摘要:With my father , I may have a swim when I want to. 答案:Permission


第二节: 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
One day I went into a shop for a specific sort of metal polish(擦光剂). While I was in the shop, I saw an older woman looking around at things, and thought I would begin a   31    to light things up. We   32   well and showed some of the beautiful items to each other. She said she was in the shop to purchase a wedding gift for a nephew, whose wedding she wouldn’t be able to attend.
We wandered off  33    and met together again at the cash register. I   34    on the beautiful bowl she had chosen, and how   35   so many of the items were. She asked what I was  36    , and I showed her my polish tube. I said I might buy more items when my kids had all    37    and gone, but they weren’t in my  38    right now. I just like to  39    , as I would do in an art museum.
She asked me what some of my   40    were, and I said I liked the salt and pepper shakers(搅拌器). She asked me to    41     her where the shakers were, so we walked over. She     42    my favorites and took them to the clerk.
I thought she was   43   with my taste, and was going to add them to her nephew’s     44   . No. They were purchased for me. They were worth ninety dollars. I couldn’t 45               it. She laughed and hugged me, and said her husband would   46   know, but she really enjoyed being able to do that    47    me. I never saw her again after that day,   48   I think of her each time I put those beautiful objects on my table.
Remembering that  49    helps me to stay aware and find opportunities to   50     to others, though not in quite such a grand way!
31. A. competition         B. research            C. secret                D. conversation
32. A. looked around    B. got on               C. gave up             D. watched out
33. A. helplessly            B. luckily                     C. separately          D. silently
34. A. depended            B. carried                     C. passed               D. commented      
35. A. lovely                 B. strange              C. expensive          D. terrible
36. A. expressing           B. thinking            C. purchasing         D. discussing
37. A. grown up            B. left                   C. cried                 D. returned
38. A. situation             B. budget                     C. favor                D. control
39. A. look                   B. complain           C. explain              D. challenge
40. A. favorites             B. duties                C. suggestions        D. habits
41. A. remind               B. prove                C. show                 D. write
42. A. turned down     B. picked up           C. laughed at         D. pointed out
43. A. pleased           B. busy                 C. careful                     D. bored
44. A. taste                   B. gift                   C. choice               D. basket
45. A. refuse                 B. change                     C. believe              D. solve
46. A. just                    B. never                C. even                 D. still
47. A. with                   B. like                   C. except               D. for
48. A. when                  B. but                   C. because             D. unless
49. A. experience          B. advice               C. mistake             D. danger
50. A. apply                  B. refer                 C. apologize          D. give


I was born in New York, but I grew up in San Francisco. I began to live in London 25 years ago. If I am asked now where I want to live forever, I would say London. But I will always be American.
San Francisco, like London, has many parks. Every day my sisters and I were taken to play in the parks as children. I didn't go to school. I only had three hours of formal education when I was five. I was sent to school in the morning but came home at noon on the first day. I said I didn't enjoy it and hadn't learned anything. My parents thought that school was unsuitable for me. They agreed with me, so I never went back to school.
Then my mother taught me and my two sisters at home, in the way of an English lady who had good education. We learned languages and reading more than sciences and maths. Sometimes she taught us herself, but we also had other teachers. They asked us to take lessons every day. About once a week we walked to Golden Gate Park. While we were walking, my mother taught me to read music. One day I noticed a little toy train in the window of a shop and I remember now how I'd like to have it. I couldn't say "r" when I was small. My mother said if I could say an "r" well, I would have the toy train. I practiced and practiced. Then one morning I woke everybody up with my "r"s. I got the toy train. I usually get the things I want in life — but I work hard for them.
1 The writer ___ .
A. was born in San Francisco      B. likes living in London
C. is living in New York now      D. doesn't like America
2. The writer didn't go to school in America because ___ .
A. his mother wanted him to go to school in English
B. his parents didn't think formal education was right for him
C. his mother wanted him to play outdoors in the parks
D. he couldn't get on well with the other children
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The writer was taught by his mother and other teachers.
B. The writer had no education at all.
C. The writer didn't have lessons every day.
D. The writer walked to the park to learn languages once a week.
4. The writer got the little toy train at last because ___ .
A. his mother gave him the money
B. he tried his best to read music
C. he wanted it very much
D. his mother was pleased with his progress


