摘要: that he did say so, what harm can you see in it?


I entered high school having read hundreds of books. But I was not a good reader. Merely bookish, I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather, I read in order to get a point of view. I searched books for good expressions and sayings, pieces of information, ideas, themes—anything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated. When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a “complicated idea” until he had read at least two thousand books, I heard the words without recognizing either its irony (嘲讽) or its very complicated truth. I merely determined to make a list of all the books I had ever read. Strict with myself, I included only once a title I might have read several times. (How, after all, could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length. (Could anything shorter be a book?)
There was yet another high school list I made. One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college. The article had a list of the “hundred most important books of Western Civilization.” “More than anything else in my life,” the professor told the reporter with finality(firmly) , “these books have made me all that I am.” That was the kind of words I couldn’t ignore. I kept the list for the several months it took me to read all of the titles. Most books, of course, I hardly understood. While reading Plato's The Republic, for example, I needed to keep looking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. However, with the special patience and superstition (迷信) of a schoolboy, I looked at every word of the text. And by the time I reached the last word, pleased, I persuaded myself that I had read The Republic, and seriously crossed Plato off my list
68. On hearing the teacher's suggestion of reading, the writer thought _______.
A. one must read as many books as possible
B. a student should not have a complicated idea
C. it was impossible for one to read two thousand books
D. students ought to make a list of the books they had read
69. While at high school, the writer _______.
A. had plans for reading                               B. learned to educate himself
C. only read books over 100 pages                D. read only one book several times
70. The writer's purpose in mentioning The Republic is to _______.
A. explain why it was included in the list
B. describe why he seriously crossed it off the list
C. show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to understand
D. prove that he understood most of it because he had looked at every word
71 The writer provides two book lists to _______.
A. show how he developed his point of view
B. tell his reading experience at high school
C. introduce the two persons' reading methods
D. explain that he read many books at high school


I shall never forget the night, a few years ago, when Marion J. Douglas was a student in one of my adult-education classes. He told us how tragedy had struck at his home, not once, but twice. The first time he had lost his five-year-old daughter. He and his wife thought they couldn’t bear that first loss; but, as he said, “Ten months later, God gave us another little girl and she died in five days.”
This double bereavement was almost too much to bear. “I couldn’t take it,” this father told us. “I couldn’t sleep, eat, rest or relax. My nerves were entirely shaken and my confidence gone.” At last he went to the doctors; one recommended sleeping pills and another recommended a trip, but neither helped. He said, “My body felt as if it was surrounded in a vice(大钳子), and the jaws of the vice were being drawn tighter and tighter.” The tension of grief(悲伤) — if you have ever been paralyzed(使瘫痪) by sorrow, you know what the meant.
“But thank God, I had one child left — a four-year-old son. He gave me the solution to the problem. One afternoon as I sat around feeling sorry for myself, he asked, ‘Daddy, will you build a boat for me?’ I was in no mood to build a boat; in fact, I was in no mood to do anything. But my son is a persistent fellow! I had to gave in. Building that toy boat took me about three hours. By the time it was finished, I realized that those three hours spent building that boat were first hours of mental relaxation and peace that I had had in months! I realized that it is difficult to worry while you are busy doing something that requires planning and thinking. In my case, building the boat had knocked worry out of the ring. So I determined to keep busy.”
“The following night, I made a list of jobs that ought to be done. Scores of items needed to be repaired. Amazingly, I had made a list of 242 items that needed attention. During the last two years I have completed most of them. I am busy now that I have no time for worry.”
No time for worry! That is exactly what Winston Churchill said when he was working eighteen hours a day at the height of the war. When he was asked if he worried about his huge responsibilities, he said, “I am too busy. I have no time for worry.”
53. The underlined word “bereavement” in the second paragraph refers to _____.

