摘要:例1 -When shall we meet again? - Make it day you like, it’s all the same to me. A. one B. any C. another D. some 分析 one day表示“某一天 .可用在一般过去时.当它用在将来时的句中.可与some day互换.another day指另一天.原题中it’s all the same to me 和you like 暗示.只能选any day“即你喜欢定在哪一天或随便哪一天都行 .例如: (1)I think he will succeed one day You can take any book you like. 答案 选B. 例2 It was only when I reread his poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty. A. until B. that C. then D. so 分析 本题考查强调句型.强调句型中如果被强调的成分是状语.只用that, 不用where 或 when或when. 例如: (1)It was in the classroom that we held the meeting. (2)It was not until he came back that I went to bed. 答案 选B. 例3. has helped to save the downing girl is worth praising. A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever 本题考查whoever 引导的主语从句.is worth praising缺少主语.其前应是主语从句.因此可排除B.C两项.若选A.全句意为“救了溺水女孩的那个人值得表彰 .似乎其他人要是救了溺水少女就不值得表彰.显然不合逻辑.故选D.有让步意义. 例4 单句改错 -Is he handsome? -Yes, he is sure. 分析 此题中he is sure. 应改为he sure is. 或者Sure, he is, sure是副词.表示当然英俊的意思.而he is sure. 中的sure是形容词.作“肯定 .“有把握 解.如: -Are you tired? 你累了吗? -Yes, I sure am. 当然.我的确很累. 例5. It was he said disappointed me A. what. . . that B. that. . . that C. what. . . what D. that . . . what 本考查名词性从句与强调句型的连用.在题目中.said缺少宾语.disappointed缺少主语.第1空填what是显而易见的.这样what he said可以作disappointed me 的主语.因此第2空填that.构成It was-that-强调句型. 例6.I hate when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. them 本题考查替代词it.hate的宾语是“人们在满嘴食物时说话 这件事.而不是“人们 . 例7.Dr. Black, comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can’t remember . A. where B. there C. which D. that 本题考查名词性从句的简略形式.由于上文中已提供了选择范围Oxford 或Cambridge,故选which. 例8. she was chosen head of the factory made news. A.Which B.That C.What D.It 此题中正确答案是B.句中that引导主语从句出现句首.选相中的A不可做连词.不能引出主语从句.选项C中的what 和选项D的it 都不符合题意. 例9. that the troops have already crossed the border. A.People are believed B.It believed C.It is believed D.It was believing 词题中正确答案是C,句中先行词it 是形式主语.代替真正主语that-clause,相当于people believe + that-clause.选项A用被动语态.显然错误. 例10.So you have to leave, how nice it if you could stay a bit longer. A.would be B.be C.is D.was 词题中确答案是A.使用的是虚拟语气.表示和现在情况相反的假设.从句谓语用过去时.主句用would,谓语用couls,might+动词原形构成.因此B,C,D都是错误选项.


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