摘要: I think it was George who said this, ? A don’t I B. doesn’t he C. didn’t he D. wasn’t it 分析: 答案为D. 反意疑问句中, 对 “我 进行反问毫无意义; 尽管宾语部分是一个强调句型, 但形式上应与it 保持一致. 2.---- Did he write the article for the newspaper? --- He not have finished it, for he was sick and in hospital all the time. A. might B. could C. should D. must 分析: 答案为B. 从后句for he was sick and in hospital all the time可知, “他肯定没有完成 , 对过去的否定推测, 语气为肯定,情态动词用could. 3. Every time I see her at her home, she hard in her room. A. worked B. is working C. will work D. has worked 分析:答案为B .每次见到对方时, 她都在学习, 所以用进行时. 4.---- Why haven’t you bought any bread? ---- I to but I forgot about it. A. liked B. meant C. wished D. expected 分析:答案为B. mean to do sth. 意为 “本来计划或打算做某事 , 符合上下文题意. 5. ---- Does anyone want to go to the theatre? ---- Whom would you rather with you, John or Ted?. A. go B. to go C. have gone D. have go 分析:答案为D. 此处是 have sb. do sth. 结构. 陈述句语序为You would have whom go with you. 故答案为D. 6. She on her way to school. I just phoned her home and got no answer. A. should be B. might have been C. must be D. could have been 分析:答案为C . 从后句 I just phoned her home and got no answer 可知, 她不在家. must be表示对现在的肯定推测. 7. Television, marked by rapid change and refinement, is entering a new period, to reshape our life and our world. A. that promises B. as is promised C. which promises D. what promises 分析:答案为C. 非限制性定语从句, 补充说明另一新内容, 故选C. 8. What should the people do to solve the food problem if they live in hilly areas is hard to grow crops? A. where B. when it C. that D. where it 分析:答案为D. 所选项应是定语从句中的关系副词, 地点状语, 而且从句中又缺乏形式主语,故选D. 9. Our town has dozens of factories, several sawmills. A. included B. are including C. are included D. including 分析:答案为D. 介词意为 “包括 . 本句可作为 “Our hometown has dozens of factories, several sawmills included. “来理解. including 与factories保持一致. 10. from his appearance, he must be from the north. A. Judging B. Judge C. Judged D. To judge 分析:答案为A. judging from/ by作为介词短语, 习惯上不与句子的主语保持一致 ( 即 “主动语态表被动含义 ), 故不说judged from/ by .类似的例子还有: She is very young, her age. A. concerning B. thinking C. regarding D. considering 答案为D.



  Former US. Vice President A1 Gore, who came close to winning the presidency two years ago, said he will not run in 2004, and probably will not have another opportunity to seek the White House.

  Though Gore would have been a frightening Democratic(民主党的)main runner, his decision to give up the 2004 race probably helped his party' s chances in the general election against President George W. Bush, Democrats said.

  Many did not want to see Bush-Gore Ⅱ.

  “The last campaign was an extremely difficult one,” Gore told CBS TV show “60 Minutes”. on Sunday.

  While saying he still had the energy and drive to run again, Gore recognized, “There are a lot of people within the Democratic Party who felt exhausted (by the 2000 race)… who felt like, OK, ‘I don't want to go through that again.’ And I'm frankly sensitive to that feeling.”

  In nearly two dozen interviews after Gore announced his plans, Democrats dutifully claimed their party had lost a top candidate, but one after another, they praised Gore for taking an early exit from a primary race he could have won, sparing them a repeat.

  Gore, 54, said he was making his decision “in the full understanding that it probably means that I will never have another opportunity to run for president.”

  Party activists(激进主义分子)blamed Gore for losing despite a booming economy and eight years of a Democratic administration. Gore even lost his home state of Tennessee; a victory there would have given him the White House.

1.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

[  ]

A.Gore Was Criticized

B.Gore Decides Not to Fight Bush in 2004

C.Former US. Vice President Al Gore

D.Al Gore and Gorge Bush

2.Why do you think Gore has decides not to run in 2004 according to this passage?

[  ]

A.Because he is quite old

B.Because many people are against him

C.Because he quite understands the feelings of a lot of Democratic members

D.Because he doesn't want to be President of US

3.What was Gore's feeling when he made his decision?

[  ]





M:How many students passed the College English Examination last term?

W:Well, let me see.1060 students took the exam, but half of them failed.

1.How many students did the woman believe had passed the examination?




W:Look here, darling.The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

M:That may be true for you, but it certainly isn’t true for me.

2.What can we conclude from the man’s reply?

A.He wants to have more sleep.

B.His wife doesn’t sleep well.

C.He doesn’t need as much sleep as his wife.

W:Did you see last night’s film on Channel 4?

M:Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me.We had a nice long talk about our school days.

3.What did the man do last night?

A.He watched TV with his friend.

B.He stayed at home talking with his friends.

C.He went to see a film with his friend.

M:Congratulations! I understand you’ve got a job.When will you start to work?

W:You must be thinking of someone else.I’m still waiting to hear the good news.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t need the job.

B.She hasn’t got a job yet.

C.She has got a job.

W:What can I do for you, gentleman? Maybe you like this suit, because the color matches your skin and it is the latest fashion.

M:Yes, it’s really a good suit and it’s a good color.But I just walk around and watch.Thank you just the same.

5.What did the man accept?

A.The color.

