摘要:A.vacation B.place C.job D.travel


 A reader from Brazil recently wrote to us asking for some advice. He’s planning a trip to the United States, and wanted to know about the best places to travel in America. Today, we are going to give you some information which may help you when choosing your destination.

    Each of the 50 states in America has interesting things to offer visitors, but some are more popular than others. Washington, D.C. is famous for its historical places, like the White House and the Lincoln Memorial. Visitors to Los Angeles, California can see the Hollywood Walk of Fame or shop the stores on Rodeo Drive where they may see a star or two. The Grand Canyon in Arizona appeals to hikers, climbers and nature lovers, as does Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

    TripAdvisor is a website where people can write reviews about their travel experiences. Every year, TripAdvisor makes a list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States. The results are based on the opinions of visitors to the website.

    Brooke Ferencsik of TripAdvisor said the top picks on the list were not surprising. And it’s no secret why New York City was named the number one destination.

    New York City is sometimes called “the city that never sleeps” because it can be very busy. It is an exciting place for many people because there is so much to do. But the city might be too busy for travelers looking for rest and calm. They might want something more like Myrtle Beach, in the state of South Carolina, which made it to number 21 on Trip Advisor’s list.

    “A lot of people come to Myrtle Beach for great weather, it’s a wonderful family vacation spot, the beaches - got the wonderful Atlantic beaches there - there’s a lot of family-friendly parks and water parks.”

    Many people take time off from their jobs in the summer to travel. Because there are many tourists visiting other places, June until August is known as “high season.” Traveling during the high season can be crowded. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation might also be very expensive.

    If you want to save money on a trip, it is a good idea to plan to leave before or after the summer months. These times are known as “shoulder seasons” for travel.

    “If you’re looking for value, try and think about traveling through the shoulder season if it’s possible - the shoulder season being the fall or the spring. The weather is still very good in some of these destinations, and you can get better prices.”

    America’s major cities are still the most popular destinations for visitors. Ferencsik says this is because of the good quality of services they provide tourists.

    “They do a great job of giving travelers what they want when they’re on vacation. I think they kind of cater to every type of traveler need. So whether you’re traveling alone, you’re traveling for business, you’re traveling with your family - whatever it is, those destinations are really tuned in to delivering amazing experiences and just a lot of different opportunities when you’re there.”

1.Lily has great interest in nature and American history. She can visit___________. 

A. The Grand Canyon and Rodeo Drive

B. California and Los Angeles

C. White House and Arizona

D. Washington, D.C and The Grand Canyon

2.Which of the following is NOT true about Myrtle Beach?

A. People can enjoy a wonderful holiday with their family there.

B. It’s a place where people can have rest and calm.

C. It’s on the list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States.

D. It’s in North Carolina with great weather that attracts tourists.

3.Why does the author suggest traveling through the shoulder seasons?

A. To enjoy good weather in spring and fall.

B. To have good quality of services.

C. To have better value of traveling .

D. To save money and energy.

4.The author write this passage to ___.

A. give some information about the top 25 cities to visit in USA.

B. talk about some American popular places and advice on traveling

C. advise tourists to visit big cities for their good service and opportunities.

D. give advice on saving money and time when traveling in America.

5.This passage may probably be taken from ____.