A. having lost a loved one
B. having lost a valuable article
C. having lost a profit-making business
D. having lost a well-paid job
54. Marion felt his body as if it was caught in a vice because _____.
A. he couldn’t earn enough money to support his family
B. he was suffering from sleeplessness disease
C. he couldn’t get out of mental pressure
D. he felt tired of adult-education classes
55. Marion made a list of over 200 items that needed to be repaired because _____.
A. he hadn’t been able to spare time to mend them
B. he wanted to kill his free time by repairing them
C. the items had actually been broken and needed attention
D. repairing the items helped crowd worry out of his mind
56. At the end of the passage, the author wrote about Winston Churchill in order to _____.
A. prove that he followed Churchill’s example
B. support his student’s solution to his problem
C. show that he was successful in his career
D. make it clear how his conclusion was reached



  In ancient Egypt,the pharaoh(法老)trented the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace ,if he broubht good news ,However ,if the exharsted runner had the misrlrtune to buing the pharaoh unhappy news ,his head was cut off

  Shades of that lpirit priad ovie today’s cknversntions,Once a friend and Ipack up some peanut butter ane sandwiches for an outing As we walked light-heartedly out the door ,pienie basket in hand ,a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and saie ,Oh boy ,bad dny for a picnic the weatherman says it’s going tl raim I wanted to strike him on the race with the peanut butter and sandwiches not for his stupid weather report for his wsile

  Several months ago Iwas racing to fcatcb angty A’s I breathlessly put my handfrul of cash acrlss the Greyhound ckunths the sales ager said with a brond smileOh that bus lsft rive minrtes ago Dreams of head cutting

  It’s not the news thst makes ,someone angry It’s the unsympathetic attitrde with which it’s delivered Everyone must give bad mews from time to time ,and winning professilnalas di it ‘swith the prope attitude A doctor advising a paticnt she needs an operation dose it in a caring way Aboss infonning an employee he didn’t get job takes on a sympathetic tone Big winners know ,when delivering ang ban news they should share th feeling of the receiver

  Unfortumately, many peple are not aware of this?you re tired from a long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn’t ready ye?When you had your heart set on the toast beef ,has your waiter mimily told you that he just seuved the last piece?It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist fight on their unsympathetic faces

  Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warningHad the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically infored me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, Oh ,that ‘s all rightI’ll catch the next one.” Big winners, when they bear bear new ,deliver bombs with the emxtion the bombarded(被轰炸的)person is sure to have


In Paragrph 1,the writer tells the story of the pharaoh to ________

[  ]


make a comparison




not considerate


not helpful


FromDreams of head-cutting!(Paragraph 3),we learn that the writer ________

[  ]


was mad at the sales agent


was reminded of the cruel pharaoh


wished that the sales agent would have had dreams


dreamed of cutting the sales agent’s head that night


What is the main idea of the text?

[  ]


Delivering bad news properly is important in communication


Helping others sincerely is the key to business success


Receiving bad news requires great courage


Learning ancient traditions can be useful


The easy way out isn't always easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, my husband of one month, to a special meal. I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu(菜谱) which included homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time , I started on it as soon as Doug left for work. As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, two dozens would be better, so I doubled(加倍)everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with ugly yellowish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the meal, and, when Doug got home , we sat down to eat Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed. Twice he got up and went outside , saying he thought he heard a noise. The third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. Looking out, I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container. When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enough for me to see. I felt cold. But I stepped closer and looked harder. Without doubt it was my work. The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母)made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing. It looked like some unknown being from outer space. I could see why Doug was so shaken. I had to admit what the “living thing” was and why it was there. I don't know who was more embarrassed(尴尬)by the whole thing -- Doug or me.

_The writer's purpose in writing this story is ___________

    A. to tell an interesting experience

B. to show the easiest way out of a difficulty

C. to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman

D. to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books

_ Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?

A. The canned orange had gone bad.      B. She didn't use the right kind of flour.

C. The cookbook was hard to understand. D. She did not follow the directions closely.

_ Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?

A. She didn't see the use of keeping it         B. She meant to joke with her husband.

C. She didn't want her husband to see it .  D. She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.

_ What made the dough in the rubbish bin look frightening?

A. The rising and falling movement.    B. The strange-looking marks. 

C. Its shape.                     D. Its size.

_ When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window because she was ____.

A. surprised at his being interested in the bin  B. afraid that he would discover her secret

C. unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal      D. curious to know what disturbed him


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