摘要:(1)题 ------I’m going to the office. ------ you’re there, can you get me some stamps? 答案:B 通过率:37.2% 试题分析:本题测试的是连词的使用能力.此题最大的干扰项是A项As.A项与B项的细微差别在于它们的汉语意义.A.As表示“一边做某事一边做另一件事 .而B.While表示“在做某事或某些事的同时的持续过程中.做另一件事 .只要平时有大量语篇练习的经验.那么自然从此小对话中看到:某人要去邮局.另一个人请求他在邮局办事的同时.顺便代购邮票,自然不是要求对方必须一边买邮票.一边办事.如同 As we listen.we take notes.(我们一边听讲.一边记笔记.)那样,你要求对方做的事就是在邮局逗留的时候.别忘记给你买邮票,至于如何买.对方在邮局还要做些什么事.这都与你无干. (2)题 ------ Alice, you feed the bid today, ? ------ But I fed it yesterday . A. do you B. will you C. didn't you D. don't you 答案:B 通过率:27.7% 试题分析:本题测试的是祈使句在日常生活中的使用能力.此题最大的干扰来自有关祈使句的通用语法规则,这就是为什么许多考生误选D项.其实.在大量的听力与口语活动.诸如Sit down.will you?You drive the car.will you?这类语句俯拾即是. (3)题 you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it . A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as 答案:A通过率:34% 试题分析:本题测试的是连词在日常生活中的使用能力.此题最大的干扰来自此题有关连词搭配的种种不够准确的翻译.如: B. After you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of i.被译为:“在你得到了一个机会之后.你也许可以充分利用它. C. Although you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.被译为:“虽然你得到了一个机会.你也许可以充分利用它. D. As soon as you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.被译为:“只要你一得到了一个机会.你也许可以充分利用它. 这样一来.似乎这三个选项都对. 但是.日常使用英语.形成的语感会告诉你: 1)may as well 和 might as well都可用在“提出建议 的情景之中,因此as well在此不 能单独表示“也 的意思. 2)A项的Now that表示:“以现在看到的事实作为依据的原因 .可译成“现在既然 3)you’ve got a是口语常用词语.等于“有 的意思,不能翻译成“得到了一个 .might as well不必译成“也许可以 .A. Now that you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.应该译成“提出建议 的:“既然现在你有个机会.就应该充分利用一下. 最佳选项就这样确定下来了. (4)题 him and then try to copy what he does . A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch 答案:D 通过率:38.8% 试题分析:本题测试的是动词在日常生活中的使用能力.此题最大的干扰来自此题有关动词词义的混淆.A.Mind表示“关心.注意 等等意思.B.Glance at表示“很快地看一眼 . C.Stare at表示“瞪大眼睛目不转睛地看 D.Watch则表示“观察动作或过程 ,此题的下文 and then try to copy what he does.“然后.试着模仿他的动作. 也有助于理解上文的含义. (5)题 Robert is said abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in . A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying 答案:A 通过率:33.9% 试题分析:本题测试的是动词不定式在日常生活中的使用能力.此题最大的干扰项D.to have been studying来自动词时态的复杂烦琐的种种语法规则.如果平时时态教学从简.“顾名思义 地理解时态的最基本语法就在它的术语名称之中.那么 A.to have studied就是现在完成时态.因为上下文的Robert is said abroad.和but don’t know what country-都指“现在 .那么.下文的What country he studied in中的studied又说明动作是过去发生.其结果在现在.现在没有“正在进行 .故而现在完成进行时态的D.to have been studying不是最佳选项. (6)题 Few pleasures can equal of a cool drink on a hot day . A. some B. any C. that D. those 答案:C 通过率:26% 试题分析:本题测试的是代词在日常生活中的使用能力.完成此题取决于对于全句多个关键词汇的理解.抽象名词如pleasures不一定都是不可数的 pleasure.和否定的比较级 I’ve never seen a better dancer表示“最高 的意思.equal不仅是形容词.如:用在equal work, equal rights, equal pay词组中.这里equal是及物动词.表示“与-相媲美 的意思.全句以否定形式表示“最高 的意思 Few leasures can equal. C. that of a cool drink on a hot day.:“没有热天喝冷饮再快活的事了. 而“热天喝冷饮 又是众多“快事 之一.故而只能选C.that. (7)题 -------- Hey, look where you are going ! ------- Oh, I’m terribly sorry. . A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice 答案:B 通过率:39% 试题分析:本题测试的是过去进行时在日常生活中的使用能力.完成此题的“诀窍 与 第28题相似.只要把整个对话以及四个选项依照前述时态教学原则翻译成汉语.便可明白应该选的最佳选项是什么: ------- Hey, look where you are going! -------Oh, I’m terribly sorry. . A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing C.I haven’t noticed(到现在我还没有注意到.) D. I don’t notice 可见.B.I wasn’t noticing.与上文意思最下机相近.也可以灵活一点儿.翻译成为“我刚才的确走路没有瞧着点儿 . (8)题 When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door “Sorry to miss you; will call later. 答案:D通过率:47% 试题分析:本题测试的是动词各种形式在日常生活情景中的使用能力.此题最大的干扰项 A. read来自动词的最常见的句型规则 see sib do sth.如果平时仅仅机械操练语法句型规则.而没有大量的英语实际交际活动.没有语感.则必然会误选A项.





