摘要: A. kept B. shut C. worried D. lost


The 1____ picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his 2____, who were a father and daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink. Obviously 3_____ of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the 4 _____ on the table. His two guests heard a box of drawers opening and a rustling(飒飒地响).

They 5 _____ sitting in the living-room, the 10-year-old daughter, looking at the flowers outside the window. The father was just about to take his cup when the 6 ____ came, right there in the living room. Something was hopelessly broken.

It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor. The girl looked 7 ____ her shoulder at once, startled(吓一跳), 8_____. It was 9 _____.Neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit. The sound caused the host to rush back from the inner room. He looked at the 10_____ floor and blurted out(脱口而出), “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”

The father started to say something. Then he muttered(嘀咕), “ Sorry, I 11_____ it and it fell.”

“It doesn’t matter,” the host said.

Later, when they left the house the daughter said, “Daddy, I saw your 12 ____ in the windowpane(玻璃窗). You were sitting perfectly13____. Why did you say…?”

The father 14____, “What then would you 15____ as the cause of its fall?”

“It fell by itself. The floor is uneven(不平). It wasn’t steady when Mr Li put it there.”

“It won’t 16_____, girl. It sounds more 17_____ when I say I knocked it down. There are things people accept less the more you 18_____them. The truer your story is, the less true it sounds.”

The daughter was 19_____ in silence for a while. Then she said, “Can you 20____ it only this way?”

“Only this way,” the father said.

A.owner          B. host          C. guest         D. master

A.friends         B. neighbors     C. children       D. guests

A.knowing        B. remembering  C. hearing        D. thinking

A.thermos        B. cup          C. lid           D. tea

A.enjoyed         B. remained     C. imagined      D. hated

A.stranger        B. host          C. crash         D. noise

A.around         B. at           C. behind         D. over

A.staring          B. watching     C. shouting        D. crying

A.helpless         B. exciting      C. strange         D. terrible

A.broken         B. streaming    C. dirty           D. flooded

A.touched        B. used         C. hit            D. moved

A.faced          B. shadow       C. reflection      D. action

A.calm          B. still          C. silent          D. straight

A.shouted        B. murmured     C. laughed       D. repeated

A. tell           B. make         C. accept         D. give

A.do            B. help          C. go            D. fit

A.comfortable    B. friendly       C. acceptable      D. agreeable

A.defend        B. support        C. discuss         D. argue

A.kept          B. shut           C. worried         D. lost

A.do            B. explain        C. make           D. manage


第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The __36__ picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his __37__, who were a father and daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink. Obviously __38___ of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the  __39___ on the table. His two guests heard a box of drawers opening and a rustling(飒飒地响).

   They  __40___ sitting in the living-room, the -year-old daughter, looking at the flowers outside the window. The father was just about to take his cup when the  __41__ came, right there in the living room. Something was hopelessly broken.

   It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor. The girl looked  __42__ her shoulder at once, startled(吓一跳), __43___. It was  __44___.Neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit. The sound caused the host to rush back from the inner room. He looked at the __45___ floor and blurted out(脱口而出), “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”

The father started to say something. Then he muttered(嘀咕), “ Sorry, I ___46__ it and it fell.”

“It doesn’t matter,” the host said.

Later, when they left the house the daughter said, “Daddy, I saw your  __47__ in the windowpane(玻璃窗). You were sitting perfectly__48__. Why did you say…?”

The father __49__, “What then would you __50__ as the cause of its fall?”

“It fell by itself. The floor is uneven(不平). It wasn’t steady when Mr Li put it there.”

“It won’t __51___, girl. It sounds more __52___ when I say I knocked it down. There are things people accept less the more you ___53__them. The truer your story is, the less true it sounds.”

The daughter was ___54__ in silence for a while. Then she said, “Can you __55__ it only this way?”

“Only this way,” the father said.

36.A.owner            B. host            C. guest            D. master

37.A.friends           B. neighbors        C. children         D. guests

38.A.knowing         B. remembering      C. hearing         D. thinking

39.A.thermos          B. cup             C. lid             D. tea

40.A.enjoyed          B. remained         C. imagined       D. hated

41.A.stranger          B. host             C. crash          D. noise          

42.A.around           B. at               C. behind         D. over

43.A.staring          B. watching          C. shouting        D. crying

44.A.helpless         B. exciting           C. strange         D. terrible

45.A.broken        B. streaming           C. dirty           D. flooded

46.A.touched       B. used               C. hit             D. moved

47.A.faced         B. shadow            C. reflection        D. action

48.A.calm         B. still                C. silent           D. straight

49.A.shouted       B. murmured          C. laughed         D. repeated

50.A. tell          B. make              C. accept          D. give

51.A.do           B. help               C. go              D. fit

52.A.comfortable   B. friendly            C. acceptable       D. agreeable

53.A.defend       B. support              C. discuss        D. argue

54.A.kept         B. shut               C. worried         D. lost

55.A.do          B. explain            C. make            D. manage


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一   个最佳答案。  


    A photographer is a person who takes photos as a business or an art. It is often thought that his work is not only full of 1 but is very safe as well, and no one can imagine how 2 his work 3 .


