摘要: a world of magic and wonders 充满魔力和神奇的世界


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Most of us lead a busy life. 1 We think, “If I reached my goal, then I would be happy”, or “If I could get a better job, then I would enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?
Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surroundings. 2 “There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” And as Brodersen explains. “Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friend’s smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”
Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example. 3 One universal simple pleasure is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.
Thirdly, don’t take your family and friends for granted. Rich, rewarding relationships add greatly to the enjoyment of life. When you think of someone, why not call, e-mail or write them? 4 As Wayne Lawton explains, “Invest time in relationships. Remove the attitude, what’s in it for me? Happiness is found in putting other’s interests, desires and concerns ahead of our own whenever possible. Selfishness is a dead-end street.” 5

A.I delight in simple things like my favorite tea drink, a bubble bath or family photos.
B.In my spare time, I enjoy collecting stamps and reading novels.
C.Driven by the “urgent”, we forget to enjoy life.
D.So please treasure relationship.
E. You don’t need to travel far to find beauty.
F. Be aware of beauty in nature.
G. A short e-mail or phone call can make a world of difference to someone.


The smell of fresh air is becoming something of a distant memory, thanks to our increasing use of fragrance (香气). From air fresheners to scented (有香味的) candles, we live in a world of scent.
Recent figures show seven in ten people use air fresheners or scented candles to keep our homes smelling sweet. Yet recent records suggest that perfumed products could affect our health, causing problems including allergies (过敏), headaches and asthma (哮喘) .
One leading expert believes nearly a third of people suffer health effects from being exposed to scents. A major problem is so-called “contact” allergy—where perfumes and scented products cause eczema (湿疹) when they come into contact with the skin. About one in 20 is thought to be affected by fragrance allergy.
“Often it may not be immediately obvious that you have developed a fragrance allergy,” says Dr. Baron. “You don’t react immediately. Gradually, as you are exposed more and more, the body increases its reaction, until it becomes noticeable to you.”
People with pre-existing eczema are particularly vulnerable (易受影响). “The eczema worsens in areas in contact with perfumes,” says Dr. Baron. “But even those without allergies can be at risk of fragrance allergy.” You can become suddenly allergic to perfumes and personal care products that you have been using for years. “Even if you know which fragrance causes a problem, it can be difficult to avoid, as most personal care products –soap, shampoo, sun cream and washing powder—contain fragrances,” says Dr. Baron.
And strong scents can also cause headaches. Fragrances activate the nose’s nerve cells, stimulating the nerve system associated with head pain. To minimize risk, sufferers are advised to minimize the contact.
“Fragrance suggest cleanliness – yet people are smelling a potentially dangerous chemical mixture,” says Anne Steinemann, professor of the University of Washington. “We often use them to mask one problem – as with air fresheners – but create a greater one – adding poisonous chemicals to the air.”
【小题1】What is the text mainly about?

A.The world trend of using fragrance.
B.The benefits of using non-fragranced products.
C.The health problems caused by fragrance
D.The ways of removing allergy.
【小题2】According to Dr. Baron,            .
A.our bodies have an immediate reaction to fragrance.
B.seven in ten have suffered fragrance allergy.
C.fragrance can affect people who don’t have allergy
D.people can avoid contacting with fragrance easily
【小题3】Which of the following questions does the text NOT answer?
A.Which products contain fragrance?
B.What’s the influence of fragrance in the air?
C.What are the air fresheners made up of?
D.How are headaches caused by fragrance?
【小题4】The following paragraph might discuss            .
A.the asthma caused by strong scents.
B.people’s efforts to protect fresh air.
C.the methods of curing eczema
D.the bad effects of air fresheners.


Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music –not only to comfort patients, but to help cure them as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy(疗法).

After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today's music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.

Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression(沮丧).

Music therapy can put patients in better moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, reducing worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.

Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”

While Haro's experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer's disease and arthritis.

In addition, music therapy helps premature babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier(奶嘴). Soon the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who do not use the device.

Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in beating out rhythms. While music is not a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.

1.In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “ tapping into “ can be replaced by “_________”

A.discussing on       B.looking for         C.showing interest in  D.making use of

2.According to the passage, Jose Haro_______________.

A.went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery

B.was asked to play the piano with the background music

C.felt no pain in his surgery because of music therapy

D.recovered from heart disease completely

3.From the passage, we know_________________.

A.music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis

B.Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom

C.musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars

D.the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Music to Patient Ears                     B.Music Popular in Hospitals

C.Musicians Work with Doctors              D.People's life Benefits from Music



The smell of fresh air is becoming something of a distant memory, thanks to our increasing use of fragrance (香气). From air fresheners to scented (有香味的) candles, we live in a world of scent.
Recent figures show seven in ten people use air fresheners or scented candles to keep our homes smelling sweet. Yet recent records suggest that perfumed products could affect our health, causing problems including allergies (过敏), headaches and asthma (哮喘) .
One leading expert believes nearly a third of people suffer health effects from being exposed to scents. A major problem is so-called “contact” allergy—where perfumes and scented products cause eczema (湿疹) when they come into contact with the skin. About one in 20 is thought to be affected by fragrance allergy.
“Often it may not be immediately obvious that you have developed a fragrance allergy,” says Dr. Baron. “You don’t react immediately. Gradually, as you are exposed more and more, the body increases its reaction, until it becomes noticeable to you.”
People with pre-existing eczema are particularly vulnerable (易受影响). “The eczema worsens in areas in contact with perfumes,” says Dr. Baron. “But even those without allergies can be at risk of fragrance allergy.” You can become suddenly allergic to perfumes and personal care products that you have been using for years. “Even if you know which fragrance causes a problem, it can be difficult to avoid, as most personal care products –soap, shampoo, sun cream and washing powder—contain fragrances,” says Dr. Baron.
And strong scents can also cause headaches. Fragrances activate the nose’s nerve cells, stimulating the nerve system associated with head pain. To minimize risk, sufferers are advised to minimize the contact.
“Fragrance suggest cleanliness – yet people are smelling a potentially dangerous chemical mixture,” says Anne Steinemann, professor of the University of Washington. “We often use them to mask one problem – as with air fresheners – but create a greater one – adding poisonous chemicals to the air.”
【小题1】What is the text mainly about?

A.The world trend of using fragrance.
B.The benefits of using non-fragranced products.
C.The health problems caused by fragrance
D.The ways of removing allergy.
【小题2】According to Dr. Baron,            .
A.our bodies have an immediate reaction to fragrance.
B.seven in ten have suffered fragrance allergy.
C.fragrance can affect people who don’t have allergy
D.people can avoid contacting with fragrance easily
【小题3】Which of the following questions does the text NOT answer?
A.Which products contain fragrance?
B.What’s the influence of fragrance in the air?
C.What are the air fresheners made up of?
D.How are headaches caused by fragrance?
【小题4】The following paragraph might discuss           .
A.the asthma caused by strong scents.
B.people’s efforts to protect fresh air.
C.the methods of curing eczema
D.the bad effects of air fresheners.


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