摘要: A. hurriedly B. suddenly C. slowly D. usually


 My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   1   citizens.

    He is a   2   companion. He does many amusing things that make me   3  , and when that happens, he is so delighted   4   he just keeps it up.

    But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,   5   he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my   6  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually   7  , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then   8   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   9  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  10   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

   When cancer starts, a  11   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  12   the lump.

I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   13   to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too   14  .

    Was Cocoa  15   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

1.A. good               B. standard     C. senior           D. great

2. A. wonderful     B. tiring           C. hungry       D. bad

3. A. leave         B. cry          C. laugh            D. jump

4.A. as             B. when             C. and          D. that

5.A. when           B. then         C. though           D. as

6. A. chest         B. body         C. shoulder     D. arm

7. A. right         B. good         C. enough       D. unexpected

8. A. hurriedly         B. rudely           C. slowly   D.suddenly

9. A. pain              B. surprise     C. trouble  D.danger

10. A. experiments      B. researches       C. tests    D.papers

11. A. wall         B. cancer           C. body         D. number

12. A. watch            B. have         C. get          D. notice

13. A. ran              B. kept         C. entered      D. spread

14. A. common       B. late         C. much         D. early

15. A. ashamed      B. aware            C. afraid           D. tired



完形填空 (共15题,每小题2分,共30分)

My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   11  citizens.

 He is a   12  companion. He does many amusing things that make me  13  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  14  he just keeps it up.

 But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  15  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  16  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  17 , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then  18   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   19  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  20   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

 When cancer starts, a  21   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  22   the lump.

 I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   23  to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  24  .

 Was Cocoa  25   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

11    A.    good           B.    standard    C.       senior         D. great

12    A.    wonderful       B.    tiring        C.       hungry       D. bad

13    A.    leave           B.    cry         C.       laugh         D. jump

14    A.    as            B.    when        C.       and         D. that

15    A.    when           B.    then       C.       though       D. as

16    A.    chest           B.    body         C.       shoulder     D. arm

17    A.    right               B.    good         C.       enough       D. unexpected

18    A.    hurriedly     B.    rudely       C.       slowly        D. suddenly

19    A.    pain        B.    surprise     C.       trouble       D. danger

20    A.    experiments    B.    researches  C. tests         D. papers

21    A.    wall         B.    cancer       C.       body          D. number

22    A.    watch          B.    have       C.       get          D. notice

23    A.    ran           B.    kept       C.       entered       D. spread

24    A.    common      B.    late        C.       much         D. early

25    A.    ashamed      B.    aware        C.       afraid         D. tired


II. 完形填空(共15题,每小题2分,共30分)

My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   11  citizens.

He is a   12  companion. He does many amusing things that make me  13  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  14  he just keeps it up.

But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  15  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  16  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  17 , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then  18   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   19  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  20   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

When cancer starts, a  21   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  22   the lump.

I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   23  to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  24  .

Was Cocoa  25   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

11    A.    good       B.    standard  C.    senior      D.    great

12    A.    wonderful       B.    tiring      C.    hungry    D.    bad

13    A.    leave       B.    cry   C.    laugh      D.    jump

14    A.    as    B.    when      C.    and  D.    that

15    A.    when       B.    then C.    though    D.    as

16    A.    chest       B.    body       C.    shoulder  D.    arm

17    A.    right       B.    good       C.    enough    D.    unexpected

18    A.    hurriedly B.    rudely     C.    slowly     D.    suddenly

19    A.    pain B.    surprise   C.    trouble    D.    danger

20    A.    experiments    B.    researches       C.    tests       D.    papers

21    A.    wall B.    cancer     C.    body       D.    number

22    A.    watch      B.    have C.    get   D.    notice

23    A.    ran   B.    kept C.    entered    D.    spread

24    A.    common  B.    late  C.    much      D.    early

25    A.    ashamed  B.    aware      C.    afraid      D.    tired



II. 完形填空 (共15题,每小题2分,共30分)

  My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   11  citizens.

 He is a   12  companion. He does many amusing things that make me  13  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  14  he just keeps it up.

 But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  15  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  16  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  17 , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then  18   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   19  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  20   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

 When cancer starts, a  21   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  22   the lump.

 I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   23  to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  24  .

 Was Cocoa  25   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

11    A.    good       B.    standard  C.    senior      D.    great

12    A.    wonderful       B.    tiring      C.    hungry    D.    bad

13    A.    leave       B.    cry   C.    laugh      D.    jump

14    A.    as    B.    when      C.    and  D.    that

15    A.    when       B.    then C.    though    D.    as

16    A.    chest       B.    body       C.    shoulder  D.    arm

17    A.    right       B.    good       C.    enough    D.    unexpected

18    A.    hurriedly B.    rudely     C.    slowly     D.    suddenly

19    A.    pain B.    surprise   C.    trouble    D.    danger

20    A.    experiments    B.    researches       C.    tests       D.    papers

21    A.    wall B.    cancer     C.    body       D.    number

22    A.    watch      B.    have C.    get   D.    notice

23    A.    ran   B.    kept C.    entered    D.    spread

24    A.    common  B.    late  C.    much      D.    early

25    A.    ashamed  B.    aware      C.    afraid      D.    tired


My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment.Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   1  citizens.

 He is a   2  companion.He does many amusing things that make me  3  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  4  he just keeps it up.

 But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely.I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  5  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  6  .He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  7 , but not that day.He stopped briefly, and then  8   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest.He crashed into me and I cried in   9  , falling down to the floor.Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块).I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  10   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

 When cancer starts, a  11   of calcium (钙) builds.Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall.When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall.This made it possible for me to  12   the lump.

 I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not  13  to any other part of my body.The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  14  .

 Was Cocoa  15   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know.What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

1.A.good                     B.standard              C.senior                 D.great

2.A.wonderful             B.tiring                   C.hungry                D.bad

3.A.leave                     B.cry                     C.laugh                  D.jump

4.A.as                         B.when                  C.and                     D.that

5.A.when                    B.then                    C.though                D.as

6.A.chest                    B.body                   C.shoulder              D.arm

7.A.right                     B.good                   C.enough                D.unexpected

8.A.hurriedly               B.rudely                 C.slowly                 D.suddenly

9.A.pain                      B.surprise               C.trouble                D.danger

10.A.experiments         B.researches           C.tests                   D.papers

11.A.wall                    B.cancer                 C.body                   D.number

12.A.watch                 B.have                    C.get                      D.notice

13.A.ran                     B.kept                    C.entered                D.spread

14.A.common             B.late                     C.much                  D.early

15.A.ashamed              B.aware                  C.afraid                  D.tired


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