       Two photographers were    4 through a thick forest in Alaska, 5 at capturing (capture 抢拍) the wild-life on film. As there was nothing interesting to take pictures of, they were feeling 6 when they    7 sightof a brown bear that had caught a large fish by a quiet brook. The wild beast found them too, and stood on its    8 legs to get 9 sight of the two men. While doing this, the bear made a wonderful pose (n. 姿势) for the two 10 photographers.


      Suddenly the bear 11 at them, while the two men kept right on taking photos of the 12 beast. As the beast was    13 very fast towards them, one of the men turned around right away and rushed to a tall tree nearby. He 14 to the top of the tree as quickly as he could. The other man, who could not climb a tree,    15 lay down on the ground, pretending 16. When the bear    17 over him and snuffed (vt.嗅) him all over, the man shut his eyes tightly, 18 his breath and 19 make any   movement. While all this was going on, the man in the tree was 20 pictures of the    21 scenes. After a while, the bear went away 22, because bears    23 dead men.


      When all was safe, the photographer in the tree came down and said to his friend, "The same story 24 was told in Aesep's Fables (伊索寓言) has just happened to us, and I    25 no chances to take the photos of the wonderful scenes!"           



1. A. happiness    B. glad    C. sadness    D. pleasure

[    ]

2. A. interesting    B. dangerous    C. useful    D. important

[    ]

3. A. sometimes is    B. always is    C. is usually    D. usually is

[    ]

4. A. running    B. riding    C. travelling    D. driving

[    ]

5. A. good    B. wanting    C. planning    D. aiming

[    ]

6. A. sorry    B. satisfied    C. comfortable    D. helpless

[    ]

7. A. lost    B. caught    C. were in    D. were out of

[    ]

8. A. fore    B. left    C. right    D. hind

[    ]

9. A. a different    B. the same    C. a better    D. better

[    ]

10. A. mad    B. funny    C. happy    D. excited

[    ]

11. A. stared    B. jumped    C. shouted    D. looked

[    ]

12. A. pleased    B. angry    C. worried    D. funny

[    ]

13. A. rolling on    B. jumping up    C. drawing on    D. running out

[    ]

14. A. climbed    B. reached    C. jumped    D. walked

[    ]

15. A. slowly    B. immediately

C. after some delay    D. after some time

[    ]

16. A. to be dead   B. to die

C. to be dying    D. to have died

[    ]

17. A. bent    B. sat    C. lay    D. took

[    ]

18. A. took    B. held    C. was out of    D. taking

[    ]

19. A. daren't      B. tried not to

C. not trying to    D. not tried to

[    ]

20. A. busy to take    B. ready to take

C. busy taking   D. worth taking

[    ]

21. A. strange    B. beautiful    C. famous    D. exciting

[    ]

22. A. excitedly    B. disappointedly (失望地)   

    C. gladly     D. sadly

[    ]

23. A. never eat    B. don't like   

    C. never touch    D. never tend

[    ]

24. A. as     B. that    C. which    D. what

[    ]

25. A. got    B. had    C. found    D. lost


The   16   picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his  17   , who were a father and daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink.Apparently  18  of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the  19  on the table.His two guests heard a chest of drawers opening and a rustling (飒飒响声).

       They  20  sitting in the living-room, the 10-year-old daughter, looking at the flowers outside the window.The father was just about to take his cup when the  21  came, right there in the living-room.Something was hopelessly broken.

       It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor.The girl looked  22  her shoulder at once, startled (吓一跳),  23  .It was  24   neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit.

       The sound caused the host to rush back from the inner room.He looked at the  25  floor and blurted out, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”

       The father started to say something.Then he muttered, “Sorry, I  26  it and it fell.”

       “ It doesn’t matter,” the host said.

       Later, when they left the house, the daughter said, “ Daddy, I saw your  27  in the windowpane (窗玻璃).You were sitting perfectly  28  .Why did you say….”

The father  29  , “What then would you  30  as the cause of its fall?”

