摘要: We began the importance of learning English. A. to realize B. realizing C. to know of D. knowing [解析] begin/start to do/doing无大区别.但下列情况需用不定式.l)(be) beginning/starting to do; 2) begin/start to realize, understand, know, etc.(表心理.精神活动的动词),3)当主语不是人时.多用不定式. 答案:A


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When Carol was diagnosed, her cancer had   21   to her bones. We calmly talked about what to expect. I reviewed choices for   22  and printed out new research. But   23   , I cried and struggled. Only half the patients are alive two years after diagnosis.

Carol began treatment afterwards. She felt almost   24   and went right back to work. Carol hates the idea of being   25   as a “sick” person. She likes her life   26   . Last winter, Carol suddenly found   27   difficult to swallow. She slept a lot and was slow to wake in the morning. There was continuous pressure in her chest and   28   I saw her looking thoughtful. One day, she told me, “I think I   29   never leave the hospital,” she continued, “I just want to enjoy the little things---   30   is out of the window.” We had never spoken of that before.   31   we began an African safari, a trip she had dreamed of for years.

Morning and afternoon, we went diving and rolled into the clear water    32   down like peas in honey. In the evenings, we spent time on the pier, watching the sun set. One of the young couples on the island wondered if we were sisters. We laughed. “Friends for 34 years,” I said. I could see by their   33   that they didn’t really understand that kind of time. We have been friends   34   than they have been alive.

   35   dives, we talked about where to go next. I made lists    36   she slept. Our plans were now more theoretical, and the big trip to the South Pacific one day seemed a long way off. Cancer has become part of our   37  . We are well aware that our bodies are temporary gifts. Not knowing what comes next means   38   is possible. Perhaps I will be hit by a truck, or my heart will stop. Life is   39   .

We took our last dive of the trip. When we reached the deep blue water, we spread our arm out like wings and pretended to   40   .      

. A. spread        B. delivered       C. developed           D. sent   

A. directions B. medicine        C. instructions        D. treatment

A. in danger    B. in tears       C. in private          D. in trouble

A. same       B. common      C. usual               D. normal

A. looked      B. considered      C. thought         D. felt

A. as it is        B. to good purpose C. of general interest  D. in a way

A. this       B. one         C. it              D. that

A. now and then B. more or less   C. here and there      D. sooner or later

A. should          B. might       C. must                D. need

A. what        B. which       C. that                D. when

A. Still      B. Yet         C. Then                D. Even

A. sinking        B. swimming        C. dropping            D. disappearing

A. words      B. voices      C. faces               D. actions

A. longer     B. older           C. closer          D. elder

A. Among      B. With         C. Between         D. Beyond

A. because        B. though      C. since               D. while

A. leadership B. scholarship C. friendship          D. membership

A. everything B. nothing     C. anything            D. something

A. dangerous  B. colorful        C. difficult           D. different

A. enjoy      B. dance           C. sing                D. fly


An enjoyable trip

On October 28th, we began our exciting trip to the world-famous sand island—Fraser Island, which is said to be the world largest sand island and it is one of the world cultural heritages (遗产). We were really amazed by the spectacular view there.

The road to the island is really tough and bumpy. The bus driver, who was also our guide was a very strong man. He was optimistic (乐观的) and helpful. I found he was all smiling on the way though the ride was not very smooth. We stopped for several times because the cars in front of us were blocked by sand. The road was completely sand about 50 centimeters high. We were thrown back and forth like taking a rollercoaster (过山车). All of us couldn’t help laughing when we were shaken from side to side. It took us more than an hour to arrive there. I guess this road is one of the most impressive things.

The beach is so wonderful and terrific! This was my first visit to the seaside. The broad sea made me speechless. We were really thrilled by the amazing view. We couldn’t stop taking so many pictures. The bus ran along the beach with the sea water on one side and bushes on the other side. The view outside the bus was really fantastic! The driver told us there were dingoes (野犬) in the bush. When we were sitting on the bus, we kept on searching the faraway bush for a dingo. Unfortunately, we didn’t see one.

