摘要: A. glare at B. stare at C. shout at D. aim at


Unhappy people glue(使粘牢) themselves to the television 30 percent more than happy people.

The finding, announced on Thursday,   1  from a survey of nearly 30,000 American adults conducted between 1975 and 2006 as part of the General Social Survey.

  2  happy people reported watching an   3   of 19 hours of television per week, unhappy people reported 25 hours a week. The results held even after   4  into account education, income, age and marital status.

In addition, happy individuals were more socially   5  , attended more religious services, voted more and    6  a newspaper more often than their less-chipper(没有精神的) counterparts.

The researchers are not sure, though, whether unhappiness   7  more television-watching or more viewing leads to unhappiness.

In fact, people say they like watching television: Past research has shown that when people watch television they   8   it. In these studies, participants reported that on a   9  from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV-watching was nearly an 8.

But perhaps the high from watching television doesn't   10  .

"These conflicting data  11  that TV may provide viewers with short-run   12  , but at the expense of long-term malaise(精神欠爽)," said researcher John Robinson, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.

In this case, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to   13  at the TV. The researchers suggest that over time, television-viewing  14   push out other activities that do have more lasting   15  . Exercise and sex come to mind, as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits.

Or, maybe television is simply a refuge(慰藉物) for people who are already   16  .

"TV is not judgmental 17  difficult, so people with   18  social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it," Robinson and UM colleague Steven Martin write in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research.

They add, "  19  , chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating(使人衰弱的) and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively   20  by a TV."

The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.

(    ) 1. A. comes              B. arrives              C. differs              D. results

(    ) 2. A. When                      B. As                    C. While               D. Therefore

(    ) 3. A. average            B. amount             C. number            D. effort

(    ) 4. A. speaking           B. talking             C. taking              D. getting

(    ) 5. A. active                      B. positive            C. crazy               D. cozy

(    ) 6. A. look                 B. read                 C. see                   D. take

(    ) 7. A. builds up          B. cuts down        C. leads to            D. tends to

(    ) 8. A. hate                 B. enjoy                      C. adopt                      D. adapt

(    ) 9. A. fashion             B. group                   C. scale               D. rate

(    ) 10. A. last               B. decrease           C. widen               D. disappear

(    ) 11. A. report             B. suggest             C. improve           D. admit

(    ) 12. A. excitement      B. pleasure            C. suffering          D. sadness

(    ) 13. A. glare                     B. look                 C. stare                 D. fix

(    ) 14. A. should            B. must               C. could                      D. need

(    ) 15. A. comforts        B. laughter          C. pressures          D. benefits

(    ) 16. A. tired                      B. lonely              C. bored                      D. unhappy

(    ) 17. A. and               B. neither             C. nor                  D. but

(    ) 18. A. few               B. little                 C. many                      D. quantity

(    ) 19. A. Therefore              B. Furthermore     C. However          D. Yet

(    ) 20. A. controlled              B. transformed      C. persuaded        D. entertained


The power of encouragement is great. You may draw some inspiration from the following story.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a famous 19th­century poet and artist, was once  26  by an elderly man. The old man had some sketches (素描) and drawings that he  27   Rossetti to look at them and tell him if they were any good, or  28  they at least showed potential(潜在的)talent.

Rossetti looked them  29  carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a  30  man, and he told the elderly  31  as gently as possible that the pictures were of little value and showed little talent. He was sorry,  32  he could not 33  to the man.

The visitor was  34  , but seemed to expect Rossetti’s  35   .He then apologized for  36  Rossetti’s time, but would he just  37  a few more drawings—these done by a(n)  38  art student?Rossetti looked over the  39  batch (一批) of sketches and immediately became  40  over the talent they revealed(显示;透露) .“These,” he said,“Oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He should be  41  every help and encouragement in his career as an artist. He has a hopeful future if he will work and stick to it.”

Rossetti could see that the old man was  42  moved.“Who is this fine young   artist?” he asked.“Your son?” “No,” said the old man sadly.“It was I  43  painted the pictures forty years ago.  44  I had heard your praise then!For you see, I got discouraged and 45  drawing—too soon.”

