摘要: John saves him money, George spends all he gets. A. while B.or C. nor D. as


For Chinese wanting to work as nurses in the United Sates, the arrival of the test of the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) may be a welcome move.

 The CGFNS has a certification programme for people wanting to work as registered nurses in the US. The first CGFNS test in China is to be held in Beijing in July. Registrations is open till April 9. According to US labour law, nurses have to pass the National Council License Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) before they can practise. However, the NCLEX-RN is only useful in the US, making it difficult for people from other countries to get in. But, the US expects a shortage of 50,000 nurses by 2010. So, the CGFNS has not replaced the NCLEX-RN, which is still needed for work as a registered nurse in the US.

So what exactly does CGFNS do?

First of all, it helps international nurses qualify for a work visa for the US. Nurses educated abroad who do not have a US license by the NCLEX-RN, must get the CGFNS certificate. “But not everyone who gets a CGFNS certificate can get a work visa. There are many requirements for a visa, and the CGFNS is just one,” said John Ratigan, immigration officer for the CGFNS.

The certificate helps applicants meet requirements for the NCLEX-RN. Forty-two states require a CGFNS certificate from nurses educated abroad before taking the NCLEX-RN examination.

About 85 percent of those who passed the CGFNS have passed the NCLEX-RN. According to Barbara Michols, chief executive officer of CGFNS, “the CGFNS is cost-efficient for the Chinese. If they can’t pass the CGFNS here in China, their chances of passing the NCLEX-RN for the US are tiny. This saves time and money on visa applications and the long trip. ” In a word, to get a CGFNS certificate, a person must have: a credentials review, the CGFNS qualifying exam of nursing knowledge and an English language proficiency exam.

   We can infer from the text that to people hoping to work as registered nurses in the US, CGFNS tests can be taken _____.

A. nowhere but in the US                    B. somewhere outside the US

C. in every country but the US              D. both in China and the US

According to American labour law, people cannot work as nurses until they pass                    _____.

NCLEX-RN                            B. CGFNS

C. CGFNS and NCLEX-RN                   D. CGFNS or NCLEX-RN

We can learn from the text that _____.

A. if you get a CGFNS certificate, you can pass the NCLEX-RN in the US and get visa


B. if you pass the NCLEX-RN in the US, you can get a CGFNS certificate and get visa


C. if you can't pass the NCLEX-RN in the US, you will not be able to pass the CGFNS


D. if you get a CGFNS certificate, you will be more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN examination

The sentence "CGFNS holders have a higher rate of success on the NCLEX-RN examination" can be arranged at the beginning of Paragraph _____.

Two                 B. Four                 C. Five             D. Six

What is probably the best title of this passage?

The CGFNS helps international nurses       

B. The first CGFNS test in China

C. The CGFNS and the NCLEX-RN          

D. Working as registered nurses in the US


Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in no more than ten words:

Just Ask Grandma

We read and hear a lot about healthy eating in newspapers and on TV nowadays. Experts and nutritionists tell us what to eat, when to eat and how to eat to stay healthy, Some of the their advice seems reasonable. Some just sounds strange. Who can we rely on?

Well, ask yourself another question: How did people choose foods and stay healthy before there were nutrition experts? We relied on culture, which is another way of saying: on tradition and common sense.

All of us carry around rules of thumb about eating that have been passed down in our families or plucked(采集) from culture. Earlier this year, US writer Michael Pollen posted a request about these rules on The New York Times website. Within days, he received more than 2,500 responses. Not all of them have stood the test of time or been confirmed by science, but all of them have something to teach us, Pollen said.

Here are some of Pollen’s favorites:

My parents are both from Italy, and one of our family rules was that you could not leave the table until you had finished your fruit. It was a great way to put fruit into our diets and also helped satiate(满足)our sweet tooth, keeping us away from less healthful sweets. – Marta C. Larusso

From my Romanian grandmother: “Breakfast, you should eat alone. Lunch, you should share with a friend. Dinner, give to your enemy.” – Irina A. Dumitrescu

Don’t eat anything that took more energy to ship than to grow. – Carrie Cizauskas

“It’s better to pay the grocer(食品商) than the doctor” was the saying that my Italian grandmother would frequently use to remind us of the love and attention to detail that went in to her cooking – John Forti

If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you are not hungry. – Emma Fogt

“Make and take your own lunch to work.” My father has always done this, and so have I. It saves money and you know what you are eating. – Hope Donovan Rider

Never eat something that is pretending to be something else, e.g.: chocolate-flavor sauce that doesn’t contain chocolate. – Sonya Legg

1.Other than health experts, which other sources are there for us to turn to for advice on diet?

2.What does the underlined sentence imply?

3.According to Marta C. Larusso, we can both satiate our sweet tooth and keep away from less healthful sweets by_________________________________

4.What did John Forti’s grandmother mean when she said, “It’s better to pay the grocer than the doctor.”?



It’s 8:30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. As he eats, he reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on the sofa and thinks about an article he needs to write ... Wait a minute! Radio? Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John’s house, and he is a telecommuter —  he works at home, communicating with the workplace through the Internet.

    Like John, millions of people — and their employers — are finding that telecommuting is a great way to work. Telecommuters can follow their own timetables. They work in the comfort of homes, where they can also look after young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not traveling to work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture. Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often. This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society, too, by reducing pollution and traffic problems.

    Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer programming and accounting. If a job is related to working with information, a telecommuter can probably do it.

1.From the passage we can learn that John does his job            .

A. by telephone     B. through the Internet

C. in his office      D. away from home

2.One of the advantages of telecommuting is that you can         .

