摘要: Dr Roller set up a "sun-cure" school probably for the reason that . A. most children could stay in his hospital B. children could study while being treated C. the school was expected to be full of pupils D. the school was high up in the mountains


Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday. But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health.

In ancient Greece people knew about the healing(治疗) powers of the sun, but this knowledge was lost. At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially (人造地) produced rays. Sunlight began to play a more important part in curing sick people.

A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Lysine. Lysine is a small village high up in the Alps. The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infra-red (红外线的) and ultra-violet (紫外线的) rays; but ultra-violet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns. Dr. Roller found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases. He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “sun-cure”.

There were a large number of children in Dr. Roller’s hospital. He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was full.

In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital. They carried small desks and chairs as well as their school books. Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds. There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began.

Although they wore hardly any clothes, Roller’s pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If, for example, tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.

Today there is not just one school in the sun. There are several in Switzerland, and since Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions, there are similar schools in other places.

1. According to the passage, when did sunlight begin to play a more important part in the treatment of disease?

A. From ancient times.        B. At the end of the nineteenth century.

C. Not until this century.              D. Only very recently.

2. Why are a Danish doctor and a Swiss doctor mentioned in the second and third paragraphs?

A. Because they both made use of sunlight to treat illness.

B. Because they were the first people who used sunlight for treatment.

C. Because they were both famous European doctors.

D. Because they used sunlight in very different ways.

3. Dr Roller set up a “sun-cure” school probably for the reason that _______.

A. most children could stay in his hospital

B. children could study while being treated

C. the school was expected to be full of pupils

D. the school was high up in the mountains

4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage?

A. “Sun-cure” schools are becoming popular everywhere.

B. Switzerland is the only country where “sun-cure” schools are popular.

C. Proper conditions are necessary for the running of a “sun-cure” school.

D. “Sun-cure” schools are found in countries where there is a lot of sunshine.


Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday. But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health.
In ancient Greece people knew about the healing(治疗) powers of the sun, but this knowledge was lost. At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially (人造地) produced rays. Sunlight began to play a more important part in curing sick people.
A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Lysine. Lysine is a small village high up in the Alps. The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infra-red (红外线的) and ultra-violet (紫外线的) rays; but ultra-violet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns. Dr. Roller found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases. He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “sun-cure”.
There were a large number of children in Dr. Roller’s hospital. He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was full.
In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital. They carried small desks and chairs as well as their school books. Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds. There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began.
Although they wore hardly any clothes, Roller’s pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If, for example, tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.
Today there is not just one school in the sun. There are several in Switzerland, and since Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions, there are similar schools in other places.
【小题1】According to the passage, when did sunlight begin to play a more important part in the treatment of disease?

A.From ancient times. B.At the end of the nineteenth century.
C.Not until this century.D.Only very recently.
【小题2】Why are a Danish doctor and a Swiss doctor mentioned in the second and third paragraphs?
A.Because they both made use of sunlight to treat illness.
B.Because they were the first people who used sunlight for treatment.
C.Because they were both famous European doctors.
D.Because they used sunlight in very different ways.
【小题3】Dr Roller set up a “sun-cure” school probably for the reason that _______.
A.most children could stay in his hospital
B.children could study while being treated
C.the school was expected to be full of pupils
D.the school was high up in the mountains
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage?
A.“Sun-cure” schools are becoming popular everywhere.
B.Switzerland is the only country where “sun-cure” schools are popular.
C.Proper conditions are necessary for the running of a “sun-cure” school.
D.“Sun-cure” schools are found in countries where there is a lot of sunshine.


Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday. But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health.

In ancient Greece people knew about the healing powers of the sun, but this knowledge was lost. At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially  produced rays. Sunlight began to play a more important part in curing sick people.

A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Lysine. Lysine is a small village high up in the Alps. The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infra-red (红外线的) and ultra-violet (紫外线的) rays; but ultra-violet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns. Dr. Roller found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases. He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “sun-cure”.

There were a large number of children in Dr. Roller’s hospital. He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was full.

In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital. They carried small desks and chairs as well as their school books. Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds. There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began.

Although they wore hardly any clothes, Roller’s pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If, for example, tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.

Today there is not just one school in the sun. There are several in Switzerland, and since Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions, there are similar schools in other places.

60.According to the passage, when did sunlight begin to play a more important part in the treatment of disease?

A. From ancient times.                 B. At the end of the nineteenth century.

C. Not until this century.               D. Only very recently.

61.Why are a Danish doctor and a Swiss doctor mentioned in the second and third paragraphs?

