摘要: Approval-seeking is healthy when . A. you need the approval B. you only want the approval C. you need the approval of everyone for every act D. you don’t care about the approval


You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered. We all enjoy applause, compliments and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is an misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.

       If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to collapse if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a chunk(相当大的数量)of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to administer some praise to you.

       The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish-washy(软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.

The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be eradicated from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.

1.Approval-seeking is healthy when        .

A.you need the approval

B.you only want the approval

C.you need the approval of everyone for every act

D.you don’t care about the approval

2.The self-destructive forces move in when        .

A.you need the approval and you get it        B.you feel good inside

C.you need the approval but you don’t get it    D.you are immobilized

3.The underlined sentence in the 2nd paragraph means you’ve decided to_______________.

A.give up your self-worth in order to get the approval  

B.change your self-worth in order to get the approval

C.show your self-worth to others and allow them to make a judgment

D.put your self-worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like

4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will eventually result in          .

A.self-rejection       B.real troubles         C.unhappiness         D.enthusiasm

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.

B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.

C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.

D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, it’s natural for us to need approval.



You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.

If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.

The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.

The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.

1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________

       A.you need the approval

       B.you only want the approval

       C.you need the approval of everyone for every act

       D.you don’t care about the approval

2.The self-destructive forces move in when________

       A.you need the approval and you get it

       B.you want the approval and you get it    

       C.you need the approval but you don’t get it

       D.you want the approval but you don’t get it

3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?

       A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.

       D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.

4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________

       A.self-rejection         B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration

5.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.

       B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.

       C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.

       D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.



You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.

If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.

The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.

The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.

1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________

       A.you need the approval

       B.you only want the approval

       C.you need the approval of everyone for every act

       D.you don’t care about the approval

2.The self-destructive forces move in when________

       A.you need the approval and you get it

       B.you want the approval and you get it    

       C.you need the approval but you don’t get it

       D.you want the approval but you don’t get it

3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?

       A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.

       C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.

       D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.

4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________

       A.self-rejection         B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration

5.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.

       B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.

       C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.

       D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.


You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.
If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.
The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.
The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.
1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________
A.you need the approval
B.you only want the approval
C.you need the approval of everyone for every act
D.you don’t care about the approval
2.The self-destructive forces move in when________
A.you need the approval and you get it
B.you want the approval and you get it    
C.you need the approval but you don’t get it
D.you want the approval but you don’t get it
3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?
A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.
B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.
C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.
D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.
4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________
A.self-rejection        B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration
5.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.
B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.
C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.
D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.


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