B.The suit.





W:Lovely day, isn’t it?

M:Oh yes, beautiful.

W:You’re not English, are you?

M:No, I’m from Italy.But my mother was born and brought up in England.

W:How long have you been learning English?

M:For three years now.

W:For three years? Goodness me! Your English is very good.

M:Thank you.But there’s still a lot more for me to learn.

W:How long are you going to stay in this country?

M:Another two months.Then I’ll have to go back to Italy to start work.

W:A cousin of mine went to Italy last year.He’s an engineer, you know.

M:Really? What did he think of Italy?

W:He must like it very much, because he hasn’t come back yet.I hope you’ll also enjoy your stay in England.

M:Thank you.I’m sure I will.

6.What nationality is the man?




7.When will the man go back home?

A.In half a year.

B.In about two months.

C.In three years.

8.What does the woman’s cousin do?

A.He is visiting all parts of Italy.

B.He works as an engineer.

C.He is learning English there.


GIRL:Hello.Is that Uncle George? Where are you? Wait a minute, please.I’ll call Mother, it’s Uncle George.

W:George, dear.Where are you? At the corner of Pine and State Street? Wait there.Michael can come and get you.

M:No.It’s not necessary.We drove the car.Give me the directions.I’ll find my way.

W:Go north on State Street to Main Street.There’s a large square there.Turn left.Continue to King Road.Turn right.Continue on King Road to Seventh Street.Turn left.We’re in the middle of the block.Can you repeat the directions, George?

M:I think so.I have to go north on State Street to Main Street.I turn left to King Road, I continue on King Road.I turn right to Seventh Street.I turn left and go to the middle of the block.

W:That’s it.I’ll see you soon, George.Mary, is the table set?

GIRL:Yes, Mother.Come and look.

W:It looks very pretty.Thank you, Mary.

9.What are Mother and Mary doing when Uncle George calls?

A.They are going to get Uncle George.

B.They are preparing the dinner.

C.They are setting a table.

10.Who answers the telephone?



C.Uncle George.

11.Where do Mary and her mother live?

A.At King Road.

B.At Main Street.

C.In the Middle of the block.


W:Christmas is coming near.Li Ming, would you allow me to ask you a question?

M:Go ahead.

W:Do you celebrate Christmas in your country?

M:It all depends.Most Chinese people don’t celebrate Christmas, but now in many big cities people begin to do.

W:Oh, I see.But in the west it is the biggest holiday of the year.Everyone is busy shopping to get presents for friends and relatives before Christmas Eve.

M:That sounds exciting.

W:Children hang stockings in Christmas trees so that Santa Claus can put some candy and toys into them.

M:Really?I can’t imagine it.

W:In fact, it’s a kind of celebration.

12.Do people in the man’s country celebrate Christmas?

A.People in the countryside do.

B.People in many big cities do.

C.All the people do.

13.What do people in the west do before Christmas Eve?

A.Buying presents for friends and relatives.

B.Staying at home watching TV.

C.Going to the supermarkets to buy daily goods.

14.Why do children hang stockings in Christmas trees?

A.Their parents will give them new pairs.

B.Santa Claus can put candy and toys in them.

C.Santa Claus and toys can sleep in them.


M:Please, I’d like a ticket to Chicago.

W:For today?

M:No, early Monday morning.

W:We have a flight that will put you there at 9 a. m., is that OK?

M:Nothing earlier? I have an appointment at 8∶30.

W:I’m afraid not, unless you want a night flight.

M:A night flight?

W:Yes, with Northwest Airlines.It will get you there bright and early, at 6∶45 a. m. in fact.Is that too early?

M:I guess that will be OK.What’s the difference in price?

W:Better price.The night flight is cheaper.One way or round trip?

M:One way.Sounds good.I’ll take it.Sixty-two fifty you said?

W:Sixty-three seventy-five with tax.The flight number is 302 at Gate Five, Kennedy Airport.

M:I’ll be there on time.

W:Thank you, Mr.Li.Check-in time is one hour before take-off.Have a good trip.

15.Which flight will the man take?

A.A night flight.

B.An early morning flight.

C.A flight from Chicago.

16.What is the plane’s arrival time?

A.6∶45 a. m.

B.8∶30 a. m.

C.3∶02 p. m.

17.What conclusion can we draw?

A.There’s only one flight to Chicago.

B.A night flight is cheaper than a regular day-time flight.

C.Check-in time is after take-off.


  This topic is about greeting in China.A few years ago, people would greet each other with the words “Have you had your breakfast or lunch or supper?” “Yes, how about you?” Then politely, both would leave with a smile on their faces.

  This kind of greeting tells us what people cared about many years ago.For many years, having enough to eat was the most important thing for the Chinese people.The life of most people in China has become much better now.They do not worry about their food and clothing any more.The greeting has changed to “What are you going to do?” or “Where are you going?”

  Though the greeting has no other meaning than saying hello, it often puzzles other people who are not familiar with China.Nowadays, more and more people are using “How are you?” to greet each other.It is certainly the best way for people to say hello to each other.

18.What did people mostly care about many years ago?

A.Are you full or hungry?

B.Where are you going?

C.Good manners.

19.What does the change of greetings in China show?

A.People are less polite to each other.

B.People have bad manners now.

C.People’s life is better.

20.Which is the best way for people to say hello to each other?

A.How do you do?

B.How are you?

C.Good morning.


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