A. Because they both made use of sunlight to treat illness.

B. Because they were the first people who used sunlight for treatment.

C. Because they were both famous European doctors.

D. Because they used sunlight in very different ways.

62.Dr Roller set up a “sun-cure” school probably for the reason that _______.

A. most children could stay in his hospital

B. children could study while being treated

C. the school was expected to be full of pupils

D. the school was high up in the mountains

63.What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage?

A. “Sun-cure” schools are becoming popular everywhere.

B. Switzerland is the only country where “sun-cure” schools are popular.

C. Proper conditions are necessary for the running of a “sun-cure” school.

D. “Sun-cure” schools are found in countries where there is a lot of sunshine.


Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday. But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health.
In ancient Greece people knew about the healing(治疗) powers of the sun, but this knowledge was lost. At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially (人造地) produced rays. Sunlight began to play a more important part in curing sick people.
A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Lysine. Lysine is a small village high up in the Alps. The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infra-red (红外线的) and ultra-violet (紫外线的) rays; but ultra-violet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns. Dr. Roller found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases. He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “sun-cure”.
There were a large number of children in Dr. Roller’s hospital. He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was full.
In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital. They carried small desks and chairs as well as their school books. Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds. There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began.
Although they wore hardly any clothes, Roller’s pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If, for example, tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.
Today there is not just one school in the sun. There are several in Switzerland, and since Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions, there are similar schools in other places

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, when did sunlight begin to play a more important part in the treatment of disease?

    1. A.
      From ancient times
    2. B.
      At the end of the nineteenth century
    3. C.
      Not until this century
    4. D.
      Only very recently
  2. 2.

    Why are a Danish doctor and a Swiss doctor mentioned in the second and third paragraphs?

    1. A.
      Because they both made use of sunlight to treat illness
    2. B.
      Because they were the first people who used sunlight for treatment
    3. C.
      Because they were both famous European doctors
    4. D.
      Because they used sunlight in very different ways
  3. 3.

    Dr Roller set up a “sun-cure” school probably for the reason that ______.

    1. A.
      most children could stay in his hospital
    2. B.
      children could study while being treated
    3. C.
      the school was expected to be full of pupils
    4. D.
      the school was high up in the mountains
  4. 4.

    What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage?

    1. A.
      “Sun-cure” schools are becoming popular everywhere
    2. B.
      Switzerland is the only country where “sun-cure” schools are popular
    3. C.
      Proper conditions are necessary for the running of a “sun-cure” school
    4. D.
      “Sun-cure” schools are found in countries where there is a lot of sunshine

MOST recently, my world has been shaken by the death of a teacher at my school. He was Dr Allan Woolley and he was only 52. Suddenly he took his own life, which remains a mystery.

That morning, everyone sensed that something wasn't right. During our lessons, an announcement was made that an assembly (集会) was scheduled for morning break, which was only done in emergencies.

Once morning break came, the entire school gathered in the main hall. As our headmaster marched out to announce the "momentous (重大的) news", it felt like the air around us trembled . Many students broke down in tears, and the reaction afterward was intensely powerful and unifying .  

The headmaster said that students were allowed to miss lessons and have a free period to collect themselves if they found the news too distressing (悲伤的). Many students went outside and shared memories of Dr Woolley to control theirselves.

Dr Woolley taught me chemistry two years ago, but up until his death he still taught many of my close friends. Many of my friends were so shocked that they still couldn't believe the person that they had owed (欠) some homework to was now dead.

It was heart-warming to spend time with teachers that morning and get to know more about them. Despite the time of sadness, I feel that every cloud has a silver lining. Although Dr Woolley's death is something nobody wanted to see, we must move on.

What did the students feel at the news of his teacher’s death?

A.unhappy   B shocked    C.surprised    D.silent

What does the underlined word “collect” in Paragraph4 mean?

A. bring something together  B.calm  down  

C. increase in amount        D.get and keep

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The real cause of Dr Woolley’s death is known to us.

B.Many students didn’t prepare themselves for the bad news so that they felt very sad.

C.It takes the whole school some time to recover from the dispressing news.

D.Dr Woolley’s death allows students to understand teachers better.

It can be inferred from the underlined sentences in the last paregraph that______.

A.Dr Woolley’s death made students sad.

B.There is still some comfort and hope in trouble

C.Dr Woolley’s death disappointed students greatly

D.We should forget the fact to study better.

The best title for the passage should be_______.

A. Our School Faces a Tragedy 

B. Dr Woolley—A Great Teacher

C. The Living Live For the Death

D. Lesson From the Death.


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