A. a travel journal B. a magazine

C. News Weekly D. a website



    A reader from Brazil recently wrote to us asking for some advice. He’s planning a trip to the United States, and wanted to know about the best places to travel in America. Today, we are going to give you some information which may help you when choosing your destination.
    Each of the 50 states in America has interesting things to offer visitors, but some are more popular than others. Washington, D.C. is famous for its historical places, like the White House and the Lincoln Memorial. Visitors to Los Angeles, California can see the Hollywood Walk of Fame or shop the stores on Rodeo Drive where they may see a star or two. The Grand Canyon in Arizona appeals to hikers, climbers and nature lovers, as does Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.
    TripAdvisor is a website where people can write reviews about their travel experiences. Every year, TripAdvisor makes a list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States. The results are based on the opinions of visitors to the website.
    Brooke Ferencsik of TripAdvisor said the top picks on the list were not surprising. And it’s no secret why New York City was named the number one destination.
    New York City is sometimes called “the city that never sleeps” because it can be very busy. It is an exciting place for many people because there is so much to do. But the city might be too busy for travelers looking for rest and calm. They might want something more like Myrtle Beach, in the state of South Carolina, which made it to number 21 on TripAdvisor’s list.
    “A lot of people come to Myrtle Beach for great weather, it’s a wonderful family vacation spot, the beaches - got the wonderful Atlantic beaches there - there’s a lot of family-friendly parks and waterparks.”
    Many people take time off from their jobs in the summer to travel. Because there are many tourists visiting other places, June until August is known as “high season.” Traveling during the high season can be crowded. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation might also be very expensive.
    If you want to save money on a trip, it is a good idea to plan to leave before or after the summer months. These times are known as “shoulder seasons” for travel.
    “If you’re looking for value, try and think about traveling through the shoulder season if it’s possible - the shoulder season being the fall or the spring. The weather is still very good in some of these destinations, and you can get better prices.”
    America’s major cities are still the most popular destinations for visitors. Ferencsik says this is because of the good quality of services they provide tourists.
    “They do a great job of giving travelers what they want when they’re on vacation. I think they kind of cater to every type of traveler need. So whether you’re traveling alone, you’re traveling for business, you’re traveling with your family - whatever it is, those destinations are really tuned in to delivering amazing experiences and just a lot of different opportunities when you’re there.”

61. Lily has great interest in nature and American history. She can visit___________. 

   A. The Grand Canyon and Rodeo Drive        B. California and Los Angeles

   C. White House and Arizona                 D. Washington, D.C and The Grand Canyon

62. Which of the following is NOT true about Myrtle Beach?

   A. People can enjoy a wonderful holiday with their family there.

B. It’s a place where people can have rest and calm.

   C. It’s on the list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States.

   D. It’s in North Carolina with great weather that attracts tourists.




There are reasons why a middle-aged woman who has been away from the work for her children’s sake decides to go back to work.The  1reason for me was: years ago my job was that of a bookkeeper(会计)----- it was then that I worked for  2, and now with my children working, I wanted to do something  3, something new and exciting.

Money wasn't too important now, as my husband made a very  4living for us.But what should I do? What sort of   5should I look for? I knew I needed to be  6as to what I became involved with.I am not a "quitter"(容易放弃的人) and so I hoped to  7becoming responsible to an employer in a job that might turn out to be a mistake for me.

While I made painful efforts thinking over what to do, I was   8of a past incident where I needed to replace my original engagement ring  9the gold was wearing thin.My husband and I shopped and shopped for one,   10we went, even when we were on vacation. 11this nonstop searching got my poor   12to ask, "Just what kind of ring do you want, what exactly are we looking for?" My reply was, "I honestly don't   13, but when I see the correct setting, I will know it." That was the  14I felt about the new career I wished to start; I didn't have an exact idea as to what I wanted to do, but knew there was a perfect fit for me, if I would  15be patient.

Fortunately, that summer while I  16my twenty-fifth high school class reunion(重聚), I heard a former classmate  17what she did for a living.She was a travel agent, and she and her husband had just  18from a trip to Hawaii where they acted as guides for a group of travelers.WOW, that  19like fun, considerably more fun and exciting than being a  20: I know what to take up!

1.A.possible                   B.obvious               C.believable           D.good

2.A.money                     B.fun                     C.children               D.employers

3.A.valuable                   B.reasonable           C.worthy                D.different

4.A.interesting                B.comfortable         C.successful           D.meaningful

5.A.pleasure                   B.place                   C.job                      D.man

6.A.careful                    B.useful                  C.joyful                  D.painful

7.A.finish                      B.miss                    C.avoid                  D.forget

8.A.recalled                   B.reminded             C.warned               D.robbed

9.A.where                     B.while                   C.if                        D.as

10.A.nowhere                B.somewhere          C.wherever             D.everywhere

11.A.Actually                 B.However             C.Finally                 D.Once

12.A.children                 B.classmates           C.employer             D.husband

13.A.care                      B.know                  C.understand          D.find

14.A.way                      B.time                    C.style                   D.thought

15.A.really                     B.ever                    C.just                     D.certainly

16.A.joined                    B.left                      C.started                D.attended

17.A.complaining           B.explaining            C.describing           D.considering

18.A.returned                 B.rested                  C.came                  D.stayed

19.A.looked                   B.seemed                C.sounded              D.felt

20.A.travler                   B.wife                    C.employer             D.bookkeeper






W:Concert tickets are $6 for adults, half price for children.