The lake is the next destination we went to. This lake which is ringed by white sand beaches lies peacefully on the hill, which is 18 meters above the sea level. The crystal clear water from the rainfall is sparkling (闪光). Male students jumped into the lake without taking off the clothes. They played with water like small children. Nowhere else in the world can you find such a wonderful fairly land.

The forest is the last place we visited. Those towering rainforests grow on sands. There are many varieties of species. Some trees are so tall and have a history of 500 years. Some gum trees are quite strange because their barks (树皮) fall. The driver told us that this was because they wanted to protect themselves from worms or fires. This forest is home to many animals. We could hear bird singing when we were walking in the shade from the trees.

The tour to Fraser Island makes a deep impression on us. It provides us magnificent views. It is well worth a visit.


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36---55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

       A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms(习语), though my teacher emphasized (强调)the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown   36  an amusing experience.

One day, I   37   to meet an English man on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I   38   about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be   39  , gently shaking his head, shrugging (耸一耸) his shoulders, saying, “You don't say!” “You don't say!” I was puzzled. I thought, perhaps this is not an proper topic. Well, I'd  40  change the topic. So I said to him. “Well.   41   we talk about the Great Wall?   42   the way, have you ever  43   there?” “Certainly , everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing   44  . It was magnificent.” He was   45   in thought when I began to talk  46   a tourist guide, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very   47   of it.” Soon I was interrupted again by his order... “You don't say!” I couldn't help asking, “Why do you ask me   48   about it”? “Well, I didn't request you to do   49  ,” he answered, greatly   50  . I said, “Didn't you say 'you don't say'?”   51   this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to   52  , “ 'You don't say' actually means 'really?' It is an   53   of surprise. Perhaps you don't pay attention to English idioms.”   54   then did I know I have made a fool of   55   . Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions.

1.A. in        B. for              C. by           D. to

2.A. came      B. happened        C. seemed       D. wanted

3.A. would talk  B. had talked       C. was to talk    D. was talking

4.A. understood  B. understanding    C. surprised     D. surprising

5.A. to         B. better           C. not          D. like

6.A. Shall       B. Will            C. Must        D. Do

7.A. On         B.  In            C. All         D. By

8.A. gone        B. visited          C. seen        D. been

9.A. it           B. them           C. anything     D. something

10.A. losing       B. lose            C. lost          D. losed

11.A. as          B. to              C. with         D. like

12.A. glad        B. satisfied         C. proud        D. familiar

13.A. not talk      B. to not talk       C. not to talk    D. not talking

14.A. this         B. so              C. anything     D. me a favour

15.A. encouraged   B. frightened       C. please       D. surprised

16.A. Heard       B. To hear          C. Hearing     D. Listening

17.A. explain       B. shout           C. prove       D. say

18.A. experience   B. expression        C. explanation   D. example

19.A. From        B. Since            C. By          D. Only

20.A. me          B. myself           C. mine        D. somebody



The trip to that city was eye-opening for everyone,and near its end,all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant. We _1__the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city __2_the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply __3_ us all—the rundown houses,the children in rags,the people begging for money...Walking home,__4under a low bridge,we came across __5__families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on __6_the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.
The poverty(贫困) was __7_than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel,an air of sadness settled over the group. Many _8__ and cried. Spending time in this 9_ moves a person to care about humanity.
That evening,our group spent hours talking about what we had _10_.Gently,I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult _11__ that day’s discoveries had inspired. Sitting together __12_ a circle as everyone had a chance to speak,we all began to realize that __13__ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.
Based on my __14__in poverty-stricken areas,I suggested that __15_ the emotions we had were painful,they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all__16_ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen._17__,what could we do about it?Together,we began to brainstorm ways we could help to ease the __18__ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on __19__ they could do,a sense of determination __20__ the previous sadness. Instead of despair,these young people began to feel a call to action.

A.put up with B.got back toC.made up forD.looked back on
A.so thatB.now thatC.as ifD.even if
A.puzzled B.shocked C.embarrassedD.annoyed
A.gave upB.held onC.set offD.broke down
A.witnessedB.attemptedC.inspected D.challenged
A.none B.eitherC.neitherD.each
A.howB.whereC.what D.when


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