摘要:第二节 根据对话内容.从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. A:Excuse me.Mr.Green.But I'd like to take a few days off. B: 61 A:My mother is ill.I have to take care of her. B:Oh, dear.I'm sorry to hear that. 62 A:No, thanks.My mother has caught a bad cold.She has a high fever and coughs day and night.The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days.I would like to be with her. B:I understand. 63 A:I hope to be back next Wednesday. B:That's all right. 64 A:Thank you, Mr.Green.That's very kind of you.I'll write it immediately. B: 65 I'll certainly help you with them. A.Is there anything I can do to help? B.What's the matter, Alice? C.I hope your mother gets well soon. D.How long will you be away? E.How is everything going? F.But you must write a note for permission to be away G.Don't worry about your lessons. 第Ⅱ卷


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