W:I expected you’d come to my birthday party yesterday.

M:I’m terribly sorry,Susan.I had to see off a friend of mine at the airport last night.

1.Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A.He had to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.

B.He didn’t go to the woman’s party last night.

C.He had to go to another city with his friend.

M:I must apologize for not meeting you at the airport this afternoon.You must have been unhappy.

W:Well,you should have let me know that you weren’t coming.

2.How does the woman feel?

A.Very glad.

B.Very painful.

C.A little angry.

W:I’m sorry to have kept both of you waiting.The car was held up in the traffic.

M:That’s all right.We just got here ourselves.

3.How many people are there in the dialogue?




W:You are going to New York today,aren’t you?

M:Yes.I had thought I would fly,but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.

4.How will the man get to New York?

A.By air.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

W:Daddy,have you decided what to do tomorrow?

M:We’ll go boating if it is fine.

W:Wonderful! I’m sure it will be fine.I’ve listened to the weather report.

5.What are they going to do tomorrow?

A.They are going to listen to the weather report.

B.They will go swimming.

C.They will go boating.




M:Excuse me,I’m trying to do some work.I’m afraid your children are making a lot of noise.Don’t they ever go to sleep?

W:I’m sorry.They are noisy.But you know it’s difficult to keep boys quiet.

M:I couldn’t work and I couldn’t sleep last night.And I was wakened by the noise they made early this morning.

W:I’m terribly sorry.You know they never listen to me.They are only afraid of their father.He’s away on business,but he’ll be back tomorrow.

M:I hope he can do something about it.

6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are parent and teacher.

B.They are close friends.

C.They are neighbors.

7.What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.The man is making complaint to the woman.

B.The man is making some suggestion to the woman.

C.The man is satisfied after talking to the woman.

8.What’s not the result of the children’s noise?

A.The man couldn’t work.

B.The man couldn’t sleep.

C.The man couldn’t eat.


M:Oh,come in.

W:I just dropped in to return these books.Are you getting dinner ready? Something smells good.

M:Oh,I’m just preparing some noodles.

W:I thought your wife did the cooking.

M:She did,but she said she would come home late today.

W:So you’re the cook.What are you having with the noodles?

M:Some cabbages and tomatoes.Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us?

W:Thanks,but not today.I have to hurry off.Maybe some other time.

9.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the man’s home.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a company.

10.Why does the woman come to the man’s home?

A.She wants to have dinner with him.

B.She comes to return some books.

C.She wants to learn how to cook.

11.Who does the cooking now?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.The man’s wife.


M:Don’t you just love this store? Every time I go through all the things here,I always find something interesting.

W:I know what you mean.Look at this box of clothes over here.Each piece costs only one dollar.

M:Look at what I got here!

W:What? So now you’re interested in wool coats all of a sudden.The weather is too warm for it,I think.

M:No,not that.I’m talking about this jacket from the 1950s.Isn’t it nice?

W:Yes,it is.It only costs five dollars,too.

M:I think if I clean it up a little and get the button fixed,it’ll look like it’s worth a million dollars!

