摘要:----She didn’t take the medicine last night,did she? ---- . A.No,but I wish she wouldn’t B.No,but I wish she had C.Yes,but I wish she did D.Yes,but I wish she wouldn’t





W:Concert tickets are $6 for adults, half price for children.

M:OK, I’d like three adults and two children’s tickets, please.

1.How much will the man pay for the tickets?




W:You look sleepy.When did you go to bed last night?

M:We went to bed at 6∶30, but we had promised to wake up   2   hours later to meet your 9∶00 train.

2.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man woke at 8∶30.

B.The man had 9 hours to sleep.

C.The man woke at 9∶00.

W:When do you work?

M:Well, most days I work until six but on Thursdays I get off early at about 4∶30.

3.When does the man finish working on Monday?

A.At 5∶00.

B.At 6∶00.

C.At 4∶30.

M:I want to have this coat dry-cleaned.

W:Very well, sir.Your name and room numbers, please.

4.Where do you think the woman is working?

A.At a hotel.

B.At a cleaner’s.

C.On the train.

M:Now Mrs Snow, what can you remember about the attack?

W:Well, I was on my way home when a man wearing a stocking hit me on the head.

5.What is the man’s job?

A.A customer.

B.A policeman.

C.A headmaster.




W:Have you traveled much?

M:Well, I’ve been around the world several times.

W:What countries have you visited then?

M:I have been to France, Italy, Japan and Ireland.

W:Why did you visit them?Was it just for vacation or work?

M:In most cases, it was for vacation.I once worked in France for two years.

W:Have you ever been to Britain on vacation?

M:Oh, yes.I’ve often been to Britain.

6.How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue?




7.Why did the man visit those countries?

A.For holidays.

B.For work.

C.Both A and B.

8.In what country do you think the man stayed the longest time?





M:How long have you lived here?

W:Since last June...about a year.

M:Was it cold last winter?

W:Yes, it was, but not as cold as Paris.December and February were much colder than January.

M:Did you have much snow?

W:Yes.But we didn’t have as much snow as you had in Paris.

M:What about the other seasons?

W:I think autumn was the most beautiful season.The days were clear and dry, and it was sunny all the time.But November was terrible.We had a lot of rain.

M:What was last spring like?

W:It wasn’t very nice.But May was nicer than March and April.

M:What’s summer like?

W:It was wonderful.

9.What were the two people talking about?

A.The weather in China.

B.The weather in Paris.

C.The weather in some place we don’t know.

10.How did the woman like the weather in autumn there?

A.She didn’t like it at all.

B.She did like it.

C.She thought it was terrible.

11.What was the weather like in summer?

A.It wasn’t very nice.

B.It was bad.

C.It was nice.


M:Let me see now.Which train do I need to get on?

W:Excuse me.Do you need any help?

M:Yes.I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I’m really lost.This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

W:First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination.From here, it’s a hundred and thirty yen.

M:A hundred and thirty yen.Okay.

W:Then, get on the Subway Line at platform number 4.

M:Number 4, all right.Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day?

W:Usually, they come about every six minutes or so.

M:All right.And where do I get off the train?

W:Get off three stops from here.The sign at the station is written in English, so you’ll be able to read it.

M:Three stops.Got it.Thanks for your help.

W:You’re welcome.Good luck.

12.Where should the man get on the train?

A.Platform number 3.

B.Platform number 4.

C.Platform number 5

13.How often do the trains come?

A.About every five minutes.

B.About every six minutes.

C.About every seven minutes.

14.Where should the man get off the train?

A.At the first stop from here.

B.At the second stop from here.

C.At the third stop from here.


M:Windy, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.

M:Oh...where are you going?

W:To Germany.I’m going home.

M:Oh, you’re German.

W:Yes, you’re English, aren’t you?

M:Yes, I am.

W:Where are you going?

M:To Portugal.

W:On holiday?

M:No, I’m going to take some photographs.


M:Yes, I work for a travel magazine.


M:What do you do?

W:I’m a student.

M:What are you studying?


M:Oh, my brother is a doctor.

W:Ah, really?

M:Cold, isn’t it?Would you like a coffee?

W:Yes, I’d love one.

M:Let’s go to the restaurant then.

15.What’s the weather like?

A.It is windy and warm.

B.It is windy and cold.

C.It is sunny and cool.

16.What’s the native language of the woman?



C.We don’t know.

17.What is the man going to Portugal for?

A.For holidays.

B.For work.

C.To see a friend of his.


  How does television affect our lives?It can be helpful to those who carefully choose the programs that they watch and harmful to those who watch it too much.