M:OK, I’d like three adults and two children’s tickets, please.

1.How much will the man pay for the tickets?




W:You look sleepy.When did you go to bed last night?

M:We went to bed at 6∶30, but we had promised to wake up   2   hours later to meet your 9∶00 train.

2.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man woke at 8∶30.

B.The man had 9 hours to sleep.

C.The man woke at 9∶00.

W:When do you work?

M:Well, most days I work until six but on Thursdays I get off early at about 4∶30.

3.When does the man finish working on Monday?

A.At 5∶00.

B.At 6∶00.

C.At 4∶30.

M:I want to have this coat dry-cleaned.

W:Very well, sir.Your name and room numbers, please.

4.Where do you think the woman is working?

A.At a hotel.

B.At a cleaner’s.

C.On the train.

M:Now Mrs Snow, what can you remember about the attack?

W:Well, I was on my way home when a man wearing a stocking hit me on the head.

5.What is the man’s job?

A.A customer.

B.A policeman.

C.A headmaster.




W:Have you traveled much?

M:Well, I’ve been around the world several times.

W:What countries have you visited then?

M:I have been to France, Italy, Japan and Ireland.

W:Why did you visit them?Was it just for vacation or work?

M:In most cases, it was for vacation.I once worked in France for two years.

W:Have you ever been to Britain on vacation?

M:Oh, yes.I’ve often been to Britain.

6.How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue?




7.Why did the man visit those countries?

A.For holidays.

B.For work.

C.Both A and B.

8.In what country do you think the man stayed the longest time?





M:How long have you lived here?

W:Since last June...about a year.

M:Was it cold last winter?

W:Yes, it was, but not as cold as Paris.December and February were much colder than January.

M:Did you have much snow?

W:Yes.But we didn’t have as much snow as you had in Paris.

M:What about the other seasons?

W:I think autumn was the most beautiful season.The days were clear and dry, and it was sunny all the time.But November was terrible.We had a lot of rain.

M:What was last spring like?

W:It wasn’t very nice.But May was nicer than March and April.

M:What’s summer like?

W:It was wonderful.

9.What were the two people talking about?

A.The weather in China.

B.The weather in Paris.

C.The weather in some place we don’t know.

10.How did the woman like the weather in autumn there?

A.She didn’t like it at all.

B.She did like it.

C.She thought it was terrible.

11.What was the weather like in summer?

A.It wasn’t very nice.

B.It was bad.

C.It was nice.


M:Let me see now.Which train do I need to get on?

W:Excuse me.Do you need any help?

M:Yes.I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I’m really lost.This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

W:First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination.From here, it’s a hundred and thirty yen.

M:A hundred and thirty yen.Okay.

W:Then, get on the Subway Line at platform number 4.

M:Number 4, all right.Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day?

W:Usually, they come about every six minutes or so.

M:All right.And where do I get off the train?

W:Get off three stops from here.The sign at the station is written in English, so you’ll be able to read it.

M:Three stops.Got it.Thanks for your help.

W:You’re welcome.Good luck.

12.Where should the man get on the train?

A.Platform number 3.

B.Platform number 4.

C.Platform number 5

13.How often do the trains come?

A.About every five minutes.

B.About every six minutes.

C.About every seven minutes.

14.Where should the man get off the train?

A.At the first stop from here.

B.At the second stop from here.

C.At the third stop from here.


M:Windy, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.

M:Oh...where are you going?

W:To Germany.I’m going home.

M:Oh, you’re German.

W:Yes, you’re English, aren’t you?

M:Yes, I am.

