摘要: so-that-/such-that- 如此-以致- He was so excited that he could not speak. /So excited was he that he could not speak. It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing. /It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing. It is amusing that such little birds eat so much food.


       We bought a pair of geese one spring when they were both two weeks old. One was a female Chinese goose I named Su and her mate was a white goose I named Goose. They would follow us all around the yard talking to us whenever we came outside. At night, they stayed in a box in our kitchen until they were too big and then they stayed at night outside. They loved the river and soon began staying out all night on the river. Whenever I wanted to know where they were, I would make a honking noise (雁叫声) , and they would answer me and come into the yard for their corn.

       One night, I was woken up by loud noise. We ran out to see what was wrong. A raccoon(浣熊) had decided that some goose eggs would taste good and had come too close to the setting.When we found Su, the raccoon had caught her by her neck and was biting it.We drove it away and took Su to the garage, washed her wound and wrapped it up in a bandage.Goose knew she was there and wanted to be with her, so we opened the small garage door and he hurried in.After two days and nights, I released them back outside.

       For the first three nights at dusk, we would get her and carry her into the garage for the night and Goose would come running behind us to join her there.We were touched by his devotion to her.We took off her bandage and she was fine  so that next night, we had not planned to take her to the garage any longer.We were amazed, however, that when dusk fell that night, she climbed the back steps to our garage door waiting for us to come and get her in! They do not speak our language, but they know when people care about them and love them and they respond in kind.

44.The first paragraph mainly tells us that     

       A.geese mainly feed on corn and fish            B.the geese were taken good care of

       C.the geese got on badly with the writer       D.geese prefer to stay outside than inside

45. The raccoon attacked Su one night because        

       A. it thought goose eggs were delicious      B. Su's nest was too close to the raccoon's

       C. it wanted to hunt the goose for food        D. Su's appearance in the area annoyed it

46. Where would Su probably stay at night after her recovery?

       A. In the wild.                               B. In the kitchen.                      

       C. On the river.                                 D. In the garage.

47. It can be inferred from the last sentence that           .

       A. animals misunderstand people                     B. the needs of pets is important

       C. animals are of human nature                       D. animals need people' protection


A letter to Edward, a columnist(报刊专栏作家)

Dear Mr Expert:

I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always Promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20,I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.

Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine ― so much so that they make mine theirs.

It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can shou up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.

I enjoy having my friends here sometimes― it makes the place feel comfortable and warm― but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(隐私)?


Edward’s reply to Joan

Dear Joan:

If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.

And if you’ve gathesed yourfriends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛),you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with― or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.

Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”

63. We can learn from the first letter that Joan Edward         .

A. lives away from her parents

B. takes pride in her friends

C. knows Mr Expert quite well

D. hates her parents very much

64.We can infer from the first letter that         .

A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy

B. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can accept

C. Joan doesn’t like the parties at all

D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over

65. According to Mr Expert, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?

A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.

B. She does not understand true friendship.

C. Her family experience stops her from doing so.

D. She does not put her needs first.

66. The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means       .

A. dependent life        B. fierce fight           C. bad manners           D. painful feeling

67.The second letter suggests that Mr Expert         .

A. is worried about Joan’s problem

B. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends

C. advises Joan on how to refuse people

D. encourages Joan to be brave enough


I am a team leader in an insurance company.   We are going through a lot of changes right now which is __1__ much stress for all of us. A few weeks ago I was having a day so __2__ that I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work, and was about ready to change to a less stressful job __3__. Something happened that day to change my way of __4__ and I am so appreciative of this young lady. I want to let her know that the small act __5__.

On the top of my cubicle(工作隔间)I have a small collection of lighthouses(灯塔)to let people know where I am sitting __6__ my team members have to find me for emergencies.

That day I came into the office and was about to get the day __7__ when Crystal came over. I asked if she needed anything. She said,“I __8__ you something.  I looked at her   ”with a __9__ look  and said,“Well,thank you, but why __10__ you buy me anything?”I had never spoke to this young lady __11__. She said,“Every day I stand up and look across the __12__ and see your light houses. Then I feel I am not alone and I encourage myself that there are always __13__ things in life. I saw this on the way to work and thought __14__ would like it. I wish it would have the same __15__ as your lighthouses do. ”In her hand she had a small globe with a lighthouse and a ship on it. I gave her a hug and __16__ her.   I don't think she knows how much that small act of __17__ changed my day:I remained __18__ the rest of the day.

For anyone that reads this,I hope you remember,no matter what the __19__ is,you could change someone's day, __20__ even his views on life.

1. A. preventing B. reducing C. causing  D. suffering

2. A. funny      B. nice      C. bad       D. dull

3. A. everywhere  B. elsewhere  C. anywhere  D. nowhere

4. A. working     B. behaving  C. speaking  D. thinking

5. A. broke my heart   B. touched my heart

C. lost my heart     D. tore my heart

6. A. in case      B. so that  C. as if   D. even though

7. A. ended      B. started  C. changed   D. avoided

8. A. borrowed  B. lent  C. sold  D. bought

9. A. delighted  B. puzzled  C. thankful  D. worried

10. A. might  B. dare  C. could  D. would

11. A. before  B. then  C. since  D. after

12. A. dorm  B. office  C. ship  D. tower

13. A. bright       B. challenging

C. bad         D. stressful

14. A. colleagues  B. leaders  C. you  D. I

15. A. opinion  B. cause  C. expectation  D. effect

16. A. praised  B. thanked  C. scolded  D. refused

17. A. justice  B. courage  C. kindness  D. tolerance

18. A. careful      B. encouraged

C. tired         D. alone

19. A. present  B. work  C. gesture  D. intention

20. A. so       B. for  C. or      D. nor


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