摘要:去掉of.a bit修饰名词时加of.如:a bit of food.做状语时不需要of.


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

 Two experts did some experiments on two groups of people — one who tended to sleep less than the

people around them and the other group more.

According to their report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 or so, the men automatically began to cut down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.

   In general, these “short sleepers” appeared with ambition, active, energetic, cheerful, and conformist (不动摇) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once, or even worked full time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “acceptable” or “outstanding” to their friends and associates.

  When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering them. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.

  The experts also stated that those “long sleepers” were quite different indeed. They reported that those men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were a bit concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than the “short sleepers did.

  Many of the “long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly express it that being asleep was a good escape from their daily problems.

All in all, proper time of sleeping should be admired, not too long, neither too short.

According to the report, ______.

  A. many “short sleepers” need less sleep just by nature

  B. many “short sleepers” are obliged to reduce sleep time by work

  C. long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the day

  D. many “long sleepers” formed sleeping habit during childhood

Many “short sleepers” are likely to hold the view that ______.

  A. sleep is a very efficient escape from the reality

  B. sleep is just an item which should be denied by them

   C. sleep might be a disturbing thing for their daily business

  D. sleep is the best way to deal with psychological troubles

It is stated in the forth paragraph that “short sleepers” ______.

  A. are ideally energetic under the pressures of life

  B. often ignore the ill effect of not enough sleep

  C. do not know how to relax themselves properly

  D. are more unlikely to run into mental problems

Which of the following is nearest to the meaning of “… were a bit concerned in the fifth Para?

  A. appeared troubled                     B. became energetic

C. felt dissatisfied                       D. were much depressed

Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?

  A. If one sleeps improperly, his performance suffers and his memory is weakened

  B. The sleep patterns of short sleepers are the same as those shown by “long sleepers”

  C. Long and short sleepers differ in their attitudes towards sleep

  D. Short sleepers may have been better off if they have more rest  


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

 Two experts did some experiments on two groups of people — one who tended to sleep less than the
people around them and the other group more.
According to their report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 or so, the men automatically began to cut down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.
   In general, these “short sleepers” appeared with ambition, active, energetic, cheerful, and conformist (不动摇) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once, or even worked full time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “acceptable” or “outstanding” to their friends and associates.
  When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering them. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.
  The experts also stated that those “long sleepers” were quite different indeed. They reported that those men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were a bit concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than the “short sleepers did.
  Many of the “long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly express it that being asleep was a good escape from their daily problems.
All in all, proper time of sleeping should be admired, not too long, neither too short.
【小题1】According to the report, ______.

A.many “short sleepers” need less sleep just by nature
B.many “short sleepers” are obliged to reduce sleep time by work
C.long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the day
D.many “long sleepers” formed sleeping habit during childhood
【小题2】 Many “short sleepers” are likely to hold the view that ______.
A.sleep is a very efficient escape from the reality
B.sleep is just an item which should be denied by them
C.sleep might be a disturbing thing for their daily business
D.sleep is the best way to deal with psychological troubles
【小题3】 It is stated in the forth paragraph that “short sleepers” ______.
A.are ideally energetic under the pressures of life
B.often ignore the ill effect of not enough sleep
C.do not know how to relax themselves properly
D.are more unlikely to run into mental problems
【小题4】Which of the following is nearest to the meaning of “… were a bit concerned” in the fifth Para?
A.appeared troubled B.became energetic
C.felt dissatisfied D.were much depressed
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?
A.If one sleeps improperly, his performance suffers and his memory is weakened
B.The sleep patterns of short sleepers are the same as those shown by “long sleepers”
C.Long and short sleepers differ in their attitudes towards sleep
D.Short sleepers may have been better off if they have more rest

