摘要:45.A. it B. what C. that D. which



What Is Natural Medicine

Natural Medicine is to use the natural environment, the nature of the material itself to cure diseases and restore the health. It involves bettering one’s breathing way, sunbathing, improving one’s diets and so on, which play an important part in our healthcare.

Start a Rewarding Career Today

The Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural Medicine provides you with Nationally Recognized natural medicine courses that can be studied in the comfort of your own home, or at our Brisbane campus in the heart of Stones Corner. AIAS College of Natural Medicine has been providing accredited (官方认可的) natural health courses for more than 20 years, and offers accredited certificate, diploma and advanced diploma level natural medicine, beauty and massage (按摩) courses.

Why Study at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences

With over 36 years of specialized training and 120 courses, our Natural Medicine College is Australia’s longest running and most sought after training provider for Natural Medicine Education. Our state of the art facilities, highly experienced instructors and friendly support staff make us the first choice for Distance Education and On-campus study.

Studying at Home

All of our courses are available to study at home. We provide all the material and support you will need to successfully complete your course.

Benefits of Studying at Home

●Work at your own pace.

●No need to travel or relocate closer to a campus.

●No interruption to your existing commitments.

●You are still in full contact with the college via Telephone, Email and Post, so you won’t be out of touch with the latest training techniques.

60. You can learn how to ______ at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural


A. apply science to our life                       B. operate on various patients

C. adjust one’s diet or breath                      D. look after mentally-ill people

61. One of the reasons for your choice of going to the college is that _______.

A. it is the oldest college of this type in Australia

B. it offers more courses than any other college

C. you may find the best art facilities there

D. you will get accredited certificate or diploma

62. If you take the courses at home, you are more likely to _______.

A. focus on your own interests               B. adjust your study schedules

C. get any help from instructors             D. keep up with new techniques


It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.
He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.
Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 
“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”
No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.
Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”
Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”
“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”
Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”
“Isn’t that work?”
Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”
“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”
“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”
“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.
Ben stopped munching his apple.
Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”
“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”
“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”
“I’ll give you all the apple!”
Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.
Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.
Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

  1. 1.

    By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.

    1. A.
      made mistakes
    2. B.
      damaged things
    3. C.
      was natural
    4. D.
      wasn’t concentrating
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________

    1. A.
      Tom did not want to go swimming at all
    2. B.
      Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence
    3. C.
      Tom did not get along well with his friends
    4. D.
      Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.
  4. 4.

    We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.

    1. A.
      forbidden fruit is sweet.
    2. B.
      a friend in need is a friend indeed.
    3. C.
      all good things must come to an end.
    4. D.
      a bad excuse is better than none.

A new weapon is on the way in the fight against smoking in Europe.

Soon when smokers buy cigarettes, they might see a shocking photo of

a blackened lung or a cancer patient staring back at them from the packet.

       Some boys may think of smoking as cool and sexy. Their friends won’t

agree when they see their packets of cigarettes lying on the table.

The European Union announced on October 22, that it had chosen 42 photos that showed the damage cigarettes could do to the body. It called on member nations to put these pictures on packets to discourage young smokers.

To catch the attention of teenagers, the special packets warn of long-term medical dangers, like cancer. Short-term effects, like bad skin, are also on the list.

“The true fact of smoking is disease, death and horror. That is the message we should send to the young,” said David Byrne, an EU health official. “Hopefully these pictures will shock students out of their love for cigarettes.”

The EU head office hoped the pictures would work better than current written warnings on packs of cigarettes. The warning included “smoking kills” and “smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.”

So far, Ireland and Belgium have shown interest in the photos. Canada has used similar pictures and warnings on cigarette packs since 2000.The country has recently seen a fall in the number of smokers.

According to studies, smoking is the single biggest cause of avoidable death in EU. Every year more than 650,000 smokers die, more than one person a minute.

68.What would be the best title for the text?    

       A.New Ways to Stop Smoking.  B.Pictures to Shock Smokers.

       C.New Packers of Cigarettes.     D.Dangers of Smoking.

69.We can learn from the test that _______.

       A.The EU countries have put the new warning method into practice

       B.only a small number of the EU countries have used the new warning method

       C.the new warning method has worked in some EU countries

       D.countries in the EU still use the old warning method

70.Which country is most successful in stopping smoking?

       A.Ireland.    B.Belgium.  C.Canada.   D.EU

71.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that ________.

       A.It’s hard to stop smoking in EU

       B.deaths caused by smoking could have been avoided

       C.smoking is the biggest cause of deaths in EU

       D.EU has the largest number of deaths caused by smoking


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