摘要: A.discover B.find C.make D.use



The desire to make explorations is born with man. Wherever his imagination goes, man also has a strong wish to go. A large part of human history is connected with the exploration of the world in which we live. Again and again people have set out with surprising courage and patience to look into unknown regions and lands to see what had not yet been seen, to make known the unknown. With kites, balloons and aircraft they left the ground to pass through the lower atmosphere. Now the outer space receives their attention.

Why should man take the trouble of exploring space? It is hard to list the specific practical benefits that will result in. But one knows, from past experience in other areas, that man will surely see and discover new things in space that will increase our scientific knowledge, and this new knowledge will find its way into valuable practical uses. What we learn about man himself, from his experience in space, and from the effects of space and the space flight environment on him, will be extremely valuable. The new techniques developed to carry out the exploration of space, and to keep man alive in space, will certainly find practical uses in everyday life in some way. The areas that will benefit are manifold. They include communication, generation of power, transportation and travel, food production, materials, fuels and many others. But to say exactly what the practical results will be is almost impossible.

67. The main idea of the first paragraph is that __________.

A. man often goes wherever his dreams go

B. man desires to explore what is unknown

C. man is no longer interested in the study of the land and sea now

D. man's history is his exploration of the world

68. The word "manifold" in the second paragraph probably means ________ .

A. of value       B. of use       C. in a way      D. in many ways

69. The author seems to be in favor of ____.

A. the exploration of space

B. doubting the necessity of the space exploration

C. exploring more in space than in sea         

D. his experience in space

70. In the last sentence of paragraph 2 ,the phrase "practical results" refers to the results ______.

A. that can be made use of

B. that can be learned as knowledge

C. that are obtained from experience         

D. helping us make further exploration


Googlefight is a simple service available on the Internet which offers you the chance to compare two different items and see how many hits they get on the Google search engine. The seemingly simple device has proved invaluable to users, especially to help win arguments.
For example, imagine that you and your friends are arguing about who are the most popular music or movie stars, you can decide the argument by writing the names in the Googlefight boxes. Let’s say that you are arguing about Jackie Chan and Jet Li. You will quickly discover that Jet Li is mentioned 16 million times on Google pages, whereas Jackie Chan is mentioned a mere 12 million times! In this unscientific way, you can claim victory for one Star over another.
But teachers have come up with ways of using Googlefight which are much more useful from an academic point of view, particularly when it comes to studying languages. You can, for example, find out the frequency of two words with the same meaning, and deduce (推断) from the answers which one is more common. For example, let’s take the words “buy” and “purchase”, which mean the same thing (although “buy” is only a verb and “purchase” is both a verb and a noun). It is immediately clear from Googlefight that “buy” is much more commonly used, with a massive three and a half billion hits, compared to only one billion occurrences for the more formal word.
But the real value of Googlefight to the language learner is in determining which is the more common of two phrases. For example, “raining cats and dogs” is an old-fashioned English expression about the weather. Do English speakers still use it? Or are they more likely to say “pouring down”? Googlefight suggests the latter. “Pouring down” has 898,000 Google hits, whereas “raining cats and dogs” only has 326,000.
With phrases, it’s important to remember that you need to use quote marks to make the search more accurate. For example, if you type in the similar phrases “look after” and “take care of “ without quote marks, the second phrase seems to be more common, but with quote marks, the result is reversed.
【小题1】What is Googlefight?

A.A fight between two people on Google.
B.A way to make sure you win an argument.
C.A website showing how many hits two different things have.
D.A list of all the websites on Google.
【小题2】Language teachers find it useful because _______.
A.there are a lot of words on Googlefight
B.it can tell them which of the two words with the same meaning appears more often
C.some words mean the same thing
D.common words have a billion hits
【小题3】What must you remember to do if you are checking phrases by Googlefight?
A.Make sure they mean be same thing.
B.Make sure they are different.
C.Remember to put quote marks round the phrase.
D.Don’t put quote marks round the phrase.
【小题4】Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Googlefight is effective to determine the more common of two phrases.
B.Googlefight is a scientific way to decide an argument.
C.Quote marks can make the search more accurate.
D.Googlefight is invaluable to help win arguments.


Googlefight is a simple service available on the Internet which offers you the chance to compare two different items and see how many hits they get on the Google search engine. The seemingly simple device has proved invaluable to users, especially to help win arguments.

 For example, imagine that you and your friends are arguing about who are the most popular music or movie stars, you can decide the argument by writing the names in the Googlefight boxes. Let’s say that you are arguing about Jackie Chan and Jet Li. You will quickly discover that Jet Li is mentioned 16 million times on Google pages, whereas Jackie Chan is mentioned a mere 12 million times! In this unscientific way, you can claim victory for one Star over another.

But teachers have come up with ways of using Googlefight which are much more useful from an academic point of view, particularly when it comes to studying languages. You can, for example, find out the frequency of two words with the same meaning, and deduce (推断) from the answers which one is more common. For example, let’s take the words “buy” and “purchase”, which mean the same thing (although “buy” is only a verb and “purchase” is both a verb and a noun). It is immediately clear from Googlefight that “buy” is much more commonly used, with a massive three and a half billion hits, compared to only one billion occurrences for the more formal word.

But the real value of Googlefight to the language learner is in determining which is the more common of two phrases. For example, “raining cats and dogs” is an old-fashioned English expression about the weather. Do English speakers still use it? Or are they more likely to say “pouring down”? Googlefight suggests the latter. “Pouring down” has 898,000 Google hits, whereas “raining cats and dogs” only has 326,000.

