摘要: A. every time B. once C. one day D. sometimes


  One day, around Christmas time, fishermen off the west coast of Peru (秘鲁) started on their traditional fishing trip. Much to their surprise, there were no fish! They knew immediately what had happened. Tales from years gone by had told them this was the result of El Nino which sometimes stop fishing for many months!

  El Nino is a warm current (水流) that comes and goes along the west coast of South America. It got its name from fishermen in Peru more than a century ago. Every few years, they noticed a sudden warming in the normally cool Pacific water where they fished. Because this warming often came about around Christmas, they called it El Nino, which is Spanish for the “Christ Child”. Generally, El Nino occurs every three to seven years and lasts only a few weeks to a month or more.

  El Nino warms the water it flows through. Because the fish and sea birds need cold water to live, many of them die when El Nino comes through. El Nino also causes both floods and droughts (干旱). It is believed that El Nino may have caused the 1993 Mississippi and 1995 California floods. And at the same time, it may have caused droughts in South America, Africa and Australia.

  El Nino has occurred thirteen times within the last fifty years, bringing natural disasters to many countries such as Indonesia and Peru. However, El Nino does not often trouble China. During this period China was badly hit by El Nino only once. In 1998, North China had a terrible drought, while South China was troubled by floods.

1. The underlined word “occur” (in Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “ ______”.

A. happen      B. develop    C. change      D. move

2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about El Nino?

A. It happens in November and December. B. It was named by some Spanish fishermen. 

C. It only happens in South America.   D. It lasts a few weeks or more.

3. If El Nino happens, the following will take place EXCEPT ______.

A. sea water temperature rise  

B. diseases spreading around the world

C. floods and droughts      

D. death of fish and sea birds

4. The purpose of this passage is ______.

A. to discuss the prevention of El Nino 

B. to explain how El Nino trouble farmers 

C. to let us know about El Nino    

D. to tell us how to prepare for El Nino



As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn't so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the

United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.

Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.

Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today

there are still always six.

You might have lived at a zoo.

In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.

       If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.

The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They're called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king's; table.

       You need a secret password at night.

Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower

after hours.It's written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.

You could find buried gold.

       In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never

been found.

Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ____,.         ;

       A.he loved animals a lot                 

       B.he believed ravens helped protect the Tower

       C.he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners  

       D.he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live                        

According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______. 

       A.have to part from their families to work at the Tower            

       B.are  currently working as bodyguards for the king                                

       C.sometimes serve as tour guides          

       D.are fond of eating beef                            

Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?   

       A.King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.   

       B.It stands on the bank of the Thames River.

       C.Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.         

       D.It is also used as a prison nowadays.


As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn’t so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the
United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.
Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.
Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today
there are still always six.
You might have lived at a zoo.
In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.
If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.
The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They’re called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king’s; table.
You need a secret password at night.
Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower
after hours.It’s written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.
You could find buried gold.
In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never
been found.
【小题1】Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ____,.         ;

A.he loved animals a lot
B.he believed ravens helped protect the Tower
C.he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners
D.he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live
【小题2】According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______. 
A.have to part from their families to work at the Tower
B.are currently working as bodyguards for the king
C.sometimes serve as tour guides
D.are fond of eating beef
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?   
A.King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.
B.It stands on the bank of the Thames River.
C.Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.
D.It is also used as a prison nowadays.


As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn't so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the

United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.

Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.

Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today

there are still always six.

You might have lived at a zoo.

In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.

         If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.

The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They're called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king's; table.

         You need a secret password at night.

Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower

after hours.It's written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.

You could find buried gold.

         In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never

been found.

1.Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ____,.         ;

         A.he loved animals a lot          

         B.he believed ravens helped protect the Tower

         C.he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners  

         D.he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live                        

2.According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______. 

         A.have to part from their families to work at the Tower            

         B.are  currently working as bodyguards for the king                                

         C.sometimes serve as tour guides          

         D.are fond of eating beef                            

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?   

         A.King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.        

         B.It stands on the bank of the Thames River.

         C.Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.           

         D.It is also used as a prison nowadays.



As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn’t so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the
United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.
Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.
Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today
there are still always six.
You might have lived at a zoo.
In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.
If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.
The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They’re called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king’s; table.
You need a secret password at night.
Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower
after hours.It’s written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.
You could find buried gold.
In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never
been found.

  1. 1.

    Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ______.         ;

    1. A.
      he loved animals a lot
    2. B.
      he believed ravens helped protect the Tower
    3. C.
      he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners
    4. D.
      he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______.

    1. A.
      have to part from their families to work at the Tower
    2. B.
      are currently working as bodyguards for the king
    3. C.
      sometimes serve as tour guides
    4. D.
      are fond of eating beef
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?

    1. A.
      King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.
    2. B.
      It stands on the bank of the Thames River.
    3. C.
      Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.
    4. D.
      It is also used as a prison nowadays.

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