摘要:to one’s regret 使某人遗憾的是



PART FOUR  WRITING (45 points)

SECTIONA (10 points)

Direction: Reading the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks with no more than three words for each answer that best fits the passage.

Why must we pay taxes? The answer is that the government needs money for many things, for example, to pay its soldiers, sailors and airmen, to build roads, bridges, offices, schools, etc, and to buy goods from abroad; and only the people of the country can supply the money.

One of the most important taxes is income-tax which a person pays according to the amount of his income, whether he is a merchant, a doctor, a lawyer, a shopkeeper, a miner or anything else. This is called a “direct” tax, because it is paid in money directly to the government.

Another tax is paid on goods such as watches, jewelry, new clothes, tobacco, wine, etc, when they are brought into a country. Such a tax is paid as part of the price of these goods if they are late sold in shops. We call it “indirect” tax, because it is paid indirectly through the shopkeepers.

People usually complain about(抱怨) having to pay taxes, but they forget that the money is spent on things that they and their families need. We need policemen to catch thieves, to see that men obey the laws, to direct traffic, etc, and they must be paid what they earn; children need education and there must be schools and teachers; we want our streets to be kept clean, and the wages of men who do this kind of work have to be paid. Above all, the country must always be ready to defend itself against attacking enemies, and we can’t have an army without paying for it. Besides, if a country wants to develop, there are many other things to do.

Taxes, therefore, cannot be avoided. We buy our food and clothes and pay for our amusements; but, there are several things that the State finds the money for, and that is necessary for us if our society is to continue. We have no real reason to complain, therefore, when we are asked to supply money to be spent for the good of ourselves and for our fellow-citizens.

Tax is a   71   part of our life

Why must we pay taxes?

⊕The State need the money for our society to   72  .

⊕We supply money for the good of ourselves and   73  .

How do we pay taxes?

⊕  74 

The tax is paid according to one’s   75  .

The tax is paid to the government.

⊕  76 

The tax is paid through   77  .

The tax is paid as part of the price of goods.

Where does tax money go?

⊕To   78   — to keep us safe

⊕To teachers — to   79   the children

⊕To cleaners — to   80   clean

⊕To the army — to defend our country



Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is essential to one's life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.
But for many people, the thought of food as the first thing in the morning is never a pleasure. So in spite of all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained, the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased by 33%—from 8.8 million to 11.7 million—according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America.
For those who dislike eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years have shown that, for grown-ups especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect work,” said Arnold E. Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve work.”
Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not grown-ups. “The literature,” says one researcher,  Dr Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, “is poor.”
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is that _______.

A.breakfast has nothing to do with people's health
B.a good breakfast used to be important to us
C.breakfast is not as important to us as gasoline to a car
D.breakfast is not as important as we thought before
【小题2】For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that _______.
A.several studies have been done in the past few years
B.the omission of breakfast has little effect on one’s work
C.grown-ups have especially made studies in this field
D.eating little in the morning is good for health
【小题3】The underlined part “nor does giving people breakfast improve work” means  _______.
A.people without breakfast can improve their work
B.not giving people breakfast improves work
C.having breakfast does not improve work, either
D.people having breakfast do improve their work, too
【小题4】The word "literature" in the last sentence refers to _______.
A.stories, poems, play, etc
B.written works on a particular subject
C.newspaper articles
D.the modern literature of America
【小题5】What is implied but not stated by the author is that _______.
A.breakfast does not affect work
B.Dr Polite works at an institution of higher learning
C.not eating breakfast might affect the health of children
D.Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London


Giving up smoking will most likely add seven years to one’s life.  While many people try to give up and fail, it is not an impossible task.  Follow these five tips, and you will be well on your way to giving up smoking. 

71   . Success in all fields of life begins with firm determination.  If you are weak in willpower, you can never do anything.  However, if you make up your mind,  once and for all,  that you are giving up the habit,  you have made the first step towards success.

72.    If you sit around doing nothing, there is a higher chance that you will light up a cigarette and relax.  Fill your spare time with sports and energetic activities.  Try to feel how good it is to get your blood circulating and to breathe in air deeply.  If you are not the athletic type,  then walking will have the same benefit as other kinds of sports.

73.  If going to a bar means that you are going to have a drink and then light up, maybe it is better to avoid that place for the time being.  Once you have truly stopped smoking and you feel how good it is,  you can go anywhere else  But while you are in the transition phase,  it is better to carefully choose where you will spend your spare time.

74.   Whenever you get a desire to put a cigarette in your mouth,  replace it with something that will help you rather than harm you.  Drinking small amounts of water throughout the day is not only a good way to help you give up smoking,  but it is also a great way to stay healthy.  You should drink eight glasses of water per day,  if you can.  If you need to put something solid in your mouth,  then have a piece of fruit in place

75.   Tell people around you that you are giving up smoking for health reasons.  They are likely to support you and not to offer you cigarettes.  Your family and loved ones will similarly support your efforts and help you to avoid situations where you may feel you have to smoke because of social pressure.

A.Learn how to resist the temptation(诱惑)

B.Do not make yourself less active

C.Escape from social pressure

D.Amuse yourself in proper places

E. Get support from your friends and family

F. Promise not to smoke

G Drink more water instead of smoking a cigarette



         All of us eat every day, but most of us don’t understand nutrition. We often make mistakes in talking about good diet.
For example, many people think that foods such as rice, bread and potatoes will make one grow fat. In fact, these foods are very good to one’s health. They are good sources of many vitamins. And in comparison with steak and beef, they contain less amount of calories.
Some people don’t like canned(罐装的) or frozen vegetables, because they think fresh vegetables cooked at home are always better. This is again wrong. In fact, whether the vegetables are good or not depends more on how they are prepared. Overcooking, for example, destroys good qualities of vegetables. Vegetables cooked in too much water can lose a large amount of vitamins.
It is widely believed extra vitamins provide more energy. But taking more than the body needs doesn’t make it function better.
It is also wrong to say that vegetables grown in poor, worn-out soil are lower in vitamins than vegetables grown in rich soil. The vitamins in our foods are in the plants themselves. They don’t come from the soil. However, the minerals(矿物质) in a plant depend on the minerals in the soil.
In short, there are many false ideas about nutrition. We need to correct them.
46. This passage is mainly about_______.
A. nutrition                B. vitamins                C. vegetables            D. health
47. Rice, bread and potatoes do good to people’s health mainly because_______.
A. they make people fat                              B. there are lot of vitamins in them
C. they contain less amount of calories compared with steak and beef.
D. both B and C.
48. Why don’t some people like canned or frozen vegetables? Because______.
A. they think fresh vegetables contain less vitamins
B. they think fresh vegetables contain more vitamins than the canned or frozen ones
C. they don’t think the canned or frozen vegetables are fresh
D. they don’t think the canned or frozen vegetables taste as good as the fresh ones
49. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Many people know almost everything about nutrition.
B. Food such as rice, bread and potatoes make people fat.
C. vegetables grown in poor worn-out soil may have the same amount of vitamins as vegetables grown in rich soil.
D. extra vitamins provide less energy.
50. The point of the passage is that______.
A. the minerals in a plant depend on the minerals in the soil
B. people make mistakes when talking about good diet
C. taking more vitamins than the body needs doesn’t make it function better
D. vegetables cooked in too much water can lose a large amount of vitamins


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