W:I think I’m going to buy this little skirt and then I’ll be ready to go.How about you?

M:I’m ready anytime you are.

12.What are the speakers doing?

A.Trying on clothes.

B.Buying new clothes.

C.Buying old clothes.

13.What is the man interested in?

A.A coat.

B.A shirt.

C.A jacket.

14.What can we learn about the piece of clothes the man is interested in?

A.Some buttons are missing.

B.It’s worth millions of dollars.

C.It was made in 1950.


M:Hi,Jane.It’s nice to see you again.I heard you went to the US during your vacation.

W:Yes.I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.

M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?

W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.

M:How about the course?

W:The course was very good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class,and you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really liked this kind of class.

M:How interesting! Maybe our teacher should try that.

15.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to New York during the vacation?

A.To learn English.

B.To visit an American family.

C.To do business.

16.When did the woman come back from America?

A.On July 5th.

B.On July 6th.

C.On August 25th.

17.What in particular did the woman like about the American classes?

A.The teachers were kind.

B.The students were quite free.

C.There were too many activities in class.


  Mr.Grey was the manager of a small office in London.He lived in the country,and came to work by train.He liked walking from the train station to his office unless it was raining,because it gave him some exercise.

  One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him,“You may not remember me,sir,but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets.I stopped you in the street and asked you to lend me some money,and you lent me five pounds,because you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.”

  Mr.Grey thought for a few minutes and then said,“Yes,I remember you.Go on with your story.”

  “Well,” answered the stranger,“are you still willing to take a chance?”

18.Why did he walk from the station to his office?

A.To save money.

B.To buy something necessary.

C.To have more exercise.

19.Which of the following statements may be true?

A.The stranger once asked Mr.Grey for money.

B.The stranger and Mr.Grey knew each other very well.

C.The stranger was going to give Mr.Grey his money back.

20.What did the last sentence mean?

A.He wanted to give Mr.Grey a chance to help others.

B.He wanted to ask Mr.Grey for some more money.

C.He hoped Mr.Grey could help him to be successful in his work.


A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolutions: we stopped talking to one another.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently,and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation.   
The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another, With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person my more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card a voice mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn't wise…they're a great help to use. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.  
More and more .I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn't really have time to talk, The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier…or at least facilitating my antisocial instincts.
So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging. with people who live near me,no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.
【小题1】Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?   

A.The Advance of Communications Technology
B.The Consequences of Modern Technology
C.The Story of Communications Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communications
【小题2】The sentence “Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent,”means that       .
A.the people sitting beside you have to go away to receive a phone call
B.you can hardly get in touch with the people sitting beside you
C.modem technology makes it hard for people to have a face-to-face talk
D.people can now go to work without going to the office
【小题3】The writer feels that the use of modern communications is        
【小题4】The passage implies that        .
A.modern technology is bridging the people.
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting our communications




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

M:Sorry.I have forgotten John’s address.

W:You forgot again! It’s 125 Park Road.

1.What’s John’s address?

A.125 Park Road.

B.124 Rock Road.

C.125 Part Road.

M:I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W:Will you step right over to the second window, please?

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.In a bank.

C.In a post office.

M:Your shirt is quite beautiful in color, isn’t it?

W:Yes, I bought it at a sale for half price.It cost me $12.

3.What was the original price of the shirt?




W:Look at those monkeys running around the rock hill.Look at the mother monkey.She is carrying her baby in her arms.

M:Yes, isn’t it interesting?

4.Where was the two speakers?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In a museum.

C.In a zoo.

M:What can I do if I can’t finish reading it in a week?

W:You may come and renew it.

5.What’s the man doing?

A.Borrowing a book.

B.Buying a book.

C.Reading a book.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6段材料, 回答第6~8题。

M:Hello, Mary! How was your exam yesterday?

W:Not too good.It wasn’t as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.

M:Well, the final exam is always more difficult.You need to work harder.You will certainly do better next time.

W:I worked very hard, but I was too careless.I made some stupid mistakes.

6.What can we learn about the exam?

A.Not very easy.


C.Not good.

7.Why didn’t the girl do well in the exam?

A.She was careless.

B.She didn’t work hard.