W:Where are you going?

M:To Portugal.

W:On holiday?

M:No, I’m going to take some photographs.


M:Yes, I work for a travel magazine.


M:What do you do?

W:I’m a student.

M:What are you studying?


M:Oh, my brother is a doctor.

W:Ah, really?

M:Cold, isn’t it?Would you like a coffee?

W:Yes, I’d love one.

M:Let’s go to the restaurant then.

15.What’s the weather like?

A.It is windy and warm.

B.It is windy and cold.

C.It is sunny and cool.

16.What’s the native language of the woman?



C.We don’t know.

17.What is the man going to Portugal for?

A.For holidays.

B.For work.

C.To see a friend of his.


  How does television affect our lives?It can be helpful to those who carefully choose the programs that they watch and harmful to those who watch it too much.

  In China, many people worry that children and young people are watching too much television.A survey of 300 youngsters in Shanghai last year showed that, on average, they spent half of their free time watching television.And two-thirds of them spent about two and a half hours reading romance and detective stories.Another survey of school-aged children in Wuhan found that half of them said they read very little.

  During the Barcelona Olympic Games, tens of millions of Chinese viewers stayed up late to watch the opening ceremonies and other programs.

  And television is quickly taking the place of printed material as the major source of news for most Chinese.A recent survey in Beijing found that 63 percent of those surveyed got their news from television through CCTV and local TV stations.

18.What is the main topic of the passage?

A.The Barcelona Olympic Games.

B.TV programs on Chinese television.

C.Effects of television on our lives.

19.How many people watched the Barcelona Olympic Games on television in China?

A.Tens of thousands.

B.Tens of millions.

C.Ten million.

20.According to a survey(调查)in Shanghai, how much time did young people spend on television each day?

A.Two and a half hours.

B.Three hours.

C.Three and a half hours.




I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area. My parents    36    the necessities of life    37    they couldn’t give much more. If I asked my father    38    a pair of jeans, he would say, “If you want them, make the money and buy them    39   .” He wasn’t being mean; he just couldn’t    40    them. From age 12 on, I did part-time jobs after school.

         When I    41    from high school, I joined the navy. Soon I was in a boot camp(新兵训练营) at Parris Island, S. C., where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily  42   . These could be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock(模拟的) battles.  Completing these tasks successfully   43    discipline, team-work and responsibility. It didn’t    44    whether you were black, white or Asian; everyone worked together for the    45   of the company.

I went    46    to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy. The part of my job I    47    most was the counseling(咨询) meetings I    48     with the family members of the men and women in my    49   , trying to help them deal with the long periods of    50   . These proved popular and word of them spread.   51    I was being asked to give encouraging    52    to business groups, educators and kids across the country.

But I consider the boot camp my first real    53   , and my life is still guided by the    54    lessons I learned there. It taught me discipline, friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to    55    it.

36. A. got                                    B. provided                C. made                               D. bought

37. A. while                                  B. so                            C. but                                   D. or

38. A. for                                 B. with                        C. about                               D. of

39. A. themselves                      B. ourselves              C. myself                        D. yourself

40. A. afford                                B. find                         C. produce                          D. pay

41. A. came                                  B. returned                C. graduated                      D. escaped

42. A. drills                                   B. tasks                      C. exercises                        D. reports

43. A. included                            B. asked                     C. met                             D. required

44. A. matter                               B. mean                      C. exist                                 D. work

45. A. boss                                   B. good                       C. rest                                  D. right

46. A. out                                               B. off                           C. away                                D. on

47. A. took                                    B. hated                     C. enjoyed                           D. did

48. A. ended                                B. held                        C. continued                       D. began

49. A. charge                               B. situation                C. position                           D. choice

50. A. lessons                              B. separation            C. training                           D. meetings

51. A. Before long                      B. Long before C. As usual                          D. Once again

52. A. performances                  B. descriptions                   C. speeches                        D. gifts

53. A. vacation                            B. job                           C. place                                D. travel

54. A. important                         B. bitter                      C. normal                                      D. difficult

55. A. gain                                    B. show                 C. achieve                           D. match


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