摘要: Maths still very difficult for me, though I have done my best. A. looks B. seems C. is D. are


Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a  21  part of the learning process. But all too often  22  parents and teachers we disallow this same right to our children.
When I see a child  23   from this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.
Donnie was my youngest third-grader. His  24   of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He  25  answered questions--- he was afraid he might be wrong. I tried my best to build his  26   . But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned to our classroom. She was young and pretty, and she loved children. My pupils, Donnie included, all  27  her very much.
One morning, we were working on maths problems at the chalk-board. Donnie had  28   the problems with pains-taking tidiness. Pleased with his progress, I  29  the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials. When I returned, Donnie was in  30  . He’d missed the third problem.
My student teacher looked at me in despair. Suddenly her face  31   . From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.
“Look, Donnie,” she said, kneeling beside him and gently  32   the tear-stained(弄脏的) face from his arms. “ I’ve got something to  33  you.” She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.
“See these   34   , Donnie,” she continued. “ They belong to Mrs. Lindstorm and me. See how the erasers are   35   . That’s because we make mistakes too. But, we erase the mistakes and try again. That’s what you  36  learn to do, too.
She kissed him and stood up. “Here,” she said, “I’ll leave one of these pencils on  37   desk so you’ll remember that everyone makes mistakes,  38  teachers.” Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.
The   39   became Donnie’s prized possession. That, together with Mary Anne’s frequent encouragement, gradually  40  him that it’s all right to make mistakes--- as long as you erase them and try again.
21.A.small                B.basic                      C.necessary               D.large
22.A.for                    B.as                          C.to                          D.with
23.A.come                B.take                       C.fall                        D.suffer
24.A.fear                  B.lesson                    C.chance                   D.sense
25.A.always              B.Often                    C.once                      D.seldom
26.A.self-protection   B.self-improvement    C.self-confidence       D.self-learning
27.A.respected           B.disliked                  C.avoided                  D.minded
28.A.written down     B.worked out             C.gone over               D.gave in
29.A.left                   B.offered                  C.missed                   D.parted
30.A.surprise             B.astonishment          C.anger                     D.tears
31.A.darkened           B.brightened              C.pulled                    D.loosened
32.A.pushing            B.picking                  C.holding                  D.lifting
33.A.help                  B.show                     C.reward                   D.promise
34.A.pencils              B.mistakes                 C.marks                    D.containers
35.A.used                  B.built                      C.worn                     D.damaged
36.A.may                  B.Must                     C.dare                       D.can
37.A.my                   B.someone’s              C.the teacher’s           D.your
38.A.still                   B.also                       C.even                      D.not
39.A.pencil               B.words                    C.mistake                  D.desk
40.A.warned              B.informed                C.persuaded               D.reminded




In the United States more than 80 colleges now accept just only women. Most of them were founded in the 19th century. They were set up to  36  women the education they could not get anywhere else. At that time  37  of the universities and colleges  38  only men. In the past 20 years many young women have  39   to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a  40 ,some women's colleges decided to accept men students, too. Others still refused to change. Now the women's colleges are  41  again.

The president of Trinity College in Washington D.C said by the end of the 1980s women had come to  42  that studying at the same colleges with men and women did not mean  43   had the same chance to  44   .The president of Smith College in Massachusette said “ A women’s college  45  women to choose classes and activities  46 . For example, if a woman student wants to learn maths, she will be given the chance . So the percentage of students who like to study maths in a women’s college is  47  than that in a college with men and women.”?

Experts say men students in the United States  48  have enough courage to speak in class. 49 ,women students can’t. In a women’s college, women feel free to say  50  they want to. According to a report, women colleges also  51  leadership ability in many fields. At a women college, every  52  office is held by women. Recent studies  53   that this leadership continues after  54  . The studies also prove that it is easier for the American women who went to women’s college to  55  successful jobs later in life. Maybe that is why this kind of college is liked by people now.

36.A. make    B. elect       C. offer          D. call ?

37.A. some    B. most       C. few           D. none ?

38.A. liked    B. accepted    C. attracted       D. helped ?

39.A. chosen   B. failed      C. regretted       D. hated ?

40.A. goal     B. model      C. result         D. level ?

