摘要:14.A require后接的宾语从句中要用“ + 动词原形 形式.另外pay attention to后接名词或动名词.



All children want to have pocket money(零用钱). Why do their parents just give them a certain amount?   1. 

The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs(不同)from family to family.    2.    Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money. www.zxxk.com

First of all, children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. At first, some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time.     3.  

In order to encourage their children to do some housework, some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home. Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that.     4.   

Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want.     5.  Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice(牺牲). Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing(投资) for children. 

A. One main purpose(目的) is to let kids learn how to manage their own money. 

B. They can save it for future use. 

C. Timing is another consideration. 

D. As helping at home is a normal(正常的) part of family life. 

E. Some children are not good at managing their pocket money. 

F. Learning how to get money is very important for every child.  

G. By doing so, these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget(预算)




1.He made a few friends soon after he transferred to the new school, _________________ he had no difficulty in fitting in. (help)


2.If Emma likes something, she will buy it ___________________________. (cost)


3.Statistics show that for every mile they drive men have ________________________ as women do.  (many)            


4. “____________________ and get good grades, and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits,” my parents used to say. (study)   


5.As a consequence of the sandstorm, three fourths of the bridges in the area ___________. (require)


6.We ___________________ for fifteen years, but believe it or not, I recognized him the moment I saw him. (meet)


7. I’ve tried hard to improve my English. But by no means _______________ my progress. (satisfy)


8. If it hadn’t been for the accident, his daughter ______________________ now. (alive)


9.Do you still remember ___________________ that you mother showed you around the Great Wall? (when)你还记得你母亲究竟是何时带你参观长城的吗?

10.So much time and money ____________________, the project is only half done. (spend)






阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从50-64各题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出


Bob was a great teacher and his students saw him as a teacher of life, not just a history teacher. When a new student first came to his class, he would _50_ he was suddenly a member of the new and exciting  _51_. The other students would help him and _52_ him to new ways of study: every student has a study _53_,a person who they would sit next to in class, _54_their understanding of the lessons with and study with after class; they would also take tests  together-everybody had someone to work with.

Bob liked to_55_ new ideas. After he had taken the job, he asked for _56_from the  principal to use this method that he had studied in university and had been found to be _57_. He wanted to try it on high school level students. The principal agreed. As it turned out, the grade  point average of the class _58_ to a full grade point. Students wanted to _59_after class and ask questions about the lessons every day. When he gave lessons, everybody listened carefully to what Bob taught, because he was excited about history and he made his lessons very exciting, too. When Bob became _60_, he shared the doctor's report with his students. He said that he had cancer and that it was probably _61_. He also said that he would work as long as he could

and would talk to anybody who wanted to talk about it. His   _62_ to talk about death made the subject part of his lesson. He talked about famous people who had _63_ full and rich lives and  how _64_ they had faced death. He said he would welcome whatever came next.

51. A. family            B. school          C. society         D. department

52.A.force              B. introduce        C. put            D. sort

53. A. assistant          B. competitor       C. partner         D. instructor

54. A. require           B. translate         C. appreciate       D. share

55.A, test              B, play             C. observe         D. show

56. A. apology          B. permission        C. forgiveness      D. supply

57. A. false             B. special           C. absurd           D. effective

58. A. went up          B. broke down       C. got about        D. came out

59.A.leave             B. stay             C. keep            D. move

60,A.healthy           B. interested         C. sick             D.crazy

61. A. understandable     B. unimaginable      C. unavoidable      D, incurable

62. A. willingness       B. curiosity          C. sadness           D. justice

63.A. stood            B. lived             C. spent           D. killed

64. A. specially         B. personally         C. peacefully       D. correctly




71. He made a few friends soon after he transferred to the new school, _________________ he had no difficulty in fitting in. (help)


72. If Emma likes something, she will buy it ___________________________. (cost)


73. Statistics show that for every mile they drive men have ________________________ as women do.  (many)            


74. “____________________ and get good grades, and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits,” my parents used to say. (study)   


75. As a consequence of the sandstorm, three fourths of the bridges in the area ___________. (require)


76. We ___________________ for fifteen years, but believe it or not, I recognized him the moment I saw him. (meet)


77. I’ve tried hard to improve my English. But by no means _______________ my progress. (satisfy)


78. If it hadn’t been for the accident, his daughter ______________________ now. (alive)


79. Do you still remember ___________________ that you mother showed you around the Great Wall? (when)  你还记得你母亲究竟是何时带你参观长城的吗?

80. So much time and money ____________________, the project is only half done. (spend)





As in the field of space travel,  so in the undersea exploration (探险), new technologies continue to appear.  They____________________with each other—as well as some important differences.

Manned submersibles (潜水器), like spaceships,  must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment. But while a spaceship must simply be sealed(密封)against the vacuum (真空) of space,  a submersible must be able to bear extreme pressure if it is not to break up in deep water.

In exploring space,  unmanned vehicles were employed before astronauts,  in the undersea exploration,  on the other hand,  men paved the way,  and only recently have unmanned Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) been put to use.

One reason for this is that communicating with vehicles in orbit is much easier than talking to those underwater. A vacuum is an ideal medium for radio communications, but underwater, communications are limited to much slower sound waves. Thus, most undersea vehicles, particularly ROVs, operate at the end of long ropes.

For a similar reason,  knowing where you are undersea is much more difficult than in space.  A spaceship’s position can be located by following its radio signal,  or by using telescopes and radars. For an undersea vehicle,  however,  a special network of sonar(声纳) devices must be laid out in advance on the ocean floor in the area of a dive to locate the vehicle’s position.

Though undersea exploration is more challenging than outer space in a number of respects, it has a distinct advantage:  Going to the ocean depths doesn’t require the power necessary to escape Earth’s gravity. Thus it remains far less expensive.

76. What is the best title of this passage?  (no more than 10 words)

77. What do manned submersibles resemble spaceships in? (no more than 10 words)

78. What do you think of the undersea exploration?  Why?  (no more than 20 words)

79. Fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words. (no more than 10 words)

80. How many kinds of new technologies used in the undersea exploration are mentioned? Please list their names. (no more than 7 words)


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