  In China, many people worry that children and young people are watching too much television.A survey of 300 youngsters in Shanghai last year showed that, on average, they spent half of their free time watching television.And two-thirds of them spent about two and a half hours reading romance and detective stories.Another survey of school-aged children in Wuhan found that half of them said they read very little.

  During the Barcelona Olympic Games, tens of millions of Chinese viewers stayed up late to watch the opening ceremonies and other programs.

  And television is quickly taking the place of printed material as the major source of news for most Chinese.A recent survey in Beijing found that 63 percent of those surveyed got their news from television through CCTV and local TV stations.

18.What is the main topic of the passage?

A.The Barcelona Olympic Games.

B.TV programs on Chinese television.

C.Effects of television on our lives.

19.How many people watched the Barcelona Olympic Games on television in China?

A.Tens of thousands.

B.Tens of millions.

C.Ten million.

20.According to a survey(调查)in Shanghai, how much time did young people spend on television each day?

A.Two and a half hours.

B.Three hours.

C.Three and a half hours.





1.Where is the man’s bike now?

A.Under the stairs.

B.At the gate.

C.In the garden.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn’t like the hotel.

B.They can’t afford to stay at the hotel.

C.They do not want to stay at a hotel.

3.What time is the woman leaving?

A.At 4∶30.

B.At 4∶00.

C.At 3∶30.

4.What does the man think of Mr.Stone’s lessons?




5.What is the woman doing?

A.Offering suggestions.

B.Expressing dissatisfaction.

C.Asking for help.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:I had my bike repaired.Last night I put it at the gate but can’t find it now.

W:It was in my way when I went to the garden.So I put it under the stairs.It’s still there.

(Text 2)

W:Why don’t we stay at the Grand Regency Hotel?

M:You are joking!Do you know how expensive that place is?There is no way we can afford to stay there.

(Text 3)

M:Don’t you usually leave for the airport at four o’clock?

W:Yes.I usually do.

M:Well, why are you leaving so early?

W:It’s going to snow, so I have to leave half an hour earlier.

(Text 4)

W:Mr.Stone’s lessons were a waste of time.He was always telling funny stories.

M:But he was actually covering what we should learn.

(Text 5)

M:I’d love to go to the Super Bowl next week, but I don’t think there are any more tickets.

W:Why don’t you talk to Laura?She’s a big football fan.She might be able to give you some advice on how to get a ticket.And I know she is planning to go herself, so maybe you could go with her.




6.What might be the relationship between the two speakers?



C.Mother and son.

7.What are they talking about?

A.The man’s major in college.

B.The man’s favorite subjects.

C.The man’s future job.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:So what do you think you are going to do when you graduate, John?

M:I’m not sure.My dad says I should work in information technology.You know something with computers.

W:Is that what your dad does?

M:Not really.He is an engineer.

W:How about you?What are you interested in doing?

M:Well.I’m interested in medicine.I’d love to be a doctor.

W:Yeah, what subject are you good at?

M:Math is my best subject.And I’m also pretty good at science.


8.Who is the woman complaining about?

A.Her boss.

B.Her husband.

C.Her friend.

9.What is the man’s advice?

A.Finishing her job earlier.

B.Leaving the task to others.

C.Asking others for help.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:If that man gives me any more letters to type, I’ll scream.He’s given me ten already today, and there’ll be more when I get back from coffee break.I’ll be here till midnight.

M:Calm down, Franny.He can’t make you stay after five.Finish what you can, and leave the rest for Mary.

W:But they’re important letters, Joe.They should go out tonight.

M:That’s not your worry.If they’re important, he should have given them to you earlier.


10.What happened to the woman?

A.She couldn’t cross a busy street.

B.She got into a moving taxi.

C.She got hurt by a taxi.

11.Where are the two speakers?

A.In the hospital.

B.In the street.

C.In a police station.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:Tell me what happened.

W:Well, I wasn’t paying attention when I started to cross the street, and I stepped in front of a taxi.I didn’t realize it was still moving.

M:Can you walk?

W:Not very well.

M:Where does it hurt?

W:My side hurts when I take a step?

M:Okay, don’t try to walk anymore.Don’t worry.An ambulance is on the way.You know, you’re very lucky;you could have easily been killed in the accident.

W:Yes, I guess I could have.

M:You’ll have to fill out a form.Do you have any identification with you?

W:I have my passport.By the way, how did you get here so fast?

M:Someone dialed 911 and reported the accident.We were in the area and got a radio call.It only took a minute or so to get here.


