摘要: 语篇理解要图全.不要受思维定势影响.对文意分析不透.忽视特定语境中知识的运用.



  Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock“Oh, no!” he thought to himself“Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time

  As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell in a large brown envelope by the doorHe was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside: 

  “Bigwoods Football Pools would like to congratulate youYou have won half a million pounds

  Frank suddenly came to lifeThe cigarette fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street

  At 11:30 Frank arrived at work“Please explain why you’re so late,” his boss said“Go and jump in the lake”replied Frank“I’ve just come into a little money so this is good-byeFind yourself someone else to shout at

  That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar when a knock was heard on the doorHe rushed to the doorOutside were two men, neatly dressed in grey suits“MrSmithson,” one of them said, “we’re from Big-woods PoolsI’m afraid there’s been a terrible mistake

1What do we know about Frank?

[  ]

AHe was a lazy man

BHe was a lucky person

CHe didn’t make a lot of money

DHe didn’t get on well with his boss

2When he heard the knock at the door, Frank probably thought ______

[    ]

Asomeone had come to make an apology

Bsomeone had come to give him the money

Chis friends had come to ask about the football pools

Dhis friends had come to congratulate him on his luck

3On hearing “there’s been a terrible mistake” Frank was most likely to be ______

[    ]

Adisappointed    Bworried

Cnervous      Dcurious



  On October 15, 1815, Napoleon disembarked in Saint Helena with those followers who voluntarily accompanying him into exile

  Napoleon settled down to a life of routineHe got up late, breakfasting about 10 am , but seldom went outHe was free to go anywhere on the island so long as he was accompanied by an English officer, but he soon refused to comply(遵守) with this condition and so shut himself up in the grounds of LongedHe wrote and talked muchFrom 7 to 8 pmNapoleon had dinner, after which part of the evening was spent in reading aloudNapoleon liked to hear the classicsThen they played cardsAbout midnight Napoleon went to bedSome of his time was devoted to learning English and he eventually began reading English newspapers; but he also had a large number of French books sent from Europe, which he read attentively

  Napoleon showed the first signs of illness at the end of 1817; he seemed to have had an ulcer(溃疡) or a cancer of the stomachFrom the beginning of 18/21, the illness became rapidly worseFrom March, Napoleon was confined to bedHe died at 5:19 pmon May 5, not yet 52 years old

(1) Napoleon lived in exile (流放) ______

[  ]


Bwith his wife

Cwith his son

Dwith some of his supporters

(2) He became used to _____

[  ]

Aa noisy life

Ba quiet life

Ca fixed and regular way of life

Da happy life

(3) After supper Napoleon used to spend some time, ______

[  ]

Alistening to the radio

Bseeing films

Ctalking aloud

Dreading aloud

(4) He also liked learning English and was able to read English newspapers ______

[  ]





(5)He had been ______ until the end of 1817

[  ]

Ain poor health

Bin good health





   Picasso, the famous Spanish painter, was born in 1881His father was an art teacherPicasso began to paint very earlyHe was admitted to the Royal Academy of Art at the age of 15After 1900, he spent much time in Paris, living there from 1904 to 1947, when he moved to the south of France

  Throughout his career, Picasso moved from style to style with easeHe practiced sculpture, illustrated books and also showed great interest in pottery design and other fields of art

  Picasso produced a great number of drawings during his life timeNo later artist of the School of Paris has replaced him in international influence

  Picasso is generally considered to be the foremost figure in 20th century French artHis paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American galleries

1The main idea of the passage is ______

[  ]

APicasso is considered to be the foremost figure in the 20th century French art

BPicasso is a famous Spanish painter

CPicasso spent much time in Paris, living there from 1904 to 1907

DPicasso's life and art

2According to the writer, Picasso was ______

[  ]

Amore important than any other French artist in international influence

Bmore important than any other Spanish artist in international influence

Cthe most important figure in Spain

Dthe most important figure in France

3How long did he stay in Spain and France?

