摘要: I saw many seated in the corner reading something. A. Japanese B. Japaneses C. of Japanese D. of Japaneses


I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us   36  chasing the same thing.

One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell   37 . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $ 56. I   38  the countryside for some place I could rent for the   39  possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road   40  the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was   41 , full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and   42  a corner to camp in.

The locals knew nothing about me,   43  slowly, they started teaching me the   44  of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began   45  around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a   46  American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of   47 .

What I had believed in, all those things I thought were   48  for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place.   49  on the mountain, my most valuable possessions were my   50  with my neighbors.

Four years later, I moved back into   51 . I saw many people were having a really hard time,   52  their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to   53  a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house, but over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places. We’d all be in   54  if we hadn’t banded together.

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about   55  we can all get by together.

1.                A.separately      B.equally         C.violently  D.naturally


2.                A.off            B.apart           C.over D.out


3.                A.crossed        B.left            C.toured   D.searched


4.                A.fullest          B.largest          C.fairest    D.cheapest


5.                A.at             B.through         C.over D.round


6.                A.occupied       B.abandoned      C.emptied  D.robbed


7.                A.turned         B.approached     C.cleared   D.cut


8.                A.but            B.although        C.otherwise D.for


9.                A.benefit         B.lesson          C.nature   D.art


10.               A.sticking         B.looking         C.swinging   D.turning


11.               A.wild           B.real           C.different  D.remote


12.               A.neighborliness   B.happiness       C.friendliness D.kindness


13.               A.unique         B.expensive       C.rare  D.necessary


14.               A.Up            B.Down          C.Deep D.Along


15.               A.cooperation     B.relationships     C.satisfaction D.appointments


16.               A.reality         B.society         C.town D.life


17.               A.creating        B.losing          C.quitting   D.offering


18.               A.put in          B.turn in         C.take in    D.get in


19.               A.yards          B.shelters        C.camps D.cottages


20.               A.when          B.what           C.whether   D.how




I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us      chasing the same thing.

One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell    . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56. I     the countryside for some place I could rent for the     possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road    the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was       , full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner ,rented it, and      a corner to camp in.

The locals knew nothing about me,      slowly, they started teaching me the      of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began     to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a       American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of        .

What I had believed in, all those things I thought were        for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place.          on the mountain, my most valuable possessions were my        with my neighbors.

Four years later, I moved back into       . I saw many people were having a really hard time,         their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to        a handful of people .There are four of us now in the house, but over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places. We’d all be in         if we hadn’t banded together.(团结起来)

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about       we can all get by together.

1.A. equally       B. separately              C. violently                      D. naturally

2.A. off                  B.  over                     C. apart                       D. out

3.A. searched                B. left                                 C. toured                D. crossed

4.A. cheapest       B. largest                     C. fairest                  D. fullest

5.A. at                    B. through               C. over                       D. round

6.A. occupied             B. abandoned            C. emptied                      D. robbed

7.A. turned          B. approached                   C. cut                       D. cleared

8.A. but                 B. although                       C. otherwise                    D. for

9.A. benefit              B. lesson                  C. nature                D. art

10.A. looking         B. staying                        C. swinging                      D. turning

11.A. wild            B. real                   C. different                     D. remote

12.A. neighborliness B. happiness                    C. friendliness       D. kindness

13.A. unique        B. expensive                    C. rare                  D. necessary

14.A. Down        B. Up                   C. Deep                   D. Along

15.A. cooperation          B. relationships                  C. satisfaction            D. appointments

16.A. reality         B. society                        C. town                  D. life

17.A. creating                B. losing                 C. quitting                        D. offering

18.A. put in          B. turn in                        C. take in                        D. get in

19.A. yards          B. shelters                      C. camps                         D. cottages

20.A. when          B. what                 C. whether                      D. how





My father and I were standing at the top of a church tower. He 36 me to this place in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I 37 why he did so.

“Look down, Elsa,” Father said to me. I looked down and 38 the square in the centre of the village and I saw many turning streets 39 to the square.

“ See, my dear. There is more than one 40 to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place 41 you want to go by one road, 42 another,” he said to me.

Now I 43 why I was there. My father wanted to tell me how to 44 and deal with the difficulties.