     The zebra belongs to the horse family. One of nature's great mysteries is why the zebra has stripes.
One theory is that the stripes help the zebra cool down. On hot days the black stripes get a lot hotter than
the white area of the zebra and under the black stripes there are special layers of fat for protection. Hot
air then rises off the black stripes, forcing colder air down around the white areas, cooling the zebra
down. This, however, is just a theory. The stripes can also confuse predators (食肉动物) when zebras
stay with other animals in great numbers.
     Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at a speed of up to 35 miles per hour
(56 kilometers per hour). They also have a powerful kick that can cause serious injury to a predator, like
a lion, or an African wild dog. Usually the lead male of the herd stays at the back of the group to defend
against predators if necessary, while the females and youngsters run from danger.
     Zebras are herbivores and feed mostly on grasses, although they also might eat the leaves and stems (茎) of bushes a bit. They eat grasses for many hours each day, using their strong teeth. Spending so
much time chewing wears the zebra's teeth down, so their teeth keep growing all their lives. As the dry
season arrives and the grasses die back, zebra herds travel to find more food and water holes for drinking. Most zebras have no specific territories. They travel from place to place, never staying in one area very
1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. There are different opinions about why the zebra has stripes.
B. The black stripes help the zebra live through cold days.
C. The zebra can easily be attacked by predators.
D. The zebra always travels with other animals.
2. According to the passage, herbivores are________.
A. animals that have specific territories
B. animals that only eat plants
C. animals that kill and eat other animals
D. animals that live in groups
3. The zebra has strong teeth all their lives because their teeth________.
A. only chew soft grasses
B. are used all day
C. are always growing
D. are kept clean
4. Which of the following statements about zebras is TRUE?
A. They have poor eyesight and hearing.
B. Their stripes can confuse predators.
C. They can run 56 miles per hour.
D. They usually stay in one area all their lives.
5. Which of the following TV programs might the passage be adapted for?
A. Hobbies & Leisure    
B. Everyday Tips
C. Digital Stadium      
D. Discoveries
    The zebra belongs to the horse family.One of nature's great mysteries is why the zebra has stripes.One
theory is that the stripes help the zebra cool down.On hot days the black stripes get a lot hotter than the
white area of the zebra and under the black stripes there are special layers of fat for protection.Hot air then rises off the black stripes,forcing colder air down around the white areas,cooling the zebra down.This,
however,is just a theory.The stripes can also confuse predators (食肉动物) when zebras stay with other
animals in great numbers.
     Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at a speed of up to 35 miles per hour (56
kilometers per hour).They also have a powerful kick that can cause serious injury to a predator,like a
lion,or an African wild dog.Usually the lead male of the herd stays at the back of the group to defend
against predators if necessary,while the females and youngsters run from danger.
     Zebras are herbivores and feed mostly on grasses,although they also might eat the leaves and stems (茎) of bushes a bit.They eat grasses for many hours each day,using their strong teeth.Spending so much
time chewing wears the zebra's teeth down,so their teeth keep growing all their lives.As the dry season
arrives and the grasses die back,zebra herds travel to find more food and water holes for drinking.Most
zebras have no specific territories.They travel from place to place,never staying in one area very long.
1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. There are different opinions about why the zebra has stripes.
B. The black stripes help the zebra live through cold days.
C. The zebra can easily be attacked by predators.
D. The zebra always travels with other animals.
2. According to the passage,herbivores are________.
A. animals that have specific territories
B. animals that only eat plants
C. animals that kill and eat other animals
D. animals that live in groups
3. The zebra has strong teeth all their lives because their teeth________.
A. only chew soft grasses
B. are used all day
C. are always growing
D. are kept clean
4. Which of the following statements about zebras is TRUE?
A. They have poor eyesight and hearing.
B. Their stripes can confuse predators.
C. They can run 56 miles per hour.
D. They usually stay in one area all their lives.
5. Which of the following TV programs might the passage be adapted for?
A. Hobbies & Leisure    
B. Everyday Tips
C. Digital Stadium      
D. Discoveries

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