C.She was not good at the subject.

8.What kind of the exam did the girl take?

A.The final exam.

B.The mid-term exam.

C.The entrance exam.

听第7段材料, 回答第9~11题。

M:Hello, Sally.

W:Hello, Ben.I haven’t seen you for years.Where have you been?

M:In the UK.How are you?I miss you and all my friends in Beijing.

W:Fine, thanks.How is the weather in UK?

M:Oh, it’s very cold.But spring will come soon.

W:When does spring begin in the UK?

M:It begins in March.

W:How long does it last?

M:For three months.

9.When is spring in the UK?

A.From March to May.

B.From March to June.

C.From January to March.

10.Where is she most probably talking?

A.On the telephone.

B.In the train.

C.In the street.

11.What season is it in the UK now?






M:Hello! Could I speak to Tom?

W:I’m sorry he’s out.He’s at the cinema at the moment.

M:Is that Mrs.Brown?

W:Yes, this is Tom’s mother.Do you have anything important to tell Tom?Can I take a message for him?

M:Sure.This is Bill.We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday.Please ask him to bring some delicious food.

M:Thanks a lot.Bye!


12.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the cinema.

13.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s sister.

B.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s mother.

C.Mrs.Black, Tom’s aunt.

14.What does Bill want Tom to do?

A.Bring some food for the picnic.

B.Bring some toys for the game.

C.Bring some fruit for the trip.


M:Whose radio is this, Ann?

W:It’s mine, but it isn’t a radio.

M:What is it?

W:It’s a tape-recorder.

M:What do you do with it?

W:I practice my English with it.

M:That’s a very good idea.

W:It’s for our trip.

M:Do you have plans for a trip to America?

W:We have plans for a trip around the world.

M:What a lucky girl you are!


15.Why does Ann use a little tape-recorder?

A.To practice her English.

B.To listen to pop music.

C.To record radio news.

16.Where does the girl plan to go?

A.Around the world.

B.To America.

C.To Europe.

17.What does the man mean?

A.To envy(羡慕)her.

B.To thank her.

C.To hate her.


Many Americans work in different government departments.There are office workers, fire-fighters, police officers and public school teachers and so on.Most city workers may not earn a lot of money but when they are old enough to stop working, they get a good sum of money.Henry and Nancy work for the city of Seattle.Henry is a fire-fighter.He is on duty eight hours a day.When he works, he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire-fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any time.Nancy is a typist in Henry’s office.She works from 9 o’clock in the morning to 5 o’clock in the afternoon.She works five days a week from Monday through Friday.Her job is to type reports of fire.

18.Which of the following are NOT city government workers?

A.Teachers in public school.

B.Police officers.


19.What’s Henry?

A.A fire-fighter.

B.A policeman.

C.An office worker.

20.When does Nancy work every day?

A.From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

B.From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

C.From 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.





W:Oh, Michael…I didn’t tell you.My sister phoned yesterday.She wants to get married.

M:Married! She’s only seventeen.

1.What does Michael think of the woman’s sister?

A.She is not old enough to get married.

B.She is too old to get married.

C.She is married.

M:Waitress! I’d like the menu, please.

W:Here you are, sir.

2.Where is the man?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a train station.

C.In a restaurant.

M:Has the TV been repaired?

W:Yes.We’d expected the repairs to cost us about      dollars, but they charged us twice as much.

3.How much did the lady pay?




M:Hello, Jane.How lucky to run into you.Can you and Tom come to dinner tomorrow evening?

W:I think so.I don’t think we’re going out.

4.How does the woman respond?

A.She refuses to go to dinner.

B.She agrees to go to dinner.

C.She is angry.

M:I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could, I’d go with you to the cinema.

W:That’s too bad.I wish that you could come along.

5.Where is the man going?

A.To class.

B.To the cinema.

C.To the doctor’s office.




M:Hello, Mrs Smith.How are you?

W:Fine, thanks, Mr Downs.How’s your boy, Jack?

M:He is a bit tired.You know, he goes to school at eight o’clock every morning.He doesn’t get home till after four.Then he does his homework after ten.It often takes him a couple of hours to finish it.

W:Poor boy.Children work hard at school nowadays, don’t they? Does he like it?

