摘要:第一节:单词品行诶(共10小题.每小题1分.满分10分) 根据下列句子的汉语提示.在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确拼写形式. 66. The police found the missing boy on a island. 67. WTO refers to World Trade . 68. The army heavy losses in the final battle. 69. You can borrow the tool on that it is well kept when you return it. 70. Is Taiwan Island by the Pacific Ocean to the east? 71. My hometown attract lots of tourists with its beauty. 72. There is no about its good function. 73. -Which floor does he work on? -The one. 74. The city will pass a new law to stop theft. 75. What they discussed is considering.





51. Professor Li is very __(热心) about his teaching.                                                  51._________

52. Her teaching is not like that of my __(以前) teacher.                                                     52._________

53. The __(表现) of the students in class shows they like her.                                               53._________

54. The ­­__(少年) felt unhappy because their team failed.                                                     54._________

55. Your listening __(理解) needs improving.                                                                    55._________

56. They looked at the car until it __(消失) in the darkness.                                                 56._________

57. History is not an __(学术) subject.                                                                   57._________

58. Secondary school in the US usually __(包含) seven years.                                         58.__________

59. His __(厌倦) speech made us sleepy.                                                                        59.__________

60. He always __(鼓励) us when we failed.                                                                    60.__________



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