12.What does the man want to find out?

A.The cost of taking a taxi.

B.The nearest bus stop.

C.How to get to a hotel.

13.How many possibilities does the woman suggest?




14.What is the man’s final decision?

A.Checking the schedule.

B.Waiting for another bus.

C.Taking a taxi.

听力原文:(Text 9)

M:Excuse me, can you help me?

W:Of course.What can I do for you?

M:Can you tell me how I can get to the Excelsior Hotel from here?

W:The Excelsior?Let’s see, that’s in the city, right?

M:Yes, it is.On Forty-third Street, just off Eleventh Avenue.

W:Well, you can take a bus to the city.Just go out of the front door of the terminal and cross the street.There is a sign that says, “Airport-City Bus.” Otherwise, you can take a taxi.You can catch one right in front of the terminal.

M:Thank you.Oh, do you know how much the bus fare is?

W:It’s five dollars.A taxi costs about fifteen to twenty dollars.

M:I’d better take a bus then.How often does the bus run?

W:I think you just missed one.There is a schedule printed on the sign outside.I think that the buses ran every half hour or so.

M:On second thought, I’d better take a taxi.I have a lot of luggage and it’s late.Thank you!


15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.On a plane.

B.On a train.

C.In a restaurant.

16.Why is the man worried?

A.This is his first time abroad.

B.He cannot arrive on time.

C.He has never seen his grandson.

17.When did the man first see Europe?


B.After his wife’ s death.

C.During the Second World War.

听力原文:(Text 10)

W:Yes, Sir.You called?

M:Yes, I wonder if you could bring me another bottle of beer.

W:Certainly.Would you like anything else?

M:Well, my grandson is supposed to meet me in London at the airport.Do you think he’ll be able to find me?

W:I’m sure he will.You don’t have to worry about that.Are you going to be visiting him?

M:Yes.I’ve never seen my grandson.

W:I think you’ll have a wonderful time in London.It’s beautiful, is this your first time abroad?

M:No, I saw quite a bit of Europe before, Rome, Berlin, Paris, places like that, but I’ve never been to London.

W:Oh, then you have flown before too.

M:No, that was during the Second World War and I went to Europe on a large ship carrying soldiers.

W:Things are quite different in Europe nowadays.

M:I’m sure they are.I’m really interested to get there.

W:Well, it’s 4∶00 now and we’ll be there at 6∶00.Will you be staying long?

M:I plan to stay five weeks.I was a teacher but I have stopped working.My wife has died and so I can go wherever I want.

W:I think you’ll have a good time.I’ll go and get a beer for you.


18.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Improving our memory.

B.Taking care of our health.

C.Collecting information.

19.What should we do to remember someone’s name?

A.Write it down on a piece of paper.

B.Pay more attention to his or her first name.

C.Remember his or her last name.

20.What does the speaker suggest to us?

A.Having a rest for twenty minutes.

B.Taking some Vitamins B1 and B2.

C.Doing sports during the break.

听力原文:(Text 11)

  W:There are many ways in which the memory can be improved.In fact, I believe we all have the ability to remember up to six times more than we do.

  A lot of people find that visualizing information is very helpful.For example, if you are trying to remember a telephone number, imagine it written down on a piece of paper.

  Remembering people’s names is a problem for a lot of people.I recommend that when you are introduced to someone you concentrate on his or her first name.It probably won’t offend anyone if you have to say, “What was your last name again, Sarah?” but Sarah might be upset if you forget her first name.

  Of course, regular breaks are important and it’s better not to work for long periods without taking one, stopping for rest about every twenty minutes is best.

  Finally, take care of yourself physically.Avoid substances like coffee, alcohol or drugs, because they dull the mind.And don’t forget your vitamins-B1 and B2 are particularly good for the memory.





W:I have had four colds this winter and I think I am catching another.

M:I have only had half that many, but my wife has had six.

1.How many colds has the man had?




M:Sorry.I have forgotten Mary’s address.

W:You forgot again! It’s 1646 Garden Street.

2.What’s Mary’s address?

A.1664 Garden Street.

B.1664 Guard Street.

C.1646 Garden Street.

W:Ten dollars’ worth of stamps, please.

M:With pleasure.Would you like to mail something?

W:Not now, thanks.Here is ten dollars.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.To buy some stamps.

B.To mail something.

C.To mail some letters.

M:Hello, Della.You’re a bit late today.

W:Yes, Mr.White.I’m sorry,…er…I forgot my book and I…went…

M:You went back for it?


M:You shouldn’t have gone back for it.You could have shared one.Della, sit down now.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Librarian and borrower.