41.A. separate   B. troublesome   C. special     D. popular ?

42.A. forget     B. realize     C. expect        D. remember ?

43.A. students   B. presidents   C. men         D. women ?

44.A. work     B. visit       C. choose        D. survive ?

45.A. permits   B. forbits     C. forces          D. reminds ?

46.A. obviously   B. freely    C. exactly          D. immediately ?

47.A. smaller    B. more      C. higher          D. lower ?

48.A. usually    B. never      C. sometimes      D. seldom ?

49.A. Finally     B. Therefore   C. However       D. Besides ?

50.A. how         B. what     C. when          D. where ?

51.A. bring down   B. bring over   C. bring round   D. bring about ?

52.A. governing   B. cleaning   C. serving         D. booking ?

53.A. mean       B. show      C. warn          D. conclude ?

54.A. school      B. work      C. graduation      D. death ?

55.A. hold       B. gather      C. lose           D. require



In the kitchen of my mother’s houses there has always been a wooden stand (木架) with a small notepad (记事本) and a hole for a pencil.

I’m looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses later, the current paper and pencil look the same as they always did. Surely it can’t be the same pencil? The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand is definitely  the original one.

 “I’m just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these years.” I say to her, walking back into the living-room with a sheet of paper and the pencil. “You still use a pencil. Can’t you afford a pen?”

My mother replies a little sharply. “It works perfectly  well. I’ve  always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen in those days.”

Immediately I can picture her, hair wild, blue housecoat covered in flour, a wooden spoon in one hand, the pencil in the other, her mouth moving silently. My mother smiles and says, “One day I was cooking and watching baby Pauline, and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. One of the children must have taken the paper. So I just picked up the breadboard and wrote it all down on the back. It turned out to be a real breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem I was working on.”

This story—which happened before I was born—reminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is, as a gifted mathematician. I feel embarrassed that I complain about not having enough child-free time to work. Later, when my mother is in the bathroom, I go into her kitchen and turn over the breadboards. Sure enough, on the back of the smallest one, are some penciled marks I recognize as mathematics. Those symbols have travelled unaffected through fifty years, rooted in the soil of a cheap wooden breadboard, invisible (看不到的) exhibits at every meal.

1.Why has the author’s mother always kept the notepad and pencil in the kitchen?

A.To leave messages.

B.To list her everyday tasks.

C.To note down maths problems.

D.To write down a flash of inspiration.

2.What is the author’s original opinion about the wooden stand?

A.It has great value for the family.

B.It needs to be replaced by a better one.

C.It brings her back to her lonely childhood.

D.It should be passed on to the next generation.

3.The author feels embarrassed for             .

A.blaming her mother wrongly

B.giving her mother a lot of trouble

C.not making good use of time as her mother did

D.not making any breakthrough in her field

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.The mother is successful in her career.

B.The family members like travelling.

C.The author had little time to play when young.

D.The marks on the breadboard have disappeared.

5.In the author’s mind, her mother is             .

A.strange in behaviour

B.keen on her research

C.fond of collecting old things

D.careless about her appearance



India was once part of the British Empire, but thanks to modern technology and a booming economy, it has turned the tables on its former colonial master. Indian tutors are helping to teach math to British children over high-speed Internet connections. Early results suggest the idea is improving exam results. But not everyone is happy at this “outsourcing” of tutoring.

It’s 3:30, and pupils at Raynham Primary School in London are gathering for their after-school maths lessons.

Five time zones— thousands of kilometers away—their math tutors are also arriving for class. High-speed Internet has made it possible for Indian tutors to teach British pupils in real time. Each pupil gets a dedicated one-to-one online tutor. The students work with activities on their computer screen and wear a headset and microphone to talk to their tutor.

The class teacher, Altus Basson, says he has seen an improvement in results. “There are some children who’ve really rocketed in their results. Children who struggleto focus in class focus a lot better on the laptops. The real advantage is that each child gets a focused activity and a single tutor,” he said.

Such individualized teaching is the core idea of Brightspark Education, the company that provides the online tutoring, says founder Tom Hooper. “Children today feel very confident online; they feel very engaged; they feel very in control. And that's half the battle with education.Give them control, make them feel confident and enjoy their learning and you'll see them start to improve and embrace it," he said.

