摘要: date from = date back to 追溯于, 始建于 This temple dates from the Song Dynasty. / The temple, dating back to the Song Dynasty, will be pull down.


There are three branches of medicine. One is called “doctor medicine” or “scientific medicine”. Scientific doctors try to observe sickness, look for logical pattern, and then find out how the human body works. From there they figure out what treatments may work. This kind of medicine is believed to date from the 4th century BC. Although nowadays it is successful, in the ancient this approach(方法) probably did not cure many patients.

The second kind of medicine is called “natural cures” or “folk medicine”, in which less educated people try to cure sickness with various herbs. These folk healers also use observation and logic, but they are not so aware of it. They try things until they find something that seems to work, and then they keep doing that. Folk medicine flourished(兴起) long before the development of scientific medicine and was more successful in ancient times.

The third kind is called “health spas(水疗)” or “faith healing”. Sometimes this may be as simple as touching the holy man and being immediately healed. Other times, a magician may make you a magic charm, or say a spell(咒语), to cure you. Some religious groups organize healing shrines(圣坛) for the sick. In these places people rest, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, drink water instead of wine, and exercise in various ways. They also talk to the priests(牧师) and pray to the gods. If you are feeling depressed or you have been working too hard, going to these places may be just the right thing to make you feel better.

Doctor medicine _________.

has a longer history than folk medicine

has been practiced for around 2,400 years

bases its treatments on observation and logic

was very successful in curing sicknesses in ancient times

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT used in health spas?

A. Magic power     B. Various herbs  C. Religious faith    D. A healthy life style

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

Folk healers choose different herbs to cure diseases without any sound basis.

People who practice folk medicine need lots of formal education on herbs.

The success of folk medicine led to the development of doctor medicine.

Natural cures worked better than scientific medicine in ancient times.

The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to_______________.

describe different types of medicine

argue for the importance of medicine in health care

show the important role religion plays in medical treatments

compare the educational background of three different types of patients


In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, king of the Olympian? Gods, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been put to an end, international. No one knows how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 BC. ?

The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the games, but no married woman was ?admitted? even for watching. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boy's gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games.

On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive(橄榄树) leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities.

In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games_______.?

A. was held by Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods?

B. was a religious event?

C. was first a national event held every four years?

D. was an international event held in honor of Zeus?

f an athlete won, _______.

A. he would receive a lot of money?

B. he could give his name to the month of his victory?

C. he would be honored and rewarded by his state authorities?

D. he would only get a ring of holy olive leaves?

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games_______.?

A. only Greek men were allowed to participate in the games?

B. all Greeks, regardless of religion, political views and sex, were allowed to take part in the games

C. all Greeks except married women were allowed to compete in the games?

D. all the Greek men except slaves and dishonored ones were able to compete in the games?

Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The sequence of events were set up in ancient Olympic Games.?

B. The sequence of events varied greatly from ancient to the modern Olympic Games.?

C. There were 20 more events involved in the modern Olympic Games.?

D. Ancient Greeks had only running races at the first Olympic Games.


New rules will let millions of Americans know where more of their food comes from. The law is known as COOL—Country of Origin Labeling.

American Congress first passed the law in 2002. Stores have had to label seafood by country of origin since 2005. But industry pressure delayed other requirements until last week.

Products that must now be labeled include fresh fruits and vegetables, muscle meats and some kinds of nuts. But the rules are complex, and many foods are excluded. For example, organ meats are free to be labeled. So are processed foods, including cooked or smoked food.

The United States has imported more and more food in recent years to save money and expand choices. Country-of-origin labeling has become more common lately but has still been limited in many stores.

Food safety is one reason why some shoppers pay close attention to where foods came from. For example, when a large number of people recently got sick from salmonella(沙门菌病), officials blamed peppers from Mexico. Yet the last big food scare involved spinach (菠菜) grown in California. But labeling is also a way for people to know they are getting what they want. Some want to buy local foods or foods from a particular country.

The country-of-origin labeling law gives stores 30 days to correct any violations that are found. Stores and suppliers that are found to be deliberately violating the law could be fined 1000 dollars per violation. Federal inspectors are not to take action to enforce the law for six months to give time for an education campaign.

Some food safety activists say they are generally pleased with the law. They call it a good step that will give people more useful information.

1. What’s the regulation in the new rules?

A. Stores have to label food by its producing date from now on.

B. The country-of-origin labeling has to be marked on more food.

C. Stores have to label seafood by country of origin.

D. Labeling of food should include more useful information.

2. Why has more and more food been imported to the United States in recent years?

A. Because it is economical and provides people with more choices.

B. Because the United States is short of food supply.

C. Because Americans need more and more food recently.

D. Because foreign food is of higher quality than native food.

3. Consumers are more concerned about where foods came from because ______.

A. they are curious about the country of the food origin

B. they are particular about the tastes of the food

C. they are concerned about food safety and want to get what they want

D. most of the shoppers are food safety activists themselves

4. The new rules of the country-of-origin labeling law will come into effect ______.

A. right now    B. in a month    C. in three months  D. in half a year        

5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Most Americans prefer imported vegetables to the vegetables grown in local places.

B. The government of America will forbid importing peppers from Mexico.

C. The law was not fully carried out until last week because of food industry’s resistance.

D. Store owners are most likely to be the supporters of the law.



There are three branches of medicine. One is called “doctor medicine” or “scientific medicine”. Scientific doctors try to observe sickness, look for logical pattern, and then find out how the human body works. From there they figure out what treatments may work. This kind of medicine is believed to date from the 4th century BC. Although nowadays it is successful, in the ancient this approach(方法) probably did not cure many patients.

The second kind of medicine is called “natural cures” or “folk medicine”, in which less educated people try to cure sickness with various herbs. These folk healers also use observation and logic, but they are not so aware of it. They try things until they find something that seems to work, and then they keep doing that. Folk medicine flourished(兴起) long before the development of scientific medicine and was more successful in ancient times.

The third kind is called “health spas” or “faith healing”. Sometimes this may be as simple as touching the holy man and being immediately healed. Other times, a magician may make you a magic charm, or say a spell(咒语), to cure you. Some religious groups organize healing shrines(圣坛) for the sick. In these places people rest, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, drink water instead of wine, and exercise in various ways. They also talk to the priests(牧师) and pray to the gods. If you are feeling depressed or you have been working too hard, going to these places may be just the right thing to make you feel better.

Doctor medicine_________.

has a longer history than folk medicine

has been practiced for around 2,400 years

bases its treatments on observation and logic

was very successful in curing sicknesses in ancient times

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT used in health


A. Magic power               B. Various herbs

C. Religious faith              D. A healthy life style

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

Folk healers choose different herbs to cure diseases without any sound basis.

People who practice folk medicine need lots of formal education on herbs.

The success of folk medicine led to the development of doctor medicine.

Natural cures worked better than scientific medicine in ancient times.

The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to_______________.

describe different types of medicine

argue for the importance of medicine in health care

show the important role religion plays in medical treatments

compare the educational background of three different types of patients


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