M:School, you mean? Yes, he does.He likes his teachers, and that always makes a difference.

W:Yes, it does.Does he go to school by bus?

M:No, he walks.He likes walking.He meets some of his friends at the corner and they go together.

W:What does he do when it rains?

M:His uncle takes him in the car.He passes the school on the way to the office.

6.What are the two talking about?

A.Mrs Smith.

B.Mr Downs.

C.Mr Downs’ son.

7.How long does a school day last?

A.At least 8 hours.

B.About 6 hours.

C.Nearly 7 hours.

8.How does Jack usually go to school?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By car.


M:Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?

W:Speaking.Is that you, Tom?

M:Yes, it is.I am going to New Zealand in two weeks’ time, and my wife is going with me.

W:Oh, how lucky you are! How long are you going for?

M:For a couple of months, maybe half a year.My boss wants me to help set up a branch company there.Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times.Can you give us some suggestions, or just tell us about that country?

W:I’d love to.We can have a talk sometime.

M:Why not come over to dinner in my house this weekend.My wife wants to meet you as well.

W:All right.What about Saturday?

M:OK.See you at 6∶00 p. m., this coming Saturday.Goodbye!

9.Who answered the phone?


B.Tom’s wife.


10.When are they going to New Zealand?

A.In half a year.

B.In a couple of months.

C.In two weeks.

11.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan’s.

B.At Tom’s.

C.In New Zealand.


M:As you can see, Maria, the railway station is very crowded during rush hours.

W:How many people do you suppose ride into New York every day to work?

M:I don’t know.Must be several hundred thousand at least.Maybe a million.

W:I’m glad they’re not all taking this train.

M:Oh, they come from all directions, and by many different means, by railroads, ferries and subways.Then of course, some people drive in.

W:I’m a little afraid I’ll get lost.

M:You’ll soon learn that New York is a very easy city to get around.

W:Let’s see, the “Avenues” run north and south and the “Streets” run east and west, don’t they?

M:That’s right.You won’t get lost when you travel alone.

W:I hope not.

12.What can Maria see?

A.Many trains.

B.Many planes.

C.Many people.

13.What’s the woman afraid of?

A.Driving in.

B.Taking ferries(摆渡).

C.Getting lost.

14.What kind of city is New York, according to the man?

A.An easy city to get around.

B.A city full of subways.

C.A city difficult to get around.


W:Good afternoon.

M:Good afternoon.My name’s William Turner.I want to make an appointment to see Dr Smith please.

W:Yes, of course, Mr Turner.May I have your address please?

M:108 Park Road, London.

W:Yes, we have you on our records.Can you manage this afternoon at 3:00?


W:Will 3:00 be all right?

M:Well, yes, but I prefer a later time so I can come along after work.

W:Then what about 5:30?

M:Well, that’s fine.Thank you.Goodbye.


15.Who is William Turner?

A.A close friend of Dr Smith’s.

B.A patient of Dr Smith’s.

C.Both A and B.

16.When will Mr Turner go to see Dr Smith?

A.At 4∶00 p. m.

B.At 5∶00 p. m.

C.At 5∶30 p. m.

17.What’s the main idea of this dialogue?

A.Mr Turner wants to make an appointment with Dr Smith.

B.Mr Turner will go to see Dr Smith at 5∶30 p. m.

C.Mr Turner is a patient of Dr Smith’s.


If a Chinese comes to England and wants to drive his car there, he must know the English rules of the road and the English traffic signs.One rule is that he must always drive on the left.Another rule is that he mustn’t drive faster than thirty mph through town and villages.If he does not pay attention to this speed limit, the police will soon be after him.The third rule is that cars on the main road have right of way.It is not easy to drive in London, because the traffic is so busy and buses and trucks sometimes block the roads.It is much less difficult to find your way if you go by one of the red buses or the underground.There are bus stops at every street corner.And if you cannot find one, ask a policeman.He will help you at once.

18.On which side of the road are cars driven in England?

A.On the left.

B.On the right.

C.The passage doesn’t tell about that.

19.What can we know from the passage?

A.We know police in England are often after you.

B.We know police in England are often helpful.

C.We know police in England are often impolite.

20.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.English Traffic

B.Come to England

C.Traffic Rules





1.What’s John’s address?

