摘要:①a(n)+单数名词 ②the+单数名词 ③零冠词+复数名词 但是这三种方法各有侧重: (1)the 指的是整个类别.这个类别是可以区别于另一个类别的.如: The compass was invented in China,but the computer was not.罗盘是中国发明的. 但计算机不是. 侧重于指类别中任何一个的特点.如: A tiger is a type of very large fierce wild cat that has yellow fur with black bands across.老虎是个子很大而且凶猛的野猫类动物.毛黄色.有黑色斑纹. (3)不用冠词的复数名词侧重指类别的许多个体.如: Children usually start walking around the age of one.小孩子一般一岁左右开始走路. Do you like horses?你喜欢马吗? (4)在类指时如何使用冠词要根据所要表达内容的具体情况而定. The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.老虎正濒临灭绝的危险. (不能说A tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.濒临灭绝指的是整个虎类.而不是任何一只老虎都面临灭绝的危险.)


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