With phrases, it’s important to remember that you need to use quote marks to make the search more accurate. For example, if you type in the similar phrases “look after” and “take care of “ without quote marks, the second phrase seems to be more common, but with quote marks, the result is reversed.

1. What is Googlefight?

A. A fight between two people on Google.

B. A way to make sure you win an argument.

C. A website showing how many hits two different things have.

D. A list of all the websites on Google.

2. Language teachers find it useful because _______.

A. there are a lot of words on Googlefight

B. it can tell them which of the two words with the same meaning appears more often

C. some words mean the same thing

D. common words have a billion hits

3. What must you remember to do if you are checking phrases by Googlefight?

A. Make sure they mean be same thing.

B. Make sure they are different.

C. Remember to put quote marks round the phrase.

D. Don’t put quote marks round the phrase.

4. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Googlefight is effective to determine the more common of two phrases.

B. Googlefight is a scientific way to decide an argument.

C. Quote marks can make the search more accurate.

D. Googlefight is invaluable to help win arguments.



Googlefight is a simple service available on the Internet which offers you the chance to compare two different items and see how many hits they get on the Google search engine. The seemingly simple device has proved invaluable to users, especially to help win arguments.
For example, imagine that you and your friends are arguing about who are the most popular music or movie stars, you can decide the argument by writing the names in the Googlefight boxes. Let’s say that you are arguing about Jackie Chan and Jet Li. You will quickly discover that Jet Li is mentioned 16 million times on Google pages, whereas Jackie Chan is mentioned a mere 12 million times! In this unscientific way, you can claim victory for one Star over another.
But teachers have come up with ways of using Googlefight which are much more useful from an academic point of view, particularly when it comes to studying languages. You can, for example, find out the frequency of two words with the same meaning, and deduce (推断) from the answers which one is more common. For example, let’s take the words “buy” and “purchase”, which mean the same thing (although “buy” is only a verb and “purchase” is both a verb and a noun). It is immediately clear from Googlefight that “buy” is much more commonly used, with a massive three and a half billion hits, compared to only one billion occurrences for the more formal word.
But the real value of Googlefight to the language learner is in determining which is the more common of two phrases. For example, “raining cats and dogs” is an old-fashioned English expression about the weather. Do English speakers still use it? Or are they more likely to say “pouring down”? Googlefight suggests the latter. “Pouring down” has 898,000 Google hits, whereas “raining cats and dogs” only has 326,000.
With phrases, it’s important to remember that you need to use quote marks to make the search more accurate. For example, if you type in the similar phrases “look after” and “take care of “ without quote marks, the second phrase seems to be more common, but with quote marks, the result is reversed.

  1. 1.

    What is Googlefight?

    1. A.
      A fight between two people on Google.
    2. B.
      A way to make sure you win an argument.
    3. C.
      A website showing how many hits two different things have.
    4. D.
      A list of all the websites on Google.
  2. 2.

    Language teachers find it useful because _______.

    1. A.
      there are a lot of words on Googlefight
    2. B.
      it can tell them which of the two words with the same meaning appears more often
    3. C.
      some words mean the same thing
    4. D.
      common words have a billion hits
  3. 3.

    What must you remember to do if you are checking phrases by Googlefight?

    1. A.
      Make sure they mean be same thing.
    2. B.
      Make sure they are different.
    3. C.
      Remember to put quote marks round the phrase.
    4. D.
      Don’t put quote marks round the phrase.
  4. 4.

    Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Googlefight is effective to determine the more common of two phrases.
    2. B.
      Googlefight is a scientific way to decide an argument.
    3. C.
      Quote marks can make the search more accurate.
    4. D.
      Googlefight is invaluable to help win arguments.

While reading a book in English, every few lines of text, you run across a word or two that you don’t know. You look up every new word in the dictionary. Bad move. All that does slow you down. Even electric or CD –ROM dictionaries can get in the way of your reading progress. A dictionary is like a road map. It can help you if you get lost and point you in the right direction. But if you stop to look at the “map” each time you take a step, you’ll get nowhere fast.
On your English learning “journey”, a dictionary can be a helpful “travel companion ”--if it is not overused. To help you start thinking in English, use an English-to-English dictionary. Otherwise, you will always depend on your native language and end up translating in your head.
A good dictionary can help you do more than just find the meaning of a word. It can help you verify (test and check) spelling, check word forms and grammar usage, find example sentence and learn pronunciation. Some dictionaries even provide exercises to teach you how to use their resources (资源) .
Take time to get to know your dictionary. Learn the pronunciation symbols (符号). Understand what the abbreviations (缩写字) mean. Try to master the important grammar rules. Look for charts, diagrams and lists that might be useful in the future. You will discover how helpful it can be to make friends with your dictionary. And as they say, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

  1. 1.

    Why do we need a good English-to-English dictionary?

    1. A.
      Because it is a good friend.
    2. B.
      Because it can help us to find the right direction if we get lost.
    3. C.
      Without it we’ll always depend on our native language and end up translating in our head.
    4. D.
      Because it can help us to start thinking in English and in Chinese.
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “that ” in the last paragraph refers to __________.

    1. A.
      pronunciation symbols and grammar rules
    2. B.
      abbreviations and usage for grammar rules
    3. C.
      the meaning of a word, spelling and grammar usage
    4. D.
      charts, diagrams and lists
  3. 3.

    According to the passage , which statement can lead you to believe?

    1. A.
      The more you use a dictionary, the better you can understand the article.
    2. B.
      The more you use a dictionary, the faster you may read.
    3. C.
      The more you use the resources in a dictionary, the more you can benefit (受益) from it.
    4. D.
      The better a dictionary is, the more expensive it is.

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