摘要:D 68.A 69.A 70.C 71.C 72.A 73.D 74.B 75.C


I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.   61 , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to   62  them.
My aunt and I were   63 for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two   64 on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her  65 nearby and the other one was  66 . So, I decided to sit down. While I was   67 my own thing there, I  68 that the family were not in front of the   69 anymore. I saw the girl  70 and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in  71 , crying.
I knew that she  72 her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or   73 big before and we all know that feeling.   74 I went up to her and asked what was   75 and in between tears she told me she was lost. I   76 her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the  77  on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and  78 them what happened. People there promised to  79 her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the   80 . Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.

A.get upB.come upC.give upD.make up
A.look out forB.take care ofC.wait forD.call up


For busy people, the idea of speed dating has really caught on in popularity. In a speed dating event, usually 8-10 __66__ go around from table to table, each spending 6-8 minutes at each one. From that, you may not know for sure if you want to __67__ something more with an individual, but, you will __68__ know if you don't want to.

The first thing that you will realize about speed dating is that it makes you __69__. Unlike a bar, where you might get a whole evening to __70__ check a potential partner out and to see what they’ve got, when it comes to __71__, you know that you only have a certain amount of time to put your best foot forward there. You’ll find the other participants are __72__ of this and will put their best foot forward.

An 8-minute speed dating will also give you a chance to see how someone __73__ under pressure. You may already know a little more about their __74__ if you find someone who can’t seem to make eye-contact. The best advice is to make eye contact, be open and direct. You’ll find that the __75__ time can make for some excellent opportunities to really shine, and there’s nothing like a deadline to make you more __76__! An important detail to keep in mind is that you will be __77__ to a dozen or more singles in a short time. Those who feel that there is an advantage in larger numbers will surely find this __78__.          

When you are looking for __79__, you may not want to do the long search, so think about speed dating and see what you can do to make sure that it works for you. __80__, give this exciting opportunity a try!


A. lovers             B. couples                 C youths                  D. singles


A. learn            B. have                   C. explore                 D. develop


A. equally         B. hardly                  C. definitely                D. eventually


A. chase           B. hurry                    C. focus                  D. cheer


A. constantly    B. frequently              C. occasionally              D. unexpectedly


A. making friends          B. speed dating    C. family planning         D. home improving


A. sick           B. fond          C. aware                D. confident


A. acts            B. talks                   C. lives                   D. loves


A. interest               B. background             C. intention               D. personality


A. spare           B. limited        C. appointed             D. luxurious


 A. creative              B. passive                 C. negative               D. objective


A. introduced            B. devoted                 C. mentioned            D. used


A. demanding      B. surprising               C. convincing     D. appealing


A. fun          B. love                   C. friendship              D. adventure


A. In a word        B. As a result               C. On the whole           D. Believe it or not




I had been out shopping and really took too much time doing it. I was tired and about to (61) home. That is when I saw her.

She was stopped in the left hand turn lane (车道), (62) to get onto the highway but never (63) it. I slowed down, rolled open my window and asked. “Do you need any (64) ?”

“Yes, I ran out of gas. I just moved here and I don’t even know (65) a gas station is,” she replied.

She didn’t have a gas can, so I told her I’d run down the (66) to see if I could get one from the local station. When I (67) with a full can of gas, she couldn’t (68) me enough and told me she would pay for the an and gas. (69), I refused.

As I was (70) the gas in, she said, “I thought no one would even stop. I was afraid to leave the car and even more afraid to (71) help.”

“Well, I couldn’t pass by (72) offering help,” I said. “I’ve used up gas myself a few times. You know I’m getting (73). Now I’m running out of gas and time. It just seems to fly by.”

She then said (74) that I though was a gem (佳作): “My Dad said that old age is (75) toilet paper. The closer you get to the end of the roll the (76) it spins.”

I laughed so hard that I (77) dropped the container. She tried to start the car and it (78). The I told her to keep the (79) can in her trunk.

Seeing her grateful (80), I said friendly, “I’m glad to be of help. Welcome to Pennsylvania.”

A.have      B.leave C.stay   D.head

A.ready     B.ashamed   C.afraid       D.brave

A.made     B.did    C.found       D.completed

A.gas B.money      C.help  D.car 

A.what      B.how  C.where       D.why

A.road      B.car    C.station      D.window

A.started   B.left    C.mixed       D.returned

A.know     B.congratulate     C.expect      D.thank

A.Of course      B.In addition       C.After all   D.Never mind

A.forcing B.pouring    C.fitting       D.throwing

A.offer    B.get    C.send  D.refuse

A.before  B.without     C.for    D.beneath

A.well     B.strong       C.old    D.weak

A.it  B.one   C.something D.all

A.of B.on     C.as      D.like

A.faster   B.slower      C.tighter      D.looser

A.simply B.hardly      C.nearly       D.really

A.rode     B.worked     C.drove       D.pulled

A.special B.valuable    C.small D.empty

A.award  B.reward      C.smile D.letter


There is no doubt that people and even highly educated adults vary greatly in the speed and efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too ____64____ and then have to go back. Poor readers in particular may lack the ability to ____65____ their tensions in reading. A great reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or ____66____ light reading matter. He may be able to ____67____ a page, picking up a word or two here and there, and gain a ____68____ idea what the text is about without really reading it. In reading more difficult material, with the intension of taking in the whole of it, he ____69____ more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, ____70____ on the key words and passages and pass more quickly over the ____71____.  A less efficient reader tends to maintain the same speed whatever material he reads. ____72____ even light reading matters requires special concentration at difficult ____73____.

A type of reading which requires careful attention to ____74____ is proofreading ( 校对 ) , in which the reader, in order to ____75____ misprints in a sample print; has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact Shape and order of letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most people, since they are accustomed to ____76____   such details. In fact, extreme practice is required to practice this task ____77____ and it can be done only by reading very slowly, and by paying comparatively ____78____ attention to the general meaning on the text.


64. A. carefully      

B. attentively     

C. smoothly       

D. quickly

65. A. estimate      

B. judge           

C. vary            

D. alter

66. A. familiar      

B. similar          

C. complex        

D. professional

67. A. skim         

B. tear            

C. mark           

D. explore

68. A. vague        

B. general         

C. special         

D. accurate

69. A. continues    

B. persists         

C. proceeds       

D. withdraws

70. A. depending    

B. counting        

C. passing        

D. focusing

71. A. remainder    

B. context         

C. article          

D. principle

72. A. Gradually    

B. Consequently    

C. Wholly         

D. Personally

73. A. occasions    

B. period          

C. points          

D. functions

74. A. theme       

B. subject         

C. chapter        

D. detail

75. A. decide       

B. detect          

C. produce         

D. improve

76. A. noticing            

B. examining   

C. overlooking       

D. explaining

77. A. modestly     

B. temporarily     

C. efficiently      

D. potentially

78. A. constant      

B. individual       

C. more           

D. little


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