1.                A.expected       B.wished         C.visited    D.requested


2.                A.wanted         B.made          C.had  D.hoped


3.                A.why           B.which          C.that  D.whether


4.                A.up            B.over           C.on   D.down


5.                A.rude           B.talented        C.kind D.creative


6.                A.woman         B.man           C.artist D.poet


7.                A.but            B.and            C.or   D.otherwise


8.                A.speak          B.apologize       C.lie   D.listen


9.                A.annoyed        B.disappointed     C.delighted D.puzzled


10.               A.achievement    B.adjustment      C.judgment  D.statement


11.               A.turning up      B.making up       C.taking up  D.looking up


12.               A.look at         B.glare at         C.aim at D.stare at


13.               A.pretty          B.famouse        C.young D.talented


14.               A.first           B.second         C.third  D.last


15.               A.enthusiastic     B.sad            C.angry D.bad


16.               A.made          B.learnt          C.taught D.given


17.               A.slightly         B.deeply         C.barely D.smoothly


18.               A.what           B.which          C.whom D.who


19.               A.Only if         B.If only          C.If so  D.If any


20.               A.insisted on      B.led to          C.headed to D.gave up




I was 14 when Mr. Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacred Heart. Okla. The old farmer   36  about a mile away and needed an assistant to help out grass. It was the first time I had been actually   37  for work.
Mr. Ingram was   38  with the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potatoes. I even   39  when a   40  cow was being born.
One day he found an old truck that was   41  in the   42 , sandy soil of the melon field. Was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck.
Mr. Ingram explained that the truck's owner would be returning soon, and he wanted me to   43   the truck and lean(倚靠) against it. Soon a man from a nearby village, who had a terrible   44  for fighting and stealing,   45   with his two full – grown sons. They looked   46  .
While   47   Mr. Ingram said, “Well, I see you want to buy some   48  .”
There was a long silence   49   the man answered, “Yeah, I guess so. What are you getting for them?”
“Three dollars each,”   50  said immediately. “Well, I guess that would be   51   enough if you help me get my truck out of here,” the man bargained.
It   52  out to be our biggest sale of the summer, and an unpleasant, perhaps unfortunate incident had been   53  . After they left, Mr. Ingram smiled and said to me, “Son, if you don’t   54   your enemies, you’re going to run out of friends.” Mr. Ingram died a few years later, but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me   55   my first job.
36.A.covered    B.went  C.lived D.ran
37.A.charged    B.paid  C.inquired    D.blamed
38.A.strict B.disappointed     C.unsatisfied       D.content
39.A.assisted     B.disturbed  C.included   D.existed
40.A.father       B.mother     C.baby  D.brother
41.A.struck       B.dropped    C.fallen       D.stuck
42.A.soft   B.hard  C.smooth     D.tough
43.A.glare at     B.watch       C.spot   D.stare at
44.A.honor       B.custom     C.reputation D.habit
45.A.took down       B.showed up       C.set out      D.broke up
46.A.sad   B.angry       C.happy       D.pleased
47.A.hardly      B.anxiously  C.calmly      D.noisily
48.A.truck B.watermelons     C.tomatoes   D.grass
49.A.before      B.after  C.since D.unless
50.A.they  B.the sons    C.I      D.the farmed
51.A.expensive B.sure   C.friendly    D.fair
52.A.turned      B.came C.broke       D.stood
53.A.caused      B.postponed C.prevented  D.cancelled
54.A.hate  B.forgive     C.admire      D.abandon
55.A.under       B.below       C.off    D.on


Two men, both seriously ill, were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in his bed for an hour each afternoon for treatment. His 47 was next to the room's only window. The other man 48 spend all his time flat on his back. Every 49 when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he 50 pass the time by describing(描述) to his 51 all the things he could see outside the window. The window overlooked(远眺) a 52 with a lovely lake. Ducks played on the water while children 53 their model boats. Young lovers walked 54 among flowers. As the man by the window described all this beautifully, the other man would close his eyes and 55 the scene.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the 56 body of the man by the window, who had died 57 in his sleep. She was sad and 58 the hospital attendants (服务员) to take the body away. 59 it seemed appropriate (合适的), the other man asked if he could 60 next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch(调换), and after 61 he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he sat up to take his 62 look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the 63 of seeing it for himself. He strained (紧张地) to slowly turn to 64 the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have forced his dead roommate to 65 those wonderful things outside this window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