In the years that 45 I often remembered the lesson Fathere taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in 46 . I wanted to be a fashion 47 . And on the way to my first small success I found the road 48 . What could I do ? Accept the failure? Or use my imagination and wisdom to find another road to my 49 ?

I had come to Paris, the 50 of the world of fashion , with some clothes I 51 . But none of the famous fashion designers seemed 52 in them. Then one day I met a friend who was wearig a very beautiful sweater. It had a lovely and 53 stitch (针法).

“Did you knit that sweater ?” I asked her.

“No,”she answered. “ It was done by a woman here in Paris.”

“ What an interesting stitch !” I continued.

My friend had an 54 . “The woman’s name is Mrs Vidian    she learned the stitch in Armenia, her motherland.”

Suddenly a good idea 55 me. why not open my own house of fashion? Why not design, make and sell clothes? I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater.

A . carried

B. got

C. took

D. brought

A. doubted

B. guessed

C. wondered

D. knew

A. saw

B. realized

C. noticed

D. observed

A. going

B. leading

C. turning

D. directing

A. path

B. method

C. road

D. way

A. why

B. which

C. where

D. when

A. attempt

B. experiment

C. manage

D. try

A. imagined

B. supposed

C. witnessed

D. understood

A. face

B. handle

C. settle

D. solve

A. approached

B. caught

C. followed

D. wasted

A. life

B. class

C. work

D. heart

A. seller

B. worker

C. teacher

D. designer

A. blocked

B. approved

C. passed

D. smoothed

A. comfort

B. intelligence

C. failure

D. success

A. country

B. attraction

C. centre

D. capital

A. designed

B. performed

C. recommended

D. chose

A. buried

B. occupied

C. absorbed

D. interested

A. unusual

B. perfect

C. ordinary

D. rough

A. reason

B. explanation

C. description

D. cause

A. thought

B. entered

C. came

D. struck


Twenty years ago, Americans were a rare sight in China. But decades later, things have changed greatly. Americans are found in every Chinese province and region and in all walks of life. Much of this change is due to the increasing exchange and improving relationship between the two countries, but what attracts many here is China’s rapid development and the huge opportunities that have arisen with that development.

Erik Nilsson has been working for the English newspaper China Daily as a reporter for five years since his graduation from Central Michigan University. Although his original plan was to become a conflict zone reporter in Latin America, he decided to stay at China Daily

Robert Brownell, a former IT engineer with Microsoft in Seattle, is now teaching in China and appreciates the different atmosphere in the school. His actions are a lot less restricted here than they would be in the U.S. “For good students, I can give them candy,” he explains. “But in American schools, if you give food to students, they have to be sealed(密封)and tested. In China I can pat them on the back and raise my voice. But in America, everything is regulated so much, you just can’t do anything.”

Kodi Keith Avila, the 30-year- old Hawaiian is running a business English school, New York Minutes, in Beijing. Avila first came to China in 2007 on a scholarship program as a student of University of Hawaii. It was encouragement from his professor that finally convinced him to go to China. “He thought China would overtake other countries in trade, consumption and technology,” Avila said.“I saw many good opportunities for personal careers or business development in China. So many limousines Audi, Mercedes-Benz, so many businessmen and skyscrapers. One can get a business license in China as long as one has a good business plan”he told China Today.

“I came to China because I am interested in Chinese medicine. Learning Chinese language will help me learn Chinese medicine,” Caponigro told China Today. She is not alone among Americans in becoming more and more fascinated with Chinese culture.

1.After graduation, Erik Nilsson first planned to __________.

A.work as an English newspaper editor         B.work for China Daily

C.become a conflict zone reporter in America   D.cover his reports in Latin America

2.From Robert Brownell’s story, we know that ________.

A.He couldn’t find a job and had to come to China

B.School teachers share more freedom in China than in the U.S.

C.American teachers are not allowed to give food to their students

D.American classes are more fun and lively

3.Kodi Keith Avila stays in China running his business because ______.

A.he is on a scholarship program as a student of University of Hawaii

B.he was encouraged and seized the business opportunity

C.he has provided the start-up capital

D.his professor convinced him to run a school

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.The Fascinating Chinese Culture

B.China--- A Jobseekers’ Wonderful Place

C.Starting Business in China

D.Americans Following Their Dreams to China



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