A.125 Park Road.

B.124 Rock Road.

C.125 Part Road.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.In a bank.

C.In a post office.

3.What was the original price of the skirt?




4.Where was the two speakers?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In a museum.

C.In a zoo.

5.What’s the man doing?

A.Borrowing a book.

B.Buying a book.

C.Reading a book.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Sorry.I have forgotten John’s address.

W:You forgot again!It’s 125 Park Road.

(Text 2)

M:I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W:Will you step right over to the second window, please?

(Text 3)

M:Your shirt is quite beautiful in color, isn’t it?

W:Yes, I bought it at a sale for half price.It cost me $12.

(Text 4)

W:Look at those monkeys running around the rock hill.Look at the mother monkey.She is carrying her baby in her arms.

M:Yes, isn’t it interesting?

(Text 5)

M:What can I do if I can’t finish reading it in a week?

W:You may come and renew it.




6.What can we learn about the exam?

A.Not very easy.


C.Not good.

7.Why didn’t the girl do well in the exam?

A.She was careless.

B.She didn’t work hard.

C.She was not good at the subject.

8.What kind of the exam did the girl take?

A.The final exam.

B.The mid-term exam.

C.The entrance exam.

听力原文:(Text 6)

M:Hello, Mary! How was your exam yesterday?

W:Not too good.It wasn’t as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.

M:Well, the final exam is always more difficult.You need to work harder.You will certainly do better next time.

W:I worked very hard, but I was too careless.I made some stupid mistakes.


9.When is spring in the UK?

A.From March to May.

B.From March to June.

C.From January to March.

10.Where is she most probably talking?

A.On the telephone.

B.In the train.

C.In the street.

11.What season is it in the UK now?




听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Hello, Sally.

W:Hello, Ben.I haven’t seen you for years.Where have you been?

M:In the UK.How are you?I miss you and all my friends in Beijing.

W:Fine, thanks.How is the weather in UK?

M:Oh, it’s very cold.But spring will come soon.

W:When does spring begin in the UK?

M:It is being in March.

W:How long does it last?

M:For three months.


12.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the cinema.

13.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s sister.

B.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s mother.

C.Mrs.Black, Tom’s aunt.

14.What does Bill want Tom to do?

A.Bring some food for the picnic.

B.Bring some toys for the game.

C.Bring some fruit for the trip.

听力原文:(Text 8)


M:Hello!Could I speak to Tom?

W:I’m sorry he’s out.He’s at the cinema at the moment.

M:Is that Mrs.Brown?

W:Yes, this is Tom’s mother.Do you have anything important to tell Tom?Can I take a message for him?

M:Sure.This is Bill.We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday.Please ask him to bring some delicious food.

M:Thanks a lot.Bye!



15.Why does Ann use a little tape-recorder?

A.To practice her English.

B.To listen to pop music.

C.To record radio news.

16.Where does the girl plan to go?

A.Around the world.

B.To America.

C.To Europe.

17.What does the man mean?

A.To envy(羡慕)her.

B.To thank her.

C.To hate her.

听力原文:(Text 9)

M:Whose radio is this, Ann?

W:It’s mine, but it isn’t a radio.

M:What is it?

W:It’s a tape-recorder.

M:What do you do with it?

W:I practice my English with it.

M:That’s a very good idea.

W:It’s for our trip.

M:Do you have plans for a trip to America?

W:We have plans for a trip around the world.

M:What a lucky girl you are!



18.Which of the following are NOT city government workers?

A.Teachers in public school.

B.Police officers.


19.What’s Henry?

A.A fire fighter.

B.A policeman.

C.An office worker.

20.When does Nancy work every day?

A.From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

B.From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

C.From 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.

听力原文:(Text 10)

Many Americans work in different government departments.There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers and so on.Most city workers may not earn a lot of money but when they are old enough to stop working, they get a good sum of money.Henry and Nancy work for the city of Scattle.Henry is a fire fighter.He is on duty eight hours a day.When he works, he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any time.Nancy is a typist in Henry’s office.She works from 9 o’clock in the morning to 5 o’clock in the afternoon.She works five days a week from Monday through Friday.Her job is to type reports of fire.


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