Raynham Primary School is among the first in Europe to try online tutoring. At between $20 and $25 an hour, it's about half the cost of face-to-face coaching. But some people say an Internet connection is not enough of a connection for teaching and learning. Kevin Courtney is deputy General Secretary of Britain's National Union of Teachers. "We think, there's a really important emotional connection between a teacher and a child whether it's a whole class or whether it's one-to-one. You need that immediacy of feedback and we're not convinced that that can happen across an Internet connection. In one of the wealthiest.countries in the world, we think that we can afford to have teachers with genuine emotional connection there with the children," he said.

Brightspark Education says the online tutoring is used only as an addition to supplement regular teaching. The company says its service does not represent a threat to teachers' jobs in Britain.

Parents say they're very satisfied with the results they've seen. And what about the children?Children: "I love it!"I love it!"I hate maths!" So math--or, as the British call it, maths—is still not everyone's favorite subject even with the latest technology to teach it.

1.What do we know about the online tutoring?

A.Indian tutors are helping to teach math in Britain.

B.Tutors and students are in different places.

C.An online tutor helps several students at the same time.

D.Tutors and students communicate by telephone.

2.What can we learn about Brightspark Education? 

A.It shows a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain.

B.It can take place of the regular teaching.

C.It only pays attention to math teaching.

D.It emphasizes the individualized teaching.

3.According to Kevin Courtne, _________.      .

A.online tutoring will represent a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain

B.online tutoring has a great influence on British.

C.the emotional connection between a teacher and a child is important

D.immediacy of feedback can happen across an Internet connection

4.What’s the best title for this passage ?

A.A New Teaching Pattern

B.Indian Teachers and British Students

C.To Learn Maths with the Latest Technology

D.Indian Tutors Teach British Kids Online



第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)
In the United States more than 80 colleges now accept just only women. Most of them were founded in the 19th century. They were set up to   36   women the education they could not get anywhere else. At that time    37   of the universities and colleges    38   only men. In the past 20 years many young women have    39    to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a    40  ,some women's colleges decided to accept men students, too. Others still refused to change. Now the women's colleges are    41    again.
The president of Trinity College in Washington      D. C said by the end of the 1980s women had come to   42   that studying at the same colleges with men and women did not mean    43    had the same chance to    44   . The president of Smith College in Massachusette said “A women’s college    45    women to choose classes and activities    46   . For example, if a woman student wants to learn maths, she will be given the chance. So the percentage of students who like to study maths in a women’s college is    47   than that in a college with men and women. ”
Experts say men students in the United States    48    have enough courage to speak in class.    49    , women students can't. In a women’s college, women feel free to say    50    they want to. According to a report, women colleges also   51   leadership ability in many fields. At a women college, every   52   office is held by women. Recent studies    53    that this leadership continues after    54   . The studies also prove that it is easier for the American women who went to women’s college to    55    successful jobs later in life. Maybe that is why this kind of college is liked by people now.
36. A. make         B. elect           C. offer           D. call
37. A. some         B. most           C. few             D. none
38. A. liked          B. accepted         C. attracted       D. helped
39. A. chosen      B. failed          C. regretted       D. hated
40. A. goal           B. model            C. result         D. level
41. A. separate        B. troublesome        C. special    D. popular
42. A. forget       B. realize     C. expect    D. remember
43. A. students         B. presidents      C. men           D. women
44. A. work          B. visit             C. choose            D. survive
45. A. permits B. forbits     C. forces    D. reminds
46. A. obviously        B. freely          C. exactly            D. immediately
47. A. smaller  B. more           C. higher    D. lower
48. A. usually   B. never          C. sometimes   D. seldom
49. A. Finally       B. Therefore       C. However        D. Besides
50. A. how           B. what           C. when         D. where
51. A. bring down    B. bring over       C. bring round  D. bring about
52. A. governing       B. cleaning          C. serving           D. booking
53. A. mean        B. show           C. warn          D. conclude
54. A. school       B. work              C. graduation   D. death
55. A. hold           B. gather     C. lose            D. require


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