摘要: B. as if to do sth.:好像要--,as if doing-.:好像在做--,


Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the path. I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water or mud. As I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked!

Yet I did nothing for the attack. It was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpected. I was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five times. I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me. Had I been hurt I wouldn't have found it amusing. And I was laughing. After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!

  Having stopped laughing, I took a step forward. My attacker rushed me again. He charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vain. For a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker paused. I wasn't sure what to do. After all, it’s just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly. I stepped back to look the situation over. My attacker moved back to land on the ground. That's when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier. He had a mate and she was dying.

  Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate. He had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mate’s sake, even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life. Should I have been careless enough to step on her? His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate’s safety seemed admirable. I couldn’t do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the pool. He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.

  Since then, I’ve used that butterfly’s courage as an inspiration and to remind myself that good things are worth fighting for.

1.The writer changed his direction while walking down a path because he wanted_______.

A. to get close to a butterfly

B. to escape a sudden attack

C. to look over the bad situation

D. to avoid getting his shoes dirty

2.From the passage we can learn that the attacker _________.

A. struck the author four or five times and made him badly hurt

B. paused until the author took a step backwards

C. thought it was the author who caused the death of his mate

D. attacked the author for his mate’s safety and to accompany her for the last moments of life

3.From this experience the man learned_____.

A. butterflies are brave insects

B. the small can defeat the large

C. how to deal with challenges in his life

D. people should try their best to fight for everything

4.Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?

A. caring     B. ambitious     C. courageous       D. aggressive




While I was standing at the kitchen window, five-year-old Spencer, my oldest son, ran into the house    1  , “We need a doctor out here! We need a doctor! Hurry , Mom!” “What’s wrong?” I asked. Spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead bird that needed a doctor.

I seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took Spencer’s hand.   2    , that’s sort of thing mothers do! While my son led me out of the door and toward the bird, I explained that    3    the creature was indeed dead, a doctor could not    4    . When we arrived at the accident scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead. Spencer and I could see the nest high up in the tree. My son and I discussed the probable age of the baby bird, its inability to fly well, and exactly how the    5     had caused its death. “ I think his mommy and daddy really    6     him,” Spencer observed. I    7    my boy’s hand and tried to ease his    8     by saying I was sure they did, but that they would be OK because the little bird had gone to Heaven to be with God and Popo (my dead grandfather). I told Spencer that the bird’s mommy and daddy knew that their little one would be    9    and loved. I also told Spencer that Popo loved little birds and I was sure he was in Heaven holding and playing with the baby bird right then. I    10    the little creature’s body, slipped (悄悄放到) it into my plastic bag and   11    placed the bird in the rubbish bin.     12    else was said about the matter for the rest of the day. Spencer went right back to playing    13    he had never been interrupted, and I returned to my work in the kitchen.

At breakfast the next morning, Spencer sadly explained to his father that he had found a baby bird the day before that had fallen from its nest.

“It was dead, Daddy!”

Trying to   14    Spencer’s spirits and remind him that the little bird was really OK, I asked our son to tell Daddy where the baby bird was. Spencer,    15   solemn (郑重的) faced at his dad, said, “In the rubbish bin with Mama’s granddad, Popo.”

1. A. saying        B. screaming             C. declaring               D. telling

2. A. In all        B. At all                 C. Above all               D. After all

3. A. unless                B. if                         C. whether        D. though

4. A. come       B. save                 C. help            D. support

5. A. fall              B. tree                   C. fly                   D. drop

6. A. hate                B. lose                  C. miss                 D. love

7. A. picked up     B. turned to     C. got to                      D. reached for

8. A. excitement      B. regret                C. sadness              D. disappointment

9. A. enjoyed        B. played                 C. treated         D. cared for

10. A. put up                    B. picked up         C. set up          D. held up

11. A. gently              B. loudly                   C. strongly          D. firmly

12. A. Nothing             B. Nobody               C. Everything       D. Something

13. A. as usual     B. as if                   C. even though      D. though

14. A. break        B. rise                   C. show                D. lift

15. A. pointing    B. shouting                    C. looking                 D. aiming


Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their houses.

One evening, Brownie’s family noticed that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no success. Brownie didn’t show up the next day, and, although they made their efforts to find him, by the next week he was still missing, Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie’s house alone, barking and jumping. Busy with their own lives, they paid no attention to the nervous little neighbor dog.

Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take “no” for an answer. Ted, Brownie’s owner, was continuously disturbed by the angry, determined little dog. Spotty followed Ted about, barking all the time, then rushing toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me! It’s urgent!”

Eventually, Ted followed Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty stopped to race back and barked encouragingly. The little dog led the man to a deserted spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his legs crushed in a steel trap (圈套). Frightened, Ted now wished he had taken Spotty’s earlier appeals seriously.

Then Ted noticed something. Spotty had done something else besides leading Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found some food remains of every meal. Brownie had been fed that week! Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in the hope of keeping his friend alive. Spotty had actually stayed with Brownie to protect him from hunger and other dangers, and keep his spirits up.

Brownie’s leg was carefully treated and he soon got well again. For many years thereafter the two families watched the faithful friends chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.

1.At the very beginning, Ted paid little attention to Spotty because __________.