I devote myself to music because of my grandmother. My mom and I lived with my grandparents from the time I was two __36__ I was eight. And even then, I was at their house before and after school every day while my mother was __37__.
Grandma loved music. It was she that first __38__ me to Elvis Presley (猫王) as a very young child, and once I heard his music, I was truly in __39__ with it. Most five-year-olds ask for __40__ for birthdays, but I wanted Elvis’ albums. I would play them non-stop and __41__ to the music in my grandma’s family room though my movements didn’t look good.
Grandma played the piano and __42__ me to sing “America the Beautiful” and “Somewhere over the Rainbow”. I __43__ started playing music on the piano, and soon Grandma was paying for me to __44__ piano lessons from a lady living in the __45__. I would come home from __46__ and walk three houses down for my lesson. I __47__ took about nine months of lessons, but it was enough to give me a foundation (基础) and __48__ me to continue to teach myself.
Last month when I came home to visit Grandma in the hospital, I __49__ my guitar with me. She was in a lot of pain, but the music seemed to __50__ her soul. She had me sing some songs and when I started to sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, her weakened voice __51__ in with mine for a few lines. That experience was one of the most __52__ of my lifetime and one I will certainly cherish forever. I told her of my music career and she was very __53__ and said, “That’s wonderful!” I __54__ to play for her throughout the week I was home.
My grandma passed away two days ago. In my opinion, part of her will live on through every __55__ I write or sing in my life.

A.at workB.in troubleC.on boardD.in danger
A.gave upB.gave awayC.brought alongD.brought up
A.refusedB.expectedC.continuedD.pretended (假装)


A successful business man was growing old and wanted to choose a successor to take over the business. He called all the young executives together and said, "I have to __36__ and choose the next CEO from you."
They were __37__, but the boss continued. "I am going to give you a very __38__ seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back one year from today with __39__ you have grown from the seed. I will then __40__ the plants, and choose the next CEO."
Jim went home __41__. Everyday, he would water the seed and see __42__ it had grown. Although he kept __43__ his seed, nothing ever grew. Many weeks went __44__, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a __45__.
A year later, they brought their plants to the CEO for __46__. When Jim arrived, he was __47__ at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful.
The CEO greeted them. "What great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be__48__ the next CEO!"
All of a sudden, the CEO __49__ Jim at the back with his empty pot. The CEO asked him what had happened - Jim told him the story. He looked at Jim, and then __50__, "The next CEO is Jim!"
Jim couldn't believe __51__. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. "How could he be the new CEO?" the others said.
Then the CEO said, "The seeds I gave you were boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not __52__ for them to grow. Jim was the only one with the courage and __53__ to bring me a pot with my seed in it. __54__, he is the one who will be the new CEO!"
If you plant honesty, you will reap __55__. So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later. 
36. A. step down           B. sit down            C. settle down        D. hand down
37. A. exhausted           B. shocked             C. annoyed            D. embarrassed
38. A. special                B. valuable            C. common            D. expensive
39. A. how                   B. which               C. where               D. what
40. A. compare             B. observe             C. judge                D. examine
41. A. heatedly             B. excitedly           C. desperately        D. disappointingly
42. A. if                       B. unless               C. until                 D. though
43. A. checking             B. planting            C. appreciating       D. counting
44. A. down                 B. away                 C. by                    D. back
45. A. fool                   B. failure               C. successor           D. onlooker
46. A. direction             B. application        C. instruction         D. inspection 
47. A. amazed               B. discouraged              C. amused             D. puzzled
48. A. performed          B. voted               C. considered         D. appointed
49. A. spotted               B. glanced             C. stared                D. noticed
50. A. announced          B. stated                C. confirmed         D. whispered
51. A. it                       B. those                 C. themselves         D. him
52. A. likely                 B. sure                  C. necessary           D. possible
53. A. confidence          B. honesty             C. optimism           D. diligence
54. A. Moreover           B. However           C. Therefore          D. Besides
55. A. trust                   B. success              C. power               D. reputation 


Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate.
____36_____, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother ____37____ it didn’t snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions. ___38____one day, she promised that she would make it snow on my next birthday.
That year, ____39____ my birthday, my grandmother died.  I was sad but angry because she had promised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window, hoping to see just one snowflake. But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.
But my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for ___40____. During my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I ___41___ the best time ever! Then I saw the white snow ____42___down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming and laughing. My friends all laughed ____43___me, but I didn’t care.
When I ___44____home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was ___45___ because he had given me a gift. It was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake(水晶雪花) with a card that said, “Happy Birthday.”
How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother’s final ___46____ on my “sweet sixteenth”. I cried.
I was ___47_____ that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.

A.fellB.to fallC.fallenD.falling
A.arrived atB.remainedC.gotD.entered


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