摘要: Howard Carter was taught to draw by his father, who was an .


Usually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of current answers. That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.
Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?
People’s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person. A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.
Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.
The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook(小溪);someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.
Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter — a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter  —a person who made pots and pans.
The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.
Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.
Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the McDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.
1. Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?
A. Places where people lived.      B. People’s characters.
C. Talents that people possessed.   D. People’s occupations.
2. According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably _______.
A. owned or drove a cart          B. made things with metals
C. made kitchen tools or contains   D. built houses and furniture
3. Suppose and English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named _______.
A. Beatrice Smith          B. Leonard Carter
C. George Longstreet       D. Donald Greenwood
4. The underlined word “descendants” in the last paragraph means a person’s _____
A. later generations          B. friends and relatives
C. colleagues and partners     D. later sponsors


Once a wise man was traveling with some of his disciples(门徒). They  36  to pass a lake and they stopped there for a  37  . The man told one of his disciples,“ I’m

 38  . Do get me some water from that lake.”

Just as the disciple reached it, a cart started  39  the lake. As a result, the water became very  40  and muddy. The disciple thought, “ 41  can I give this water to my teacher to drink!” So he came back and said, “The water is very muddy. I don’t think it is  42  to drink.”

After half an hour, the wise man asked the  43  disciple to get him some water. The disciple obediently(顺从地) went back and found the lake was  44  muddy. He returned and  45  the wise man that the water was unfit to drink.

After another hour, the man again asked the disciple to get him a  46 . The disciple reached the lake to find it calm and still. The mud had  47  and the water was clean and clear. So he  48  some water and brought it to the wise man.

The wise man looked at the water, saying, “See what you  49  to make the water clean. You let it be — The  50  settled down on its own and you got the clear water. Our  51  is also like that! When it is disturbed, just let it be, Give it a little  52 . It will settle down on its own.”

So remember, the next time a(n)  53  has you all frazzled (精疲力竭的), just let it be; don’t  54  immediately. Let the Mud settle and come back to the situation 55 .

A. demanded                     B. wanted              C. struggled               D. happened

A. discussion                     B. sleep                 C. rest                          D. preparation

A. thirsty                          B. sick                  C. tired                     D. worried

A. covering                       B. crossing            C. cleaning                   D. filling

A. salty                          B. fresh                 C. heavy                    D. dirty

A. Where                          B. How                 C. When                       D. Why

A. fit                                B. convenient         C. dangerous              D. cheap

A. clever                           B. different            C. same                        D. strong

A. indeed                          B. even                 C. also                         D. still

A. warned                         B. informed           C. showed                    D. promised

A. drink                            B. chance                     C. pot                          D. hand

A. taken off                   B. settled down      C. broken down            D. gone off

A. stored                           B. found                C. collected               D. left

A. heard                           B. discovered         C. noticed                     D. did

A. leaf                              B. water                C. mud                         D. dust

A. mind                            B. sight                 C. sense                     D. diet

A. room                            B. time                  C. money                         D. care

A. accident                        B. danger                     C. situation                D. disaster

A. act                               B. admit                C. fail                          D. advance

A. now                             B. first                  C. recently                    D. later


There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do .

In the ancient world , as is today ,most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another .In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls are being prepared, even in play , to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world .

What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same . The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship ,mechanics, and technology . It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing .In Egypt ,America ,China ,Japan and among the Arctic (北极的)people, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and way of life because toys imitate their surrounding. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.

Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use .The progress from the wheel to the cart to the automobile is a direct line of ways up. The progress from a rattle (拔浪鼓) used by a baby in 3000BCto one used by an infant today , however , is not characterized by inventiveness. Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.

1.The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with is that       .

    A. their social roles are rigidly determined

B. they like challenging activities

C. most boys would like to follow their fathers’ professions

D. boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers.

2.One aspect of “the universality of toys ”lies in the fact that          .

A. the basic characteristics of toys are the same all over the world

B. technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys

C. the exploration of the universe has led to the creation of new kinds of toys

D. the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universities

3.Which of the following is the author’s view on the historical development of toys?

A. Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.

B. The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.

C. The craftsmanship in toy-making has remained essentially unchanged.

D. Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.

4.Regarded as a kind of art form, toys           .

