摘要: The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front to arrive. A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected



I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He suggests Ways to Burn More Calories.

Run through water

Running in water is one of the toughest activities you can perform because the wet stuff is about 12 to 15 times as resistant (具有阻力的) as air. Try your hardest to run and you can burn about 17 calories per minute.

Start fast

Don’t be fooled — slow and steady won’t win the race. A recent study found that after a short warm-up, cyclists who rode hard during the first half of their workouts and then slowed for the second half burned about 10 percent more calories than those who started slow and finished fast.

Take to the sand

Here is some easy-to-remember advice on burning calories: the softer the surface, the more you burn. By walking or running on the beach, you can use up 20 to 50 percent more calories than you do going at the same pace on a hard trail.

Shut up and dance

Here’s the perfect excuse to sign up for that hip-hop dance class you’ve been eager to try. Surprising your body with new activities — dance, a new sport, you name it — forces it to work harder because it’s doing unfamiliar movements and using muscle groups in different ways.

Use your arms

Getting both your upper and lower body involved can provide a big calorie-burning advantage. So if you’re short of time or want to get everything you can out of your usual 45-minute workout, try total-body activities, like rowing. You can swing your arms as hard as you can while you walk.

1. How can water help you burn more calories?

A. By pushing your body.                    B. By wetting your clothes and shoes.

C. By forcing you to run faster.              D. By forcing your body to work harder.

2 What does “it” in Part 4 refer to?

A. dance                      B. movement            C. body              D. muscle

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. One can burn more calories when walking on the sand than on land.

B. One can burn more calories when walking on stones than on earth.

C. One can burn more calories when running in water than on the sand.

D. One can burn more calories when exercising using the upper body than using the lower body.




  Fred was born in a rich family.His father had a big company and he had four brothers.He was the strongest of them five but he did not like to use his head.Of course he could not pass the examinations.

  Suddenly the war broke out.Young men were called on to join the army.His father thought for a long time and at last decided to send him to the military camp(军营).Soon after that he was sent to France where they fought with Germans.The young man hated the life in the camp.They could not be supplied with enough food and had to live in the cold and wet houses, sometimes they had to sleep on the hard ground and he was often afraid to be shot.He usually remembered the life in his country and tried to leave the camp.

  Once he made an excuse in order not to the front.Another soldier whose name was Bob reported the captain about it.Fred was punished for it.He hated Bob and the captain very much.In a fight he hurt the captain and he was sent to the court(法庭)at once.

  “Have you hurt the captain, Fred?” asked a judge.

  “Yes, I have, sir, ”answered the young man, “but it was a fortuitous(偶然的)accident.”

  “Oh?” the judge said in surprise, “Why?”

  “The captain was standing just in front of Bob while I was shooting at the young soldier.So I hurt him by mistake.”


Fred could not pass the examinations because ________.

[  ]


his brother did not help him


he liked to have some sports


he would not use his head


he wanted to be a soldier


Fred was sent to the military camp because ________.

[  ]


his father did not love him


he was weak at his subjects


he was stronger than his brothers


both B and C


________, so he hated the life in the military camp.

[  ]


Fred wanted to see his parents


Fred was too hungry to fight with the enemy


Fred had to sleep on the wet ground


Fred was afraid the Germans would shoot him



Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degree Celsius. That is the point where water turns to ice.  1. , it is important to lower the temperature to between minus fifteen and minus twenty degrees Celsius as quickly as possible. The faster the freezing process is, the fresher the taste of the food.

Fruits and vegetables can be spread out inside the freezer. Once the food is frozen,   2. . Fruits are usually not cooked before they are frozen. This allows them to keep their fresh taste. The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freeze before putting it in the container. This will keep it from sticking to the container. This is called the “dry pack” method.

 3. , The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can ad some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juices.

 4. . Blanching means placing the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly placing them into very cold water. Blanching slows down the natural chemical aging process. All extra water should be removed before placing the vegetables into containers and freezing.   5. .

A.it should be placed in containers and then stored at a temperature of about minus twenty degrees Celsius

B.Vegetables are either cooked or blanched before freezing

C.To start the freezing process

D.To keep them fresh for a long time

E. The second way is the “wet pack” method

F. Most foods can be stored frozen for up to one year




  One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happened to be away.Dan’s brother John offered to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing.Mark agreed and they set out to sea.

  Soon they found themselves in a thick fog.Mark was sure they would be hit by a big ship.Fortunately he saw a large buoy(浮标)through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety.As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope.The boat moved away in the fog carrying John, who did not know how to use the radio.He drifted(漂流)about and was not seen until twelve hours later.

  Mark spent the night on the buoy.In the early morning he fell asleep.He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up.A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain.The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and the ship’s captain had sent out a message.“Without the message I would not have found you on the buoy,”he said.


Why didn’t Mark and Dan go sailing together?

[  ]


Dan asked his brother to go instead.


Dan was in some other place.


Mark was in some other place.


Mark would like to go with John.


Mark tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that ________.

[  ]


he could spend the night on it while John was looking for help


he and John could go sailing again when the fog cleared


it wouldn’t be hit by other ships


he might be picked up by a passing ship


John and Mark became separated because ________.

[  ]


there wasn’t room for both John and Mark on the buoy


John couldn’t control the boat and drifted away


Mark thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn’t


John had to stay in the boat to radio for help


What made it possible for Mark to be found on the buoy?

[  ]


John told people where to look for him.


John radioed to the Good Hope to get him.


He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope.


The captain saw him as the fog cleared.


The underlined word “he” in the last sentence refers to ________.

[  ]


the captain that got the message


the captain that sent the message






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