M:What did you think of Dennis?

W:Which one was Dennis? Was he the one who played the piano?

5.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.Dennis was a piano player.

B.The woman didn’t know the pianist, but she knew Dennis.

C.The woman didn’t know who Dennis was.




M:Alice, it’s almost vacation time.Have you found a summer job yet?

W:I think I can work at the boy’s camp where I worked last summer.But camp jobs don’t pay much.

M:I can get a job at the Friendship Hotel.A friend of mine was a waiter there last summer.The pay was not good, but he got lose of tips.

W:A friend of my sister’s did that one summer.

M:What I want is a job outside.After sitting in college classes all winter, I’d like a job in the open air.

W:The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass.My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts someone’s grass.It only takes him an hour.

M:That’s pretty good.I used to cut grass when I was in high school.But now I think I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.

W:It would be good experience.You could learn a lot.

6.What was the woman speaker?

A.A college student.

B.A middle school student.

C.A housewife.

7.What kind of job would the woman like to do?


B.Office work.

C.Work in the open air.

8.What job might the woman finally take?

A.Working for a road-building company.

B.Cutting grass.

C.Typing letters in the office.


W:Hello, 577618.

M:Hello! Could I speak to Tom?

W:I’m sorry he’s out.He’s at the cinema at the moment.

M:Is that Mrs.Brown?

W:Yes, this is Tom’s Mother.Do you have anything important to tell Tom? Can I take a message for him?

M:Sure.This is Bill.We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday.Please ask him to bring some delicious food along.

W:OK.I’ll leave the message on his desk.

M:Thanks a lot.Bye!


9.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the cinema.

10.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s sister.

B.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s mother.

C.Mrs.Black, Tom’s aunt.

11.What does Bill want Tom to do?

A.Bring some food for the picnic.

B.Bring some toys for the game.

C.Bring some toys for the trip.


W:What was the party like last night, Jack?

M:Not bad at all, thanks.Why didn’t you come?

W:Well I couldn’t get away from work early.And when I got home.I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed, but I was over-tired because I wasn’t able to get to sleep for hours.

M:Why didn’t you take some medicine?

W:I don’t like to.I used to take medicine when I had to work overtime, you know.

M:Do you still drink coffee at night?

W:No.But now, I like to drink tea.

M:That’s bad.You must stop it.

12.How was the party like last night?

A.It was good.

B.It failed completely.

C.It was dull.

13.Why couldn’t the woman go to the party last night?

A.Because she wasn’t feeling well.

B.Because she forgot the date.

C.Because she disliked it.

14.What did she drink at night recently?





M:How do you do?

W:How do you do?

M:Would you please tell me where you are from?

W:I am from Greece.

M:It’s a beautiful place isn’t it.I hope I’ll go there some day.

W:You are welcome to our country.

M:What’s the climate like in your country?

W:It’s very pleasant.

M:What’s the weather like in spring?

W:In March, it is often windy.It’s always warm in April and May.

M:It’s very hot in summer, isn’t it?

W:Yes, in June, July and August, the sun shines every day.

M:What’s the weather like in autumn?

W:It’s always warm in September and October.It’s often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

M:Is it very cold in winter?

W:Yes, it is.It snows sometimes.

M:I see.

15.What’s the weather like in Greece?



C.Neither good nor bad.

16.What’s the weather like in spring?

A.The sun shines every day.

B.It’s often windy in March and always warm in April and May.

C.It’s always warm and never rains.

17.What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Husband and wife.


C.A Greek and a stranger.


  Not long ago, Charles White and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.Sorting through their possessions, they came up with some 1500 old, unwanted items-chairs, warm rugs, lamps, dishes, books, used clothes and all sorts of other things they no longer needed.The Whites decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days-have a “Garage sale”.They posted homemade signs throughout the neighborhood, ran an advertisement in the local newspaper, then sent out the collection of unwanted objects on the front yard of their suburban home in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and waited to see if anyone would come.The Whites needn’t have worried, eager buyers bought all but 50 or so of the items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer.

  Garage sale, yard sale, basement sale-whatever they’re called and wherever they’re held, Americans are having them in ever-increasing numbers.

18.What did the Whites do before they had the garage sale?

A.They went shopping.

B.They did some housecleaning and sorted the possessions.

C.They made a wonderful picnic in their hometown.

19.Which of the following is not mentioned in the talking?

A.The Whites do not need to worry their “garage sale”.

B.American did not enjoy such sales.

C.The Whites advertised their garage sale.

20.How much money did the Whites make?





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