A. reflect the pace of social progress

B. are not characterized by technological progress

C. follow a direct line of ascent

D. also appeal greatly to adults






A priest(牧师) had a cat that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The priest persuaded, offered warm milk, et  The kitty would not come down. The tree was not strong enough to climb, so the priest decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitty. He did so, checking his progress in the car frequently, then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent enough for him to reach the kitty. But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke.

The tree went “boing!” and the kitty at once sailed through the air —out of sight. The priest felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they’d seen his kitty. Nobody had seen a lost kitty.

So, he prayed, “God, I just give this kitty to your keeping,” and went on about his business.

Several days later he was at the grocery store, meeting one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. Now this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, “Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?”

She replied, “You won’t believe this,” and told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, “Well, if God gives you a cat, you can keep it.” She told the priest, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. You won’t believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A cat suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws spread out, and landed right in front of her.” 

The priest drove his car to bend the tree in order to ________. 

A. get his kitty down from the tree

B. persuade his kitty to come down

  offer the kitty some warm milk

D. see if the rope was strong enough

The underlined sentence probably means that the priest _______.

A. was happy he didn’t have to care for the kitty

B. hoped his neighbors would look after his cat

  thought his kitty might be lost or killed

D. didn’t want to see his kitty any more

Why was the priest amazed when he saw the woman had bought much cat food?

A. Because he couldn’t imagine she had her own cat.

B. Because the woman was his church member.

  Because he thought she would live on cat food.

D. Because he knew clearly she didn’t like a cat.

Which may be the best title of this passage?

A. A flying cat                            B. A lucky girl

  God sent her a cat                    D. An unlucky priest   


The teacher was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry. The miller lent him the small cart and horse to carry his goods to Christminster, the city of his destination. Such a vehicle proved of quite enough size of the teacher’s belongings, for his only article, in addition to the packing-case of books, was a piano that he had bought when he thought of learning instrumental music. But the eagerness having faded, he had never acquired the skill of playing, and the purchased article had been a permanent trouble to him.
The headmaster had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes. He didn’t mean to return till the evening, when the new teacher would have arrived, and everything would be smooth again.
The blacksmith, the carpenter and the teacher were standing in confused attitudes in the sitting room before the instrument. The teacher had remarked that even if he got it into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster, since he was only going into a temporary place just at first.
A little boy of eleven, who had been assisting in the packing, joined the group of men, and said, “Aunt has got a fuel-house, and it could be put there, perhaps, till you’ve found a place to settle in, sir.”
“Good idea,” said the blacksmith. The smith and the carpenter started to see about possibility of the suggested shelter, and the boy and the teacher were left standing alone.
“Sorry I am going, Jude?” asked the latter kindly.
Tears rose into the boy’s eyes. He admitted that he was sorry.
“So am I,” said the teacher. He continued, “Well---don’t speak of this everywhere. You know what a university is, and a university degree? It is the necessary hallmark(标志) of a man who want to do anything in teaching. My plan, or dream, is to be a university graduate. By going to Christminster, I shall be at headquarters(总部), so to speak, and if my plan is practical at all, I consider that being on the spot will afford me a better chance.”
The smith and his companion returned. Old Miss Fawly’s fuel-house was big enough, and she seemed willing to give the instrument standing-room there. So it was left in the school till the evening, when more hands would be available for removing it; and the teacher gave a final glance round.
【小题1】The teacher purchased the instrument to ___________________.

A.teach his students instrumental music
B.better equip the village school
C.learn to play it himself
D.let students appreciate elegant art of music
【小题2】 It seemed that the teacher __________________.
A.was not getting on well with the headmaster
B.had lived a rather simple life in the village
C.was likely to continue to practise playing the piano
D.was tired of teaching
【小题3】 Why did the teacher leave for Christminster?
A.Because he was admitted to a university there.
B.Because he was offered a temporary job with better pay there.
C.Because he preferred the life in a big city to that in a village.
D.Because he thought he had better chance to attend university there.
【小题4】Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
A.The teacher was torn between the eagerness to go to the city and his love for the village.
B.The teacher was going into a temporary place in Christminster at first.
C.The teacher moved his piano into the fuel-house with the help of some other people.
D.The teacher had so much belongings that he had to borrow a cart.
【小题5】The motivation of the teacher’s moving lay in his ___________.


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