       “ It fell by itself.The floor is uneven (不平).It wasn’t steady when Mr.Li put it there.”

       “It won’t  31  , girl.It sounds more  32   when I say I knocked it down.There are things people accept less the more you  33   them.The truer your story is, the less true it sounds.”

The daughter was  34  in silence for a while.Then she said, “ Can you  35   it only this way?”

       “Only this way,” the father said.

16.A.owner         B.host             C.guest            D.master

17.A.friends         B.neighbours         C.children           D.guests

18.A.knowing       B.remembering             C.hearing           D.thinking

19.A.thermos       B.cup               C.lid              D.tea

20.A.enjoyed       B.remained         C.imagined         D.hated

21.A.stranger        B.host             C.crash            D.noise

22.A.around         B.at               C.behind           D.over

23.A.staring        B.watching         C.shouting           D.crying

24.A.helpless       B.exciting          C.strange           D.terrible

25.A.broken        B.steaming         C.dirty             D.flooded

26.A.touched       B.used              C.hit              D.moved

27.A.face           B.shadow          C.reflection                D.action

28.A.calm          B.still             C.silent            D.straight

29.A.shouted        B.whispered        C.laughed           D.repeated

30.A.tell                 B.make            C.accept           D.give

31.A.do             B.suit               C.go              D.fit

32.A.comfortable    B.friendly          C.acceptable        D.agreeable

33.A.defend        B.support          C.discuss            D.argue

34.A.kept          B.shut             C.worried            D.lost

35.A.do             B.explain            C.make              D.manage




 A photographer is a person who takes photos as a business or an art It is often thought that his work is not only full of  1 but is very safe as well, and no one can imagine how  2  his work  3 

 Two photographers were  4 through a thick forest in Alaska,  5 at capturing (capture v抢拍) the wild-life on film As there was nothing interesting to take pictures of, they were feeling  6 when they  7 sight of a brown bear that had caught a large fish by a quiet brook The wild beast found them too, and stood on its  8 legs to get  9 sight of the two men While doing this, the bear made a wonderful pose (n姿势) for the two  10 photo graphers

 Suddenly the bear  11 at them, while the two men kept right on taking photos of the  12 beast as the beast was  13 very fast towards them, one of the men turned around right away and rushed to a tall tree nearby He  14 to the top of the tree as quickly as he could The other man, who could not climb a tree,  15 lay down on the ground, pretending  16   When the bear  17  over him and shuffed (n)him all over, the man shut his eyes tightly,  18  his breath and  19 make any movement While all this was going on, the man in the tree was  20 pictures of the  21 scenes after a while, the bear went away  22 , because bears  23  dead men

 When all was safe, the photographer in the tree came down and said to his friend,The same story  24  was told in Aesep's Fables (伊索寓言) has just happened to us, and I  25 no chances to take the photos of the wonderful scenes!


1 A.    happiness


B glad


  C sadness


D pleasure


[  ]


2A.    interesting


B dangerous


  C useful


D important


[  ]


3A.    sometimes is


B always is


  C is usually


D usually is


[  ]


4A.    running


B riding


  C travelling


D driving


[  ]


5A.    good


B wanting


  C planning


D aiming


[  ]


6A.    sorry


B satisfied


  C comfortable


D helpless


[  ]


7A.    lost


B caught


  C were in


D were out of


[  ]


8A.    fore


B left


  C right


D hind


[  ]


9A.    a different


B the same


  C a better


D better


[  ]


10A.    mad


B funny


  C happy


D excited


[  ]


11A.    stared


B jumped


   C shouted


D looked


[  ]


12A.    pleased


B angry


  C worried


D funny


[  ]


13A.    rolling on


B jumping up


  C drawing on


D running out


[  ]


14A.    climbed


B reached


  C jumped


D walked


[  ]


15A.    slowly


B immediately


  C after some delay


D after some time


[  ]


16A.    to be dead


B to die


  C to be dying


D to have died


[  ]


17A.    bent


B sat


  C lay


D took


[  ]


18A took


B held


  C was out of


D taking


[  ]


19A daren't


B tried not to


  C not trying to


D not tried to


[  ]


20A busy to take


B ready to take


  C busy taking


D worth taking


[  ]


21A strange


B beautiful


  C famous


D exciting


[  ]


22A excitedly


B disappointedly(失望地)


  C gladly


D sadly


[  ]


23A never eat


B don't like


  C never touch


D. never tend


[  ]


24.A. as


B. that


  C. which


D. what


[  ]


25.A. got


B. had


  C. found


D. lost


[  ]


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