摘要: He is lying in bed, his eyes looking at the ceiling and his hands behind his head. A. to cross B. crossing C. cross D. crossed


A white-haired old gentleman steps out of his car, bag in hand and coat over his arm, he has called from the office to say that he is on the way. His wife is preparing supper. He can see the light shining inside his own front door. He looks forward to a fire and hot milk. It is a cold night. A few seconds later he is lying on the icy ground in a pool of his own blood.
  It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen in the capital city of the United States. It is more likely to happen in the near-deserted city center at night. What happened to him could happen to any of us.
  Senator Stennis, who is 71 , got out of his white Buick at 7:40 p.m. outside his home at 3609 Cumberland Street. Two youths said, "Get out! Money, please." He followed the order. He handed over his wallet containing several cards, a gold watch and the only money he had in his pockets—twenty-five cents. The youths also said, "Now we're going to shoot you anyway." Anyway they did. One bullet(子弹) hit him in the leg and struck the bone. The other entered his chest just below the upper pocket of his suit. It narrowly missed his heart.
  Strangely he made it across a ten-meter distance, up eight steps and along twenty more feet of stone path. His wife met him at the door, and saw two men running. The senator told her to call the police and the doctor.
  The senator is a powerful political figure, but it is unlikely that the two young men knew who he was. More likely the reason for the killing was that he had only no more than a quarter of dollar - not enough for two cups of coffee.
49 According to the passage,_______.
  A. such a mugging(行凶抢劫) might have happened to anyone
  B. the mugging happened on a cold evening in a senator's home
  C. the senator was killed because he was an important politician
  D. the mugging might not have happened if the senator was young and strong
50. Having robbed the senator, the two young men _______.
  A. pulled him into a pool    B. shot two bullets into his body
  C. hit out at him hard     D. carried him away
51. The two young men were angry by the fact that _______.
  A. the senator attempted to cheat them
  B. they failed to get the senator's expensive car
  C. the senator didn't die in their hands
  D. the mugging didn't bring them what they had expected
52 Which of the following statements is not true?
  A. A near-deserted city center at night is a dangerous place.
  B. People should always carry some money with them.
  C. Though seriously wounded, the senator managed to get home on his own.
  D. The senator's wife met the two men and recognized them.



Everybody has lied on some occasion in life. However, compulsive(上瘾的)lying is different. A compulsive liar has no control over his lying habit. It is very uncomfortable for him to speak the truth. He lies on both major and small issues. Compulsive liars lie out of habit and even on issues where lying does not benefit them. A compulsive liar is also called a habitual liar.

A compulsive liar is not nervous at times. He lies with strong self-confidence. However, you could find evidence that he is lying, which is easy because he always lies. If a person tries to speak out irrelevant details or offer explanations which aren’t necessary when he’s asked a particular question, he’s attempting to hide certain facts. Also you can look at his body language for signs of lying. If he has crossed his arms he might be hiding certain facts from you. If he is blinking(眨眼)frequently then chances are high he is lying. Another sign is he will never admit the truth even when faced with strong evidence.

The consequence of compulsive lying is that no one trusts him any more. It could have far reaching consequences on his job, relationships and friends. It is a terrible cycle, which can alienate(疏远)the very people who are dear to him.

The cure for this condition is that the person affected should take the initiative. He has to meet a psychologist and/ or a psychiatrist(精神病医生). The psychiatrist will prescribe the needed medicine. The psychologist will analyze why this behavior is happening. Hypnosis(催眠)is a possible solution to this problem. Fortunately this is a treatable condition.

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