1.                A.stand up        B.lie down        C.sit up D.sit down


2.                A.room          B.table           C.seat D.bed


3.                A.had to          B.would rather     C.prefer to  D.rather than


4.                A.morning        B.evening         C.afternoon D.dawn


5.                A.will            B.would          C.should   D.might


6.                A.nurse          B.workmate       C.roommate D.doctor


7.                A.park           B.street          C.farm D.field


8.                A.played         B.made          C.started   D.sailed


9.                A.face to face     B.shoulder to shoulder  C.arm in arm D.back to back


10.               A.describe        B.tell            C.hear  D.imagine


11.               A.strong         B.warm          C.sick  D.lifeless


12.               A.peacefully      B.sadly           C.secretly   D.completely


13.               A.looked         B.found          C.called D.saw


14.               A.Before         B.As soon as      C.Although  D.As far as


15.               A.changed        B.sit             C.be moved  D.be taken


16.               A.making sure     B.depending on    C.making up D.accounting for


17.               A.next           B.first           C.last   D.another


18.               A.surprise        B.feeling         C.try   D.joy


19.               A.look out        B.look at         C.glare at    D.stare at


20.               A.remember      B.describe        C.write D.talk




The day that I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. I was trying to do some ______ for an important oral exam in the local library, but people kept ______ me. I was getting annoyed and of course, I wasn’t able to ______. Suddenly I heard someone singing behind me. I ______ and glared at the person who was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me.

She looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didn’t matter. If anything, it made me even angrier.” How could she be so selfish?” I thought ______.

I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered coldly, “Thanks to your ______, I’ve been unable to study. You’re so ______!”

I left the library in such a hurry, I left the most important textbook ______. when I got home two hours later, I found that textbook gone. I was so ______ that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. a gentle voice ______ the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. After ______ that I was, she said that she had noticed I’d left my book in the library and as my ______ was in it, she’d asked a librarian to get my phone number f. She said that she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it. 

I sighed with ______and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. Of course you’ve ______ who Jenny was. She was the girl I had shouted at for singing in the library. When I recognized her in the convenience store, I was filled with ______ and apologized for my ruled behavior I felt so ______, but Jenny just laughed, saying she was glad to see that I’d also left my ______ in the library! I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea. 

Ever since then we’ve been best friends and we got along really well. To be honest, I trust her more than any one else. I often think how ______ I am. If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to ______ my shortcomings, I would ______ have experienced such true friendship.

1.A. research    B. revision         C. work     D. experiment

2.A. watching    B. asking   C. warning         D. disturbing

3.A. speak          B. improve         C. concentrate  D. follow

4.A.turned around    B. turned down          C. turned off     D. turned over

5.A. sadly  B. hopelessly     C. angrily  D. crazily

6.A. practice     B. noise     C. attitude          D. existence

7.A. selfish         B. active    C. sensitive        D. stupid

8.A. out     B. around C. aside     D. behind

9.A. nervous     B. careless         C. upset    D. forgetful

10.A. introduced       B. considered   C. took      D. remembered

11.A. deciding  B. conforming   C. realizing         D. thinking

12.A. address    B. class      C. writing  D. name

13.A. comfort   B. relief     C. confidence   D. satisfaction

14.A. recognized       B. found    C. guessed         D. heard

15.A. courage   B. energy  C. doubt    D. shame

16.A. worried   B. sorry     C. terrible D. excited

17.A. glare         B. expression    C. virtue    D. friendship

18.A. considerate      B. pleased          C. luck       D. grateful

19.A. overcome         B. share    C. hide      D. forgive

20.A. ever         B. never    C. seldom D. Fstill



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