 40_ with my teacher, Ms King. You cant imagine how angry and 41_ my father was when he heard about my “excellent achievement”. He 42 at me:“since you cant even count from ‘ONE ’to ‘TEN’, what are you able to be when you  43_ up? Now, tell me!”I was scared and  44_ and didnt know what to say and tears came immediately into my eyes.

Then the most unforgettable time in my life came. “Maybe he can be a boxing refereeone day. That 45  only needs him to count from ‘ONE’ to ‘NINE’, which may

  46  him well.” Ms King looked into my eyes and firmly said.

Now, I am in my forties, and can you believe it that thanks to Ms King, I am really a well-known boxing 47 of WBO(World Boxing Organization),and that I do need to count only from “ONE” to “NINE”? So are still worried about your poor grades at school? Remember there will always be a place waiting for you!

1.                A.lost            B.remembered    C.achieved  D.abandoned


2.                A.transformed     B.conveyed       C.celebrated    D.transported


3.                A.well           B.badly           C.hopefully D.doubtfully


4.                A.wonderful      B.amazing         C.boring    D.terrible


5.                A.meet          B.come          C.deal D.cope


6.                A.cheerful        B.ashamed        C.delighted D.jealous


7.                A.laughed        B.smiled          C.whispered D.shouted


8.                A.take           B.use            C.grow D.wash


9.                A.embarrassed    B.angry          C.curious   D.unsatisfied


10.               A.suggestion      B.profession      C.introduction    D.instruction


11.               A.teach          B.train           C.educate   D.suit


12.               A.teacher        B.coach          C.referee   D.apprentice




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