A. work for several employers            B. enjoy a lot of traveling

C. get along well with other workers       D. work on your own schedule

3.Telecommuters change jobs less often, so          .

A. their employers can save money

B. their employers will give them a higher pay

C. they can get more work experience

D. they will have a longer paid holiday

4.The underlined phrase “suited to” in the third paragraph probably means “        ”.

A. acceptable for       B. bad for

C. difficult for      D. fit for



Maybe you’re really busy. Maybe you don’t have much to say. Or maybe you’re just lazy. Not a problem. This free service works by letting you broadcast a group text message to your {fiends’ mobile phones from either your own phone, an instant message or an online form at twitter, com. All your notes are then stored and displayed on your personal profile page on the site, which includes links to your friends’ Twitter pages, a thumbnail picture of your choice, and a short bio. All this is what the new service Twitter can bring you. Just remember to keep it short: posts are limited to !40 characters, and the topic is, invariably, “What are you doing?”
More often than not, it turns out, Twitter’s 100,00 members--twice as many as it had just a month ago, according to Twitter business development director Biz Stone--are simply killing time. Even Presidential hopeful John Edwards is on it, although he seems to be the only one thinking about more than lunch. As I type this, Caroline is mulling over some Girl Scout cookies, Ian Hocking is “waiting for Jessica to arrive so we can eat!” and Hlantz is “having a nice cup of Soft Starmint tea.”
The chatter (闲话) about Twitter turned into a virtual roar two weeks ago during the South by Southwest Multimedia Festival in Austin, Texas, when the barebones service owned by Blogger founder Evan Williams, 34, was named the best blogging tool and attendees used it to meet up at parties. Nevertheless, Twitter has been the top term on blog search engine Technorati for the past two weeks.
Plenty of people would happily have Twitter silenced, rather than tolerate the beeping alert for yet another new text message. But I’m betting that Twitter will get a lot noisier before netizens move on to the next new thing. We cyberjunkies need a new thrill, and what is better than a service like Twitter that combines social networking, blogging and texting? And if you don’t like it, well, in the words of one Twit from San Francisco, “I’m so sick to death of Twitter-haters. If you don’t like it, why waste your time writing, reading, or talking about it?”
1. This text is intended to __________.
A. point out the virtues and faults of Twitter    B. tell people how to use Twitter to communicate
C. give a general outline of Twitter. Com       D. introduce a new and easy way of instant communication
2. According to the text, Twitter is designed mainly for the purpose of ___________.
A. promoting products and services             B. talking about small daily things
C. discussing serious social matters              D. attracting voters for presidential election
3. We know from the text that Twitter may be superior to Blogger in that ________.
A. it limits each user’s texting under 140 words                  B. it saves users’ time and thinking
C. it can be easily operated through users’ mobile phones
D. it is newly invented by Blogger owner Evan Williams
4. By quoting one Twit from San Francisco, the author implies that ___________.
A. like it or not, Twitter will be accepted by more and more people
B. if one doesn’t like Twitter, he/she can choose not to mention it
C. writing, reading and talking about Twitter is a waste of time
D. twitter users naturally have a strong dislike for non-Twitter users


As educators, we often never know the influence we have on our students. It is always wonderful to have ___35___ students visit us and share the successes they have achieved. And those glorious moments, when we can instantly see the influence we have on a student, fuel us to continue making connections hoping to ___36___ in the life of every child.

As a music teacher for twenty-seven years, I have always known that music ___37___ the soul. It can ___38___ all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the ___39___ for each child to find their light. I would like to share a story about it.

For a few years I was blessed with the opportunity to teach ___40___ students one afternoon a week. One of my most ___41___ students was a five-year-old girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We ___42___ sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to sit on my lap. One of her favorite songs was “John the Rabbit.” It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students ___43___ twice while singing the repeating phrase, “Oh, yes!” Vanessa liked to ___44___ her hands together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping together. But she ___45___ said or sang a word.

One day late in the school year, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around, looked me dead in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes!” I opened my mouth in ___46___ and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. When my heart ___47___ started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also ___48___. Through music, we had made an awesome connection.

Several years later, I passed Vanessa on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big ___49___ on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had ___50___ so many times in our music class. This precious little girl, ___51___ her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the ___52___ to learn and grow. It is up to us as educators to ___53___ the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each child’s ___54___.

【题文1】A. late            B. former           C. recent           D. present

【题文2】A. make it     B. make sense       C. make a mess      D. make a difference

1.A. touches        B. saves            C. abandons         D. feels

2.A. get across B. cut down         C. take over        D. break through

3.A. means      B. direction        C. process          D. companion

4.A. disabled       B. normal           C. outgoing         D. junior

5.A. awful      B. elegant          C. memorable        D. sensitive

6.A. partly     B. hardly           C. nearly           D. mostly

7.A. sang           B. whispered        C. yelled           D. clapped

8.A. strike     B. put              C. hit              D. shake

9.A. ever       B. never            C. still            D. even

10.A. horror        B. delight          C. astonishment     D. embarrassment

11.A. immediately   B. completely       C. slowly           D. finally

12.A. scared        B. breathless       C. speechless       D. clumsy

13.A. greeting      B. smile            C. expression       D. affection

14.A. performed B. operated         C. trained          D. recorded

15.A. upon          B. through          C. from             D. beyond

16.A. desire        B. talent           C. ability          D. urge

17.A. discover      B. change           C. test             D. make

18.A. strength      B. dream            C. light            D. dignity



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