摘要:30.Which of the following is true about their first meeting with each other? A.Diana met David at the hospital on the day when she was operated on. B.Diana went to David’s home in Dedham in order to thank him in person. C.David and Diana fell in love with each other when they first met. D.David didn’t telephone Diana to inform her of the date of his visiting her.




For Senior 3 students, choosing which college to attend can be the most exciting and thrilling time in their entire school lives. This is also true for an American girl 21   Melanie.

Melanie’s dad, James Porter, who is the chief of police for a Chicago suburb, wants Melanie to 22  nearby Northwestern University, where she’s 23  been accepted. But Melanie, 17,really wants to go to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, where she’s been wait-listed.

When she gets an unexpected 24  from Georgetown University, she decides to 25  a road trip with a few 26  female friends. Melanie believes it is her first step 27  adulthood.

But 28  the fact that this trip is “girls only”, James isn’t 29  with the prospect(期望) of his little princess 30  the world without him. He wants to protect her, so he joins the girls and hopes he can convince Melanie to go to Northwestern. 31  Melanie’s father only has the best of 32  , his presence 33  an endless series of comic encounters(遭遇).

After following their faulty device   34   into the backwoods (偏远地区), James and Melanie   35   Melanie’s little brother and his pet pig have been hiding in the spare compartment (隔间). What should be a simple change   36   the expensive car rolling down a mountain, forcing them to hike to a nearby hotel…

All these disasters add spice to their trip while along the way a father and a daughter   37   get the chance to really   38   each other.

All parents,   39   they have college students or not, can relate to the bittersweet realization that their kids are growing up.   40   what Melanie and James have done, we all can find the delicate (脆弱的) balance between staying connected and letting go.

A.named   B.naming   C.namely   D.names

A.join    B.send C.attend   D.pass

A.still   B.always   C.yet  D.already

A.appointment B.interview    C.visit    D.meeting

A.provide B.offer    C.take D.hold

A.closing B.close    C.closed   D.closely

A.toward  B.for  C.during   D.with

A.though  B.in spite C.once D.despite

A.satisfying  B.successful   C.comfortable  D.meaningful

A.seeking B.examining    C.searching    D.exploring

A.Since   B.Because  C.While    D.When

A.intentions  B.attempts C.efforts  D.planning

A.comes about B.leads to C.calls in D.turns out

A.lately  B.late C.deeply   D.deep

A.discover    B.invent   C.recognize    D.realize

A.succeeds in B.brings in    C.results from D.certainly

A.hopefully   B.finally  C.firstly  D.certainly

A.agree to    B.speak to C.talk to  D.turn to

A.whether B.if   C.what D.why

A.As  B.Like C.For  D.Except




For Senior 3 students, choosing which college to attend can be the most exciting and thrilling time in their entire school lives. This is also true for an American girl 21   Melanie.

Melanie’s dad, James Porter, who is the chief of police for a Chicago suburb, wants Melanie to 22  nearby Northwestern University, where she’s 23  been accepted. But Melanie, 17,really wants to go to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, where she’s been wait-listed.

When she gets an unexpected 24  from Georgetown University, she decides to 25  a road trip with a few 26  female friends. Melanie believes it is her first step 27  adulthood.

But 28  the fact that this trip is “girls only”, James isn’t 29  with the prospect(期望) of his little princess 30  the world without him. He wants to protect her, so he joins the girls and hopes he can convince Melanie to go to Northwestern. 31  Melanie’s father only has the best of 32  , his presence 33  an endless series of comic encounters(遭遇).

After following their faulty device   34   into the backwoods (偏远地区), James and Melanie   35   Melanie’s little brother and his pet pig have been hiding in the spare compartment (隔间). What should be a simple change   36   the expensive car rolling down a mountain, forcing them to hike to a nearby hotel…

All these disasters add spice to their trip while along the way a father and a daughter   37   get the chance to really   38   each other.

All parents,   39   they have college students or not, can relate to the bittersweet realization that their kids are growing up.   40   what Melanie and James have done, we all can find the delicate (脆弱的) balance between staying connected and letting go.

1.A.named              B.naming           C.namely           D.names

2.A.join               B.send             C.attend           D.pass

3.A.still              B.always           C.yet              D.already

4.A.appointment        B.interview        C.visit            D.meeting

5.A.provide            B.offer            C.take             D.hold

6.A.closing            B.close            C.closed           D.closely

7.A.toward             B.for              C.during           D.with

8.A.though             B.in spite         C.once             D.despite

9.A.satisfying         B.successful       C.comfortable      D.meaningful

10.A.seeking           B.examining        C.searching        D.exploring

11.A.Since             B.Because          C.While            D.When

12.A.intentions        B.attempts         C.efforts          D.planning

13.A.comes about       B.leads to         C.calls in         D.turns out

14.A.lately            B.late             C.deeply           D.deep

15.A.discover          B.invent           C.recognize        D.realize

16.A.succeeds in       B.brings in        C.results from     D.certainly

17.A.hopefully         B.finally          C.firstly          D.certainly

18.A.agree to          B.speak to         C.talk to          D.turn to

19.A.whether           B.if               C.what             D.why

20.A.As    B.Like C.For  D.Except



Handshaking, though a European practice, is often seen in big cities of China.Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe. It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed (无武器的) hands to each other as a sign of goodwill. As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly, people in cities began to clap each other’s hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement. This practice was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other. “Let’s shake (hands) on it” sometimes means agreement reached.

Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet? No. Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be polite. It is really very impolite to give your hand when the other party, especially when it is a woman, shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not mean anything to him or-her. Even if, for politeness, he holds out his unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand, just touch it slightly- There is generally a misunderstanding (误解) among the Chinese that westerners are usually open and straightforward, while the Chinese are rather reserved (保守的) in manner. But in fact some people in western countries more reserved than some Chinese today. So it is a good idea to shake hands with a westerner only when he shows interest in further relations with you.

64.In the old days in Europe, people put out their unarmed hands to each other ______.

A.to make a deal                                 B.to greet each other

C.to show friendliness                          D.to reach an agreement

65.The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.

       A.where handshaking was first practised

B.how handshaking came about

C.about the relationship between handshaking and trade

D.about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China

66.According to the text. which of the following statements is true?

A.Westerners are more reserved than the Chinese.

B.Westerners are unwilling to shake hands.

C.We should make a judgement before shaking hands.

D.We shouldn’t shake hands with European women.

67.The main purpose of the text is ______.

A.to tell us some differences between the East and the West

B.to offer us some important facts about handshaking

C.to introduce us to some different customs in the West

D.to give us some advice before we travel abroad


For Senior 3 students, choosing which college to attend can be the most exciting and thrilling time in their entire school lives. This is also true for an American girl 26  Melanie.

Melanie’s dad, James Porter, who is the chief of police for a Chicago suburb, wants Melanie to  27  nearby Northwestern University, where she’s  28  been accepted. But Melanie, 17, really wants to go to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, where she’s been wait-listed.

When she gets an unexpected  29  from Georgetown University, she decides to 30 a road trip with a few 31 female friends. Melanie believes it is her first step  32 adulthood. But  33 the fact that this trip is “girls only”, James isn’t  34  with the prospect(期望) of his little princess  35  the world without him. He wants to protect her, so he joins the girls and hopes he can convince Melanie to go to Northwestern.  36  Melanie’s father only has the best of  37 , his presence  38 an endless series of comic encounters(遭遇).

After following their faulty device  39  into the backwoods (偏远地区), James and Melanie  40  Melanie’s little brother and his pet pig have been hiding in the spare compartment (隔间). What should be a simple tyre change  41  the expensive car rolling down a mountain, forcing them to hike to a nearby hotel…. All these disasters add spice(额外的趣味) to their trip while along the way a father and a daughter  42  get the chance to really  43  each other.

All parents,  44  they have college students or not, can relate to the bittersweet realization that their kids are growing up.  45  what Melanie and James have done, we all can find the delicate (脆弱的) balance between staying connected and letting go.

1..  . A.named




2..  . A.join




3..  . A.still




4..  . A.appointment




5..  . A.provide




6..  . A.closing




7..  . A.toward




8..   A.though




9..   A.satisfying




10..  . A.seeking




11..  . A.Since




12..   A.intentions




13..  . A.comes about

B.leads to

C.calls in

D.turns out

14..  . A.lately




15..   A.discover




16..  . A.succeeds in

B.brings in

C.results from

D.results in

17..   A.hopefully




18..  . A.agree to

B.speak to

C.talk to

D.turn to

19..  . A.whether




20..  . A.As






Handshaking, though a European practice, is now often seen in big cities of China.Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe.It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed (无武器的) hands to each other as a sign of goodwill.As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly, people in cities began to clap each other's hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement.This practice wax later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other."Let's shake (hands) on it' sometimes means agreement reached.

     Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet? No.Some-times the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be polite, it is really very impolite to give your hand when the other party, especially when it is a woman, shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not mean anything to him or her.Even if', for politeness, lie holds out his unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand, just touch it slightly.There is generally a misunderstanding (误解) among the Chinese that westerners are usually open and straightforward, while the Chinese are rather reserved (保守的) in manner.But in fact some people in western countries are more reserved than some Chinese today. So it is a good idea to shake hands with a westerner only when he shows interest in further relations with you.

1.In the old days in Europe, people put out their unarmed hands to each other        .

     A.to make a deal                           B.to greet each other

     C.to show friendliness                     D.to reach an agreement

2.The first paragraph mainly tells us        .

     A.where handshaking was first practised

     B.how handshaking came about

     C.about the relationship between handshaking and trade

     D.about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China

3.According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

     A.Westerners are more reserved than the Chinese.

     B.Westerners are unwilling to shake hands.

     C.We should make a judgment before shaking hands.

     D.We shouldn't shake hands with European women.

4.The main purpose of the text is        

     A.to tell us some differences between the East and the West

     B.to offer us some important facts about handshaking

     C.to introduce us to some different customs in the West

     D.to give us some advice before we travel abroad


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