A.he was not free at the moment

B.he was sure Brownie would be OK

C.he didn’t like Spotty at all

D.his missing dog made him sad

2.After Ted was brought where Brownie was trapped, he ___________.

A.managed to free his dog at once

B.was very thankful to Spotty

C.regretted not following Spotty earlier

D.was angry with the trap-maker

3.The BEST title for this passage might be____________?

A.Dogs in Love

B.A Friend in Need

C.Human and dogs

D.Dogs Are Communicative

4.We can infer from the passage that ___________.

A.humans and animals depend on each other for comfort

B.It’s not right to hunt for animals in any neighborhood

C.Ted has to take better care of his beloved dog later on

D.Brownie would have died without Spotty’s timely help



A few days ago, I bought some ink for my printer at my favorite $1 Supermarket, which sold everything from fresh produce to birthday cards at one dollar. Then l found a better         at a computer store. So I went back to the supermarket to        it for some other products. With        telling me exactly what to do, I put the ink into a plastic bag, tied it up, placed the bag into a push-cart and started      .

      I was midway         when a clerk suddenly stopped me. "You are not allowed to        a bag around in this store. Open it and show me the      !" she yelled coldly.

        , I opened the bag and       the ink to her. "I'm returning it. " I said.

      "You should have left the bag with the clerk upon       . Let me see your receipt!" she demanded I did as told, looking around, embarrassed        everyone was laughing at me. "Perhaps in the future you'll learn how to follow the store        . " she added.

      By the time I finished shopping, I was angry. How dare she treat me as a       ? I went looking for her and asked for her      . She mumbled (嘀咕) something. I asked her again, and this time I heard "Ursula. "

     "Ursula what?" I asked. She yelled at me,  "Ursula! " and stormed away.

      "This employee is about to become unemployed, " I         when I got home. 1       their headquarters (总部). I described my unpleasant experience to a representative. She was sympathetic, "Our employees are taught to be      . Give me your phone number and I will ring you back. "

     She did two days later. "I'm sorry," she said, "but there's no Ursula at that supermarket. Can you         her so that I can find out who she is? I assure you, we do not tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate       to our customers. "

      By this time, I had calmed down. l didn't really want the employee to lose her      . So I told the representative to forget about it.

1.A. reduction     B. choice                 C. introduction           D. price

2.A. change        B. return                 C. receive               D. replace

3.A. somebody     B. nobody                C. everybody            D. anybody

4.A. bargaining     B. storing                C. loading               D. shopping

5.A. across        B. up                   C. through               D. down

6.A. carry          B. show                 C. move                 D. push

7.A. identity        B. contents              C. belongings            D. ink

8.A. Depressed     B. Shocked              C. Amused               D. Stressed

9.A. poured        B. mixed                C. showed               D. fell

10.A. exit           B. admission            C. entry                  D. departure

11.A. even though    B. as if                 C. so that                 D. in case

12.A. lines          B. borders               C. regulations            D. permissions

13.A. criminal       B. blue-collar             C. beggar                D. colleague

14.A. number       B. career                 C. explanation            D. name

15.A. calmed down  B. thought aloud           C. found out            D. got through

16.A. rang          B. visited                 C. questioned            D. blamed

17.A. patient        B. clever                 C. polite                D. hardworking

18.A. recognize      B. inform                C. describe              D. forgive

19.A. yelling        B. pointing               C. talking               D. lying

20.A. job         B. way                    C. chance               D. business



It’s only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake. My boss called it “extremely embarrassing” in a company-wide e-mail — which,    31  , he wrote because he felt he needed to explain that what I did was something    32  in the company should ever do.
I wish I   33   give a good excuse for what I did. At the very least, I wish I could explain it somehow —    34  it on youth, inexperience or ignorance. Unfortunately, I’m    35  , experienced and I know better.
   36  I work with some very kind and compassionate(富于同情心的) people. For the past couple of days many of them have taken time to   37  by my desk and offer comfort, encouragement and support. Some have shared with me similar    38  they have made. Evidently I’m not the only “    39   ” person here.
One of the exchanges I had this week was with Lois, the much-honored, much-respected professional who    40  the desk right next to mine. Lois was completely    41  about her work, and to be honest I was a little nervous about how she would   42  to such an extremely embarrassing incident.
As I expected, Lois didn’t pass over the   43   when she saw me the next day. She mentioned it directly,   44  with empathetic consideration. She listened to my   45  . Just as I was ready to express my regrets, she brought my self-pity partly to a(n)   46  .
“It happened”, she said, “There’s nothing you can do to    47  that. It happened. But it’s over now. It’s   48  . It’s in the past. You need to let it go, and move on.” And with that she returned her   49  to her work, as if to say, “We’re done here.”
I beat myself up for weeks. At such times I need to remember those   50  words: It’s over. It’s done. Let it go. And mostly, move on.

A.by the wayB.in the wayC.on the wayD.to the way
A.someone B.anyoneC.no oneD.the one
A.shouldB.mightC.will D.could
A.fix B.blameC.relyD.put
A.workB.stop C.watchD.sit
A.decisionsB.troubles C.attemptsD.mistakes
A.forB.thereforeC. but D.otherwise
A.forget B.ruin C.preventD.change
A.broken B.done C.lostD.kept
A.sweetB.pleasant C.meaningfulD.colorful


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