[  ]

AOver 19 years in Spain and the rest life in France

B15 years in Spain and 43 years in Paris

C15 years in Spain and the rest life in Paris

DHe did not stay so long in Paris than in Spain

4Picasso moved from style to style with easeIt means ______

[  ]

Ahe did not like only one style

Bhe changed his style without difficulty

Che not only liked sculpture, but also pottery design

Dhe showed great interest in other fields of art

5His paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American galleries, ______

[  ]

Abecause he was a Spanish artist

Bbecause he was a French artist

Cbecause he produced a great many wonderful drawings in different styles

Dbecause he was famous in French art



    A four-year study made by the Infant(婴儿) Testing Center in San Francisco, suggests that babies feel more comfortable around other babies than with strange adults. While a baby might show fear of an adult stranger, he is likely to smile and reach out for an unfamiliar(不熟悉的) infant. By the time babies are one year old, they have begun to form friendships of a sort.

   The above findings might prove interesting to working parents who must find day care for their babies. Family care in a private home, with several babies together, is probably the good way to care for babies under three. Dr Benjamin Spock, well-known doctor and author of books about babies, supports the idea. He says the family day care is sounder in theory than hiring a housekeeper or a babysitter (照看婴孩者).

1. The study made by the Infant Testing Center shows that babies ______ .

A. feel less at ease with adult strangers

B. are likely to smile at those familiar to them

C. are usually afraid of infant strangers

D. feel relaxed among familiar infants

2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. A baby has a natural fear of a strange adult.

B. A baby often holds out its hand when it sees another baby.

C. A one-year-old baby never knows how to make friends with other babies.

D. Babies aged 1 get along well with one another when they are together.

3. Dr Benjamin Spock agrees that ______ .

A. it is better to leave one’s s baby in the care of others

B. a baby grows well with less than three babies together

C. a baby under three should be raised in a private home with other babes

D. finding day care is a way for working mothers to bring up babies

4. Which of the following is good for the growth of a baby?

A. Family atmosphere. B. Companionship.

C. The love of a babysitter. D. Both A and B.

5.The proper title for the passage is ______ .

A. A Theory of Baby Raising

B. Day Care for Babies

C. A Test on Infants

D. Changes of a Baby’s Mind




  Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to learn their own language and other language, arithmetic, geography, history, science and all the other subjects. That’s quite true, but why do they learn these things? And are these things all that they learn at school?

  We send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they become big and have to work for society. They learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know, and understand what others tell them. They learn foreign languages in order to be able to benefit from what people in other countries have written and said, and in order to make people from other countries understand what they themselves mean. They learn arithmetic in order to be able to measure and count things in their daily life, geography in order to know something about the world around them, and history to know something about the human beings they meet every day. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the only reason why they go to school?

  No. There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn, so that when we have left school, we can continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful, because whenever he has to do something new which he has never had to do before, he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore, is not just to teach languages, arithmetic, geography, etc, but to teach pupils the way to learn.

1. In the first paragraph the writer ________.

[  ]

A. says children go to school to learn their own language and other subjects

B. tells us that he wonders why children go to school

C. says that he does not understand why children learn the named subjects and other subjects at school

D. expresses his own views by asking us questions

2. In the second paragraph ________.

[  ]

A. the purposes of some subjects are pointed out

B. the importance of foreign languages is explained

C. the reason why children go to school is fully discussed

D. both A and B

3. According to the writer, the most important aim of going to school is ________.

[  ]

A. to learn facts

B. to learn how to learn

C. to learn to do something new

D. to continue to learn

4. The purpose of a school is ________.

[  ]

A. to teach pupils something new

B. to teach pupils how to learn

C. to teach all the important subjects

D. both B and C

5. The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A. The Importance of School

B. School and Education

C. Education

D. The Purpose of Schools


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