摘要:7.it –that thing or situation not mentioned but understood by the speaker and the hearer(未指明但谈话双方心里都明白的)那件事.那种情况.如: I can’t stand it any longer. 我再也不能容忍这种情况了. How is it going ? 近况如何? The worst of it is that we’ll have to get the repair done again. - Do you like it here ? - Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice.



Conjoined twins lead separate but active lives.

Lori and Reba have never been alone and they want to keep it that way.

The 40-year-old conjoined twins in Pennsylvania,US,have read about others locked together by an accident of birth who have been medically separated.But they insist only death can part them.

“We’ve never imagined a life divided,”Lori said.

Lori and Reba are joined together at the side of their heads,facing in opposite directions.Their blood supply is partly linked,but each has a separate brain.

Reba suffers from a disease which has left her completely dependent on her sister.

Lori wheels her everywhere they go in different professional directions.Lori worked in a laundry room at a hospital for six years before giving that up to allow Reba to try to become a country singer.

Her first song is called “The Fear of Being Alone”,which was inspired by Reba and Lori’s desire for togetherness.

Reba’s career has taken her across the United States,Europe and parts of Asia.

While the twins receive some money from the government,the earning from Reba’s concerts go to AIDS and cancer charities(慈善机构).

The sisters have set goals for themselves.Reba looks forward to a successful career as a country singer,while Lori says she hopes to get married and have children.Lori said,”So when it comes,it comes.Meanwhile,I live wonderfully from day to day.”

46.When Lori said “We’ve never imagined a life divided”,she meant that      .

A.they don’t wish to be made separate        

B.they think their case is beyond medical help

C.independent life would be too good to think of 

D.they would die once separated

47.By leading separate lives,the topic means that       .

A.either of the two can look after herself   B.the twins do different things

C.they face in opposite directions         D.they are no longer conjoined now

48.When Reba gives performances as a country singer,Lori       .

A.works in a hospital                   B.continues her college education

C.brings up her children      D.looks after her sister

49.The twins lead active lives because they       .

A.are tired of staying at home doing nothing 

B.need more money  

C.want to prove themselves as useful citizens

D.have to earn their own bread

50.From the last paragraph we can understand that Lori       .

A.thinks it’s too late for her to have children 

B.is sure she’ll get married and have children

C.prefers to have things go naturally     

D.would rather not change her way of life



II    语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)


“The pen is more powerful than the sword.” There have been many  21  who used their pens to fight things that were wrong.Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them.

  She was born in the U.S.A.in 1811.One of her books not only made her  22  but has been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in  23   a civil war and freeing the  24  race.The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally   25   the victory.

  This book that shook the world was called Uncle Tom's Cabin.There was a time when every English-speaking man, woman, and child read this   26   that did so much to stop slavery.Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting.The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can   27   people's sympathies.The author herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave.The Southern Americans were   28   by the book, which they said did not at all represent true   29   of affairs, but the Northern Americans were   30   excited over it and were so inspired by it that they were ready to go to war to set the slaves free.

21.A.writers                B.soldiers           C.fighters                  D.judges

22.A.successful              B.rich                        C.famous                   D.inspiring

23.A.declaring               B.winning          C.causing                  D.stopping

24.A.enslaved   B.uncivilized             C.immigrated            D.rejected 

25.A.defeated          B.beat                        C.received          D.won

26.A.cabin               B.novel               C.title                D.story

27.A.command               B.excite                     C.attract                    D.describe

28.A.interested         B.satisfied                  C.disappointed    D.annoyed

29.A.state                B.incident                  C.event                     D.situation

30.A.mildly                